Urban Romance

Chapter 312: Cannon on Earth

[The text of Chapter 1]

313 Chapter 312 Human Cannon

Su Ke was squatting next to the bed, leaning forward, his body suddenly changed, and quickly stepped back. His right hand naturally greeted him and grabbed Yang Peier's ankle.

"Su Ke!" Yang Peier gave him a stern glance, followed by a muttering in his mouth: "I'm an Interpol!" After speaking, he tilted his head and slept again.

Su Ke, with red ears and red face, grasped the ankles of others, and stared at Yang Peier carefully, only to find that the girl continued to sleep again, and then she was relieved.

But my heart also made ambiguity, is it right to do this yourself? Just now I was thinking about helping Yang Peier to clean up the stains on her clothes, but the girl was kicked off by the current situation. They are big girls!

So hesitant, Su Ke was even more frightened, and even had the urge to scramble.

Suddenly, a task reminder sounded in my head. I immediately went in and saw it. The electronic screen showed:

"Task: Get Yang Peier's Virginity; Reward: Proficiency in College English"

"I'm going! What's going on?" Su Ke stunned, straightly drumming, the display on the electronic screen was clear, wasn't this instigating himself to commit a crime? Taking advantage of nothing? Doesn't this mean that he is the same as Li Zongrui of Taiwan?

Look at Yang Peier again. At this moment, the girl is lying on her side, the bright purple satin gown on her upper body has all been untied, her skin is white as snow, and her two peaks are standing up. As her postures squeeze together, a deep groove is obvious. And that violet corset was still holding the pipa half-covered and eye-catching.

The long hair was scattered, blocking the cheeks on the side. The heroic girl in the past has now softened into a muddy mud, slowly released her hand and put the girl's foot on the bed. This action did not cause Yang Peier In the slightest reaction, I don't know if she believes Su Ke too much, or she really loses her consciousness.

College English is proficient, and it is not the kind of proficiency that is divided into stages. Such a reward cannot be said to be seductive enough. There is a fluent foreign language, not only in school, but also in future work. It is a great help. But --- Nima, do I really want to do this?

The room was silent, a man and a woman, a drowsy and awake, within easy reach.

The residual vomiting smell in the air seemed to have disappeared. Su Ke's breathing was getting heavier and his lips seemed to crack and he could not help licking.

"Um ---!" Just as Su Ke was in an endless hesitation, Yang Peier seemed to be showing signs of waking, whispered softly, turned over slightly, and lay flat on the bed.

Then Su Ke watched her openly, stretched out her hand and pulled off the gown that had been unbuttoned. This was not over yet. Yang Peier flexed her knees and raised her hips. Both hands reached the waistband, and the waistband was untied three times, five times, and then two. Took off the cropped pants, the entire process, did not open his eyes, like sleepwalking.

In just a minute or two, Yang Peier, who was just half-dressed, turned into a white **, as Su Ke expected, and the **** under this girl were indeed a suit of the violet series.

The result of long-term exercise is that Yang Peier's body can be described as proud, exquisite, with twin peaks, flat belly, two long legs straight and slender, and three-point underwear covering the vital parts, people dare not look straight.

Su Ke's body was stiff up and down, her heartbeat had exceeded her limit, the sound of heavy breathing seemed to be pulling the bellows, her hands clenched her fists involuntarily, and she swallowed heavily.

Since ancient times, heroes have been sad about beauty. The ancients also said that food is good. When they encounter beautiful things, they always want to be their own. Everyone will have such thoughts when they think about it. Su Ke is no exception, let alone today he has three Fan nearly fled twice.

When I was at home, there was Li Feifei. When I first came to the bar, I met another crazy woman. The flames in my heart had been provoked to smoke. Since Yang Peier had gone out, even if Su Ke had told himself to ignore it, but The eyes can no longer move a point.

From top to bottom, from bottom to top, I looked back and forth at this beautiful scene, but I was afraid of Yang Peier who woke up like a thief. In this tense atmosphere, Su Ke turned out to be terrible. Take a step forward.

"I didn't do it on purpose! I didn't do it on purpose! The bed you lay on is really dirty!" Su Ke kept looking for excuses, and finally moved to Yang Pei'er, his hands trembling, like the twilight of seventy and eighty The old man hugged Yang Peier.

The room opened this time was a standard room. There were naturally two beds in the room. After Yang Peier's sudden vomiting, there was still a lot of dirt on the bed. Su Ke thought that he couldn't watch her sleep on these dirt. !!

As if he had broken the shackles, Su Ke thought of it and hugged Yang Peier directly. His arm touched her delicate skin, and there was a hot illusion. The smell unique to a woman, inhaled into the nasal cavity, was actually aphrodisiac. Effect.

There was only one step between the two beds, but Su Ke felt struggling because he didn't know when he started, his brother Su Xiaoke was already holding his head high, hopping and jumping, very happy, as if he was shouting, "Human Cannon- --- level preparation, human artillery ----- second-level preparation ---- "

Su Ke felt that he had never thought that he was so nervous now. Although the number of contacts with women had been increasing before, and even a lot of intimate and out-of-bounds actions occasionally occurred, but now he has a sense of excitement as a flower picker.

As a normal man, a man under adolescence, what could be more exciting than this moment!

He twisted his body and shifted his movements very gently. He slowly put Yang Peier on the other bed, but the girl still slept deeply.

"Hey! Yang Peier? Yang Peier?"

Su Keping calmed his fierce heartbeat and shouted Yang Peier's name softly.

Only after Su Ke shouted two times, he still didn't get a response. In desperation, Su Ke could only push her arm gently with his hand: "Yang Peier! Wake up! Wake up!"

"I'll discuss something with you! Did you hear me?"

"Be assured, I won't take advantage of people, I will go home in a while!"

"How about I touch it? You see, I've been busy for a long time, and I have hard work without credit!"

Su Kesu murmured, the sound control was extremely ingenious, as if only himself could hear the content of the speech, talking to himself.

And Yang Peier was lying on the bed comfortably, the white quilt on the white quilt, the purple three-point pattern was like the violet blooming in the snow, exuding a seductive aroma.

"If you don't speak, you agree!" Su Ke, after a fierce ideological struggle, has set aside this task. This kind of violation of conscience is something he will never do. Although he yearns for longing, he always wants It's okay to have a good relationship.

But too! A little cheaper, this --- this does not seem to violate the principle!

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