Urban Romance

Chapter 348: Let me hug!

[The text of Chapter 1]

349 Chapter 348 Let Me Hug!

Ma Ina has been working hard this week. Otherwise, Su Ke's investment plan will not be postponed for so long before she is made. She is a single-parent family. Her mother ran away from home when she was very young. Audio.

I have lived with my father since my childhood. Although my life is still past, it is always slightly more difficult than other people. From childhood to age, I have always stood up to a motherless name and let her communicate in interpersonal relationships. Inevitably more inferiority.

There are no friends, and all the energy during school is devoted to study. From elementary school to university, the grades have always been considered excellent in school. Because of his handsome appearance, even if his personality is introverted, the pursuit of boys is indispensable, but where will she be? These thoughts, the only belief is that through his own efforts, the father can be made less tired.

My father worked in a local flour mill in Weihai. His salary was not high and his welfare was not good. He saved money and spent all the money he could save, especially in the four years of college. .

The tuition, accommodation, and living expenses were all overwhelmed by the pressure of his father. From the second year of his sophomore, Ma Ina began to teach tutors everywhere, which relieved his father's pressure.

I thought I would graduate and be able to work. By then, my father would be able to retire after a few more years of work. However, life is often very cruel, and icing on the cake may happen from time to time, but it is too common to make things worse.

Since last year, my father felt back pain and back pain. At first, he thought it was too tired to work. Maina even bought a massager for his father to remind him to rest more.

But after a little time passed, my father slowly started taking medicine, taking various pain medicines, rubbing various medicines and liquors, but it still had no effect, so he went to the hospital helplessly.

However, because of her internship at Weihai Commercial Co., Ltd., she had less time and had too much to learn, so she could n’t accompany him. Fortunately, her father returned to her, saying that the doctor ’s diagnosis was indeed overwork and muscle damage. , But also put down my heart.

A week ago, Ma Ina watched her father faint in front of her eyes. She was sent to the hospital to know the truth this time. In the late stage of uremia, kidney fibrosis is very eyeballs, and the function of the entire kidney is gradually lost. Without active treatment, I am afraid that my life will be in danger within six months.

The only hope is to save his father through a kidney transplant.

However, the doctor accounted Ma Ina's account, and she was immediately overwhelmed. Under all circumstances, she had 200,000 kidneys and 80,000 transplants. After the operation was successful, the first year of review and medication were needed. Sixty thousand, although it will gradually decrease every year, but this is a lot of money.

How much money can a girl who hasn't been working for long? How much money can a worker in a flour mill have in his hands, not to mention that his father's savings are almost all spent on cultivating Ma Ina, and the entire family deposit is less than 20,000 yuan.

Grandpa and grandma died early, and her father was an only child. It can be said that she had no relatives, and for a long time, because of her personality, she could not find a friend who could help her when she was helpless.

All night and all night insomnia, my father has been tough and discharged from the hospital, he told himself not to waste money, can watch him grow up, he is already satisfied, the only regret is that he was unable to see his marriage and children.

What kind of pain it is for the son to be raised and not to be kissed, how a 23-year-old girl can support such pressure, but Maina did not collapse, but tried everything to save her father.

After much deliberation, although there are quite a few rich people I have contacted, but there are very few people who can help myself. After all, the money of others is not brought by the wind, and the illness of his father is not temporary. Healing in three minutes is a protracted battle. Even if I borrow money, I am afraid I will not be able to pay it off for many years.

Like inadvertently, Ma Ina's mind suddenly popped out of Su Ke's name. He has four million in his hands and is a rich man. He is young now, I am afraid there are few places to spend money, and the most important point is She already knew that Zhai Lili went to seek Su Ke privately, and finally failed. From this, it can be seen that Su Ke is of good character.

She knows that there is no free lunch in the world, and there are often news on the Internet that sells her life to save her father. This is also the only basis for Maina. She has never been in love and has always been innocent. Although Su Ke is younger than himself Quite a few, but it looks good. It may be the best result to give it to him for the first time.

But will Suker agree, and whether she can accept herself or not, it becomes a problem in front of Ma Ina. To this end, she specially dressed up today, a **** short skirt, ice bones, and **** Xiaolu, I believe that a young and light guy will not turn a blind eye to himself!

From the moment I saw Su Ke, I felt that Su Ke always stared at his chest unconsciously, and he was a little surprised. After all, if he is really a satyr, it is absolutely impossible for Zhai Lili's beauty to pass. This change made Ma Ina a little helpless, but she felt a little bit lucky.

Fortunately Su Ke is a normal man, and just now Su Ke actually used his hand to wipe the oil stains on his chest, which gave Mai Ina a little more confidence in her heart, and she vowed her courage and finally spoke.

"If --- if you can borrow me, I can --- can give me --- for the first time! ''

In a word, it seemed that the strength of her body had been let out. Maina stared at Su Ke anxiously, her face pale, and clenched her fists tightly, because her nails pinched her palms with bruises.

"What? You said --- your first time?" Su Ke finally reacted at this time. The woman in front of her asked him half a million first, then gave her first time to herself? and many more! what happened?

"The first time! The first time!" Su Ke thought of it, and in his mind, there was an unstoppable Yin Yan plum blossom on Luo Fei's smoke and snow-white sheets yesterday, and his body became naturally fiery, red with red ears and dry mouth. The tongue was dry, and the flames that had just been hard to calm down broke out instantly, even three points stronger than before.

The brain was bewildered, the idea of ​​wanting to hold the woman in front of her arms began to grow stronger, although I knew that I had only met Maina once, I knew that this was a restaurant, I knew I was It shouldn't be done, but Su Ke still made a spooky voice: "Come and hug me!"

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