Urban Romance

Chapter 356: Who is this woman?

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 357 Chapter 356 Who is this woman?

In the pursuit of Li Linglong, Su Ke continued to break through. Finally, with the support of Luo Feiyan, he got a chance to breathe, but his heartbeat was still frantic, especially when Li Linglong was chasing behind, the two groups of chests turned up and down. Flying, a wave higher than a wave, is even more dizzying.

"Okay! Linglong, in the face of my sister, spare him this time. Next time he wants to occupy the parking space, I'll pack him!" Luo Feiyan grabbed Li Linglong's arm, She pressed her to bed.

There is a way to group people. Li Linglong's throat just showed her sturdy personality, and immediately gave Qin Zheng a touch of affection. At least this girl was unpretentious and looked very real.

Li Linglong was sitting on the bed, snoring and panting heavily, staring at Su Ke severely. If his eyes could kill someone, I'm afraid that Su Ke didn't even have the chance to call for help, and broke his bones directly.

"Sister Yan, when are we going to reload and open?" Li Linglong calmed her breath before she looked at Luo Feiyan.

"The people who have decorated the company today have already come, and tomorrow they can come up with a preliminary plan. Will you take a look at it?" Luo Feiyan saw Li Linglong say so, and said with a smile, after all, the more this girl cares, right The better the Fangfeiyi people develop, I'm afraid it won't be long before they can go to Yanjing to open up the market.

"That's not necessary, I don't have any good ideas, everything depends on you sister Yan!" Li Linglong said, pulling Luo Feiyan's hand, the sisters were affectionate.

"That's right!" Li Linglong seemed to remember something, and quickly took out his mobile phone: "I went online in the hotel today and saw a news that Weihai now has a spider man!" A glance at Suker.

"Spider-man?" Luo Feiyan and Qin Zheng all gathered together and immediately became interested, sitting next to Li Linglong.

Li Linglong swiftly tapped her finger on the screen of the mobile phone. The mobile phone was a high-end product at first glance. The screen was large, the operation was smooth, and the texture of the screen was particularly good. Su Ke stood on the other side of the bed, peeping his neck, and thought See where the Spider-Man is sacred.

The Weihai hotline's portal website has a conspicuous title: "Weihai's own spiderman!"

A text introduction is shown below, but Li Linglong jumped over directly, opened the video, buffered for a few seconds, and the picture began to play.

First, the smoke billowed and covered the sky, and then a three-story building surrounded by fire appeared in the picture, the most serious of which was the second floor. The flame was constantly spraying in the window, and the sound of the picture was very noisy, like What a group of people are talking about.

Suddenly, I don't know who shouted, "He's there!"

Immediately following the camera, I was locked in a window on the third floor. A man held a child in his hand and pushed the window open. The camera slowly moved closer, but because the distance was too far, except that he could see that. Other than men wearing simple white t-shirts and jeans, the others are a bit fuzzy.

"What is he doing?"

"Ah? He wants to jump down?"

Outside the screen, there are always enthusiastic people dubbing.

Rao Li has watched the video several times before, but when she opened it again, her palms couldn't help sweating, and Luo Feiyan and Qin Zheng were even more nervous, and the atmosphere didn't dare to spit it out. Staring at the screen.

"Ah!" Qin Zheng screamed suddenly, quickly covered her mouth, and her face was full of horror. The man in the picture jumped out of the window all of a sudden, three stories high. If it really fell directly to the ground, I'm afraid it would not die It had to be a lifelong disability, not to mention he was holding a child in his hand.

The onlookers were like Qin Zheng, all exclaimed. It seemed that the video's hands suddenly froze, but after the picture stabilized again, they saw the man holding the raised part of the window sill in one hand and holding the child in one hand. It seems that a foothold has been found at the foot, and it even sticks to the wall so straightly.

The thrilling drama began, and the man was like a gecko, constantly moving his body and using his hands and feet together. Every movement would cause the inhalation sound of the three women of Luo Feiyan, and he clenched his fist unknowingly.

Every second in the picture passed, it seemed like a year passed. When the man leapt down and stood on the ground steadily, everyone was relieved.

The three-story building doesn't look very tall, but if a person has no safety measures at all, and there is a child in his hand, in addition to those protrusions designed on the exterior wall, he can walk straight and straight What a horrible thing on the wall.

Really as the title says, he is a spider man and can walk freely on the cliffs.

The man landed securely, and still holding the child, he walked towards the crowd.

"Beckham!" Suddenly there was an old lady in the picture, a trot greeted him, stretched out her hand, held the child in her arms, and cried.

At this time, the person's face finally got into the lens clearly, with sharp short hair, and his cheeks were beautiful. Even if his face was smoked a little black and yellow, the bright eyes still had a soft light, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, holding his arms in his arms. The little girl put it in the hand of the old lady and went straight to the side.

"Su Ke?" Luo Feiyan reacted for the first time, turned his head and looked at Su Ke, followed by Li Linglong, Qin Zheng all cast his eyes over.

"Eh!" Su Ke's facial expression was a bit stiff, and he grinned embarrassedly. When he saw the building in the video, he already knew who this spider man was, but what he didn't think was, Obviously it happened only at noon, how could it be transmitted to the Internet so quickly.

"Don't ask, I admit it's me!" Su Ke knew exactly what the three women wanted to say, and nodded weakly.

"Huh! Don't think that your face is like Bao Qingtian, I won't recognize you!" Li Linglong snorted softly, but there seemed to be more worship in Su Ke's eyes, and he exploded to himself I was very satisfied with the shocking effect of this big gossip. After a pause, I continued to say, "Hello Spiderman!"

Luo Feiyan and Qin Zheng reacted strongly after calming down, forcing Su Ke to tell the thrilling story of the time again, especially when he heard that he rushed into the fire to save people, but there was no escape route after saving people. , Can only march in danger, even more shocked, looking at his eyes, there is a fear of pride, there is a feeling beyond expression.

"Ahem!" At this point Li Linglong cleared her throat and raised her phone again: "I still have a problem!"

Luo Feiyan, Qin Zheng, and Su Ke, all of them came over. Li Linglong pointed at the phone screen and said, "I want to ask, who is this woman?"

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