Urban Romance

Chapter 407: Go and save them!

[The text of Chapter 1]

408 Chapter 407 Go and save them!

After Li Linglong sent a text message, shrugged his shoulders towards Cheng Meili. Now he can only do his best to listen to his fate. Whether or not Su Ke secretly gives Wan Qihong water will depend on his own decision.

"Ah -----!" Suddenly, around the TV, the crowd watching the live broadcast screamed in exclaim, like something terrible accident happened, Li Linglong turned his head and squeezed into the crowd. But when she saw the picture from aerial photography, her heart was covered with her throat and her face was pale.

In the picture, the golden yellow Jaguar super driven by Wan Qihong drifted at the turnaround, and was ready to surpass Sucker in this relatively wide area, but under panic, the throttle was too large, and the entire body began to shake and tilt The car turned, but the tail was already rushing towards the cliff on one side.

Wan Qihong At this moment, her brain is blank, and the strong inertia makes the car seem to be thrown to one side by a huge force, but that side is a cliff of thousands of feet. If it falls, it will definitely be a dead body. End.

Holding the steering wheel with both hands desperately, stepping on the brake pads fiercely, the strong centrifugal force caused Wan Qihong's body to incline to one side involuntarily, and the sound of sharp tire friction whistled, reminding herself to keep closer to the cliff.

"It's over!" Wan Qihong muttered in her heart, and various fragments in her brain kept flashing, from childhood to her own relatives to friends, like a movie, maybe this is the last memory of someone before death!

After seeing this scene through the rearview mirror, Su Ke was frightened, and his liver and gallbladder were split. He didn't have any other thoughts in his mind. The only idea was to save people.

"Su Ke!" Li Linglong suddenly saw the drifting turn through the aerial live broadcast. Su Ke, who had turned the front of the car, suddenly stopped the car and then fell backward at a more amazing speed. The four tires were fierce. Rubbing the ground.

"What is he going to do?" Someone has noticed Su Ke's strangeness, and his mind is full of questions: "He is going to rescue the president?"

Su Ke is like an off-the-arrow arrow, coming directly in reverse. In such a scene, he can no longer hide his strength. In order to prevent Wan Qihong from falling off the cliff, there is only one way, which is to use Her own McLaren knocked her back.


Su Ke's body was shaking violently, even if he was caught with a seat belt, he was caught by surprise, firmly gripped the steering wheel, and stabilized the vehicle body. Although both vehicles had excellent performance body stabilization systems, the driver's ability was required for ultimate control.

The tail of McLaren bumped into the middle and rear of Jaguar. The strong impact force caused Jaguar's out-of-control inertia to stagnate and seemed to offset each other.

But the next moment Su Ke felt that his body was crooked, and he was bumped by Jaguar for a forty-five degree turn, and the tail of the car also rushed towards the cliff.

"I'm going!" Su Ke suddenly felt bad, but now he doesn't have time to think about other things, clenching his teeth and banging on the throttle, the powerful engine roar with unmatched explosiveness, Su Ke tried to fight hard Then push Wanqihong Jaguar back to its original position.

The sound of friction from the metal of the body and the sound of the tires rubbing the ground are intertwined. Like the sonata of death, Wan Qihong had given up her hand movements before, but saw that Su Ke turned back to save it, and it was so A dangerous way to save yourself.

Seeing that the McLaren was about to be pushed out of the mountain by its own Jaguar, Wan Qihong turned back quickly and turned the steering wheel, opened the throttle, and tried his best to reverse the situation.

Su Ke can obviously feel that the tendency of the body sliding has slowed down, and he glanced subconsciously at the edge of the cliff. It didn't matter at all. He was suddenly shocked. There was no guardrail on the outer side of the mountain road. It was just a small column that was half a meter high. At this moment, he was even less than half a meter away from the small pillar.

With a bang, the tail of the car hit the pillar, and the pillar made of cement insisted for a few seconds, then broke off, and flew straight out, one or two-even the tail of the car had been detected. Out.


"Ah!" Not only Li Linglong and Cheng Meili, all the people around the live broadcast screamed without exception, watching McLaren of Su Ke protecting Wan Qihong's jaguar inside. , But he was hit straight down the cliff.

When Li Linglong saw it here, her eyes were suddenly dark, and she felt that her whole body strength had been hollowed out, and her body shook involuntarily a few times. If it wasn't for Cheng Meimei's hand on the side, she would soon help her, I'm afraid she's fainted now: Look! Suker is fine! "

"What?" Li Linglong heard Cheng Meili said this, and immediately set her sights on the aerial live broadcast. Sure enough, at the exit of the mountain road, the two lanes changed to four lanes, and there were still two sports cars, one brilliant red and one golden. One is a McLaren of Sucker, and the other is Wanqihong Jaguar.

It was just that Li Linglong was relieved, but after seeing it clearly, she changed her face and pointed at the TV screen: "Go and save them!"

Su Ke tried to calm himself, take a deep breath, take another deep breath, and slowly turned his head. At this moment, one of his McLaren wheels has reached the edge of the cliff. It seems that as long as he slides one meter more, he will fall into the sky. abyss.

But thinking of Wan Qihong's current situation, Su Ke couldn't care whether there would be any accident. He carefully opened the door and jumped down. Wan Qihong's Jaguar also maintained a static posture, but her condition Su Ke is even more critical. Su Ke just slipped out of one side of the tire, but this Jaguar ----

The golden-colored Jaguar struck horizontally, the front of the car dashed, and the rear of the car almost protruded out of the cliff. Nearly one-half of the car body was protruded out, exposed to the air, unable to help, and even Suker could feel this car. The car was dangling slightly, but fortunately the car just kept a delicate balance.

It can be said that Wan Qihong's psychological quality is really good, maybe because of her military background! If I put it on another girl, I'm afraid she would be so frightened that she would shed tears.

Wan Qihong was still sitting calmly in the driver's seat, her face was tight, her teeth were biting her lower lip, and she kept telling herself to calm down, but although Jaguar seemed not to shake much from the outside, she was sitting in the car. Wan Qihong felt like she was sitting on a seesaw, up and down, and it seemed that as long as she was slightly moving, she would let the car roll straight into the valley.

"Open the door! Get off!" Su Ke walked very lightly, as if he was afraid of affecting the balance of Jaguar. He waited for himself to reach the front of Jaguar's car and pressed down with both hands, before shouting to Wan Qihong.

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