Urban Romance

Chapter 508: Profit and profit, six million!

[The text of Chapter 1]

509 Chapter 508 Rebirth, Six Million!

Su Ke knew that if he hid the phone to the side and called, I'm afraid the people in the room would tear himself to pieces, and the sound from the handset receiver was arrogant and arrogant. In this quiet room, it was clearly transmitted to everyone. In my ears, I couldn't help but feel terrified.

Du Zhonghe remembered that when he first met Su Ke, he felt that he should be very capable. The phone was answered by the director of a certain director, and now seeing Su Ke willing to help, he was relieved, but he heard that Ma Er Reaction, it seems that things are not resolved as easily as they thought.

"Wei Haisuk, you can ask, Liu Feihong is my sister, and Zhang Donghua is my brother!" Naturally, Su Ke knew that his name didn't work at all now, and he could only carry the great god. Zhang Donghua was the real name of Zhang Fatty.

"Liu Feihong --- Zhang Fatty ---, this seems to be a bit impressed!" After Ma Er paused, he said this time, it seems that I really heard these two names, but then the words turned: Brother! I ca n’t let it go just because you said two names! Then I ’m too pissed! Maybe?

Ma Er's tone was arrogant, but he said something like chatting with you: "Even if you say that the two of them stood in front of me, letting people go is still my Ma Er's mood!"

"I said you let the people go, I'll take care of the money!" Su Ke knew that he couldn't be soft at this time, and he wouldn't give himself a face if he was soft and soft: "Since I reported the name, Brother Ma, you must give me some face! All of them are floating outside, who knows that one day they will be attacked! "

"My shit, are you scaring me?" At the ear of Su Ke, Ma Er suddenly became hairy, his voice stiffened.

"Brother Ma Er, don't be angry, let's discuss this!" Su Ke had already sat on the sofa at this time, and all his attention was on Ma Er on the other side of the phone. Naturally, he didn't notice the Du Wan family watching him. The look has changed.

Especially Du Wan, it is not a day or two to work in Weihai. Who is Liu Feihong and who is Zhang Fatty has long been like a thunderous ear. The gossip of these trails described these two people as if they were easily beaten and killed. The killing of the underworld leaders did not expect Su Ke to have a relationship with them.

"Consult? Okay! That woman, I can tell the brothers under my hands not to move, but today you have to send me money! Six million a cent is not less!" After Ma Er said, Su Ke suddenly hesitated, subconsciously Looked towards Du Haiyang.

The voice on the phone came out clearly. Not only Du Haiyang could hear it, but the Du Zhonghe family also heard it. All of them suddenly changed their faces.

"I borrowed two million, not six million!" Du Haiyang, like a little girl who had been wronged, suddenly shouted at the phone, and then looked at Du Zhonghe again: "Uncle! I really borrowed two million, really! "

Ma Er even heard Du Haiyang's weak shout, and smiled slightly and then said, "Two million? How long has it been before, now? He borrowed usury, and the donkey is profitable, you Why not ask Liu Feihong and see if I have collected more than six million in three months? "

"Six million?" Su Ke frowned. "Ma Er, I don't know if it's too much, but you can't give me some face and get a chance to come to Weihai. I invite you, please!"

Indeed, if it is said that the required money is not too much, Su Ke can even turn around from the part that he handed over to Maina's investment, but six million, I ca n’t get it out and groan for a while, then I say One wants to tell Ma Er that he has influence in Weihai, and the other one really wants to keep this money down.

"Brother, it ’s not my brother who does n’t show you face, but if I do n’t see you know the two of Weihai, my brother will charge you so much? It ’s not a small penny, but yesterday my little brother ’s appearance fee was left. The next interest can be stopped. I got it together at three in the afternoon. Nothing is going on, no hehe! ”Ma Erji said a few words, and it was even more frightening.

"Okay! But you have to take good care of my sister. If she loses a piece of hair, Ma Er, you can try it!" Su Ke knows that what he can do now is just this. Don't let the cuckoo in them Something went wrong in my hand, or else even if people come back, I'm afraid I won't face them in the future.

"Rabbit, tell your brothers, don't make that woman!" Ma Er followed closely as if remembering something, and the voice came from the phone, as if to stop the person: "Well, you put that woman Bring me here, I really don't worry about these cubs! "

It seemed like a minute or two later, Ma Er didn't speak, but faintly heard a woman's panic voice came over.

"You let me go --- let go of me --- the police will find you!" The woman's voice was getting closer and closer, and another man began to speak: "Joke! Still the police? You ask your brother him Do you dare to call the police? Do the police dare to come? "

The man didn't even look at the police, it seemed that Ma's background was really strong: "Give her a call and I'll say something to her!" Su Ke quickly said.

How does it feel for a woman to fall into the hands of a gangster? I'm afraid it would have been frightening already!

"Sister Azalea!" Su Ke could hear the voice of Ma Erde's phone, and the phone was quickly handed to Azalea.

"Who are you?" Facing a strange voice, Dujuan didn't even know who the other party was.

"Sister Du Juan, it's me, I'm Du Wan!" Du Wan snatched the phone and said, "Don't be afraid, we will save you soon!"

After hearing the familiar voice, the cuckoo suddenly burst into tears: "Xiao Waner, my brother! Where is he?"

"Cuckoo, aren't they doing anything to you?" Du Haiyang hurried to hear this, even crying with himself.

"Brother! I'm okay, dad! He's okay!" When Cuckoo was arrested, he saw his father fainted to the ground, and he was still worried.

"It's okay, don't be afraid of cuckoo, brother will soon be able to make up the money, and this will save you!" Du Haiyang has always been very distressed to his sister, parents are also old women, and cuckoo is eight years younger than himself. I am only 24 years old this year, and my brother and sister have always been particularly good.

Du Zhonghe also wanted to answer the phone and say a few words, but there was Ma Er's voice again: "Su --- Su Ke is! Rest assured, I look at this woman! Hand over money and hand over!"

Du Haiyang listened to the beep from the phone and looked at Su Ke: "He hung up the phone!" Intangible, Su Ke has been regarded as a straw for life.

"Huh!" Su Ke has been thinking about what to do in order to resolve this matter, but after thinking about it, how can it be as easy as 6 million, even if he has all his money Not enough, I took a deep breath: It seems that I can only get rid of this Ma Er!

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