Urban Romance

Chapter 515: Time is up you die!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Chapter 516 Chapter 515 It's Time You Die!

Cuckoo is very clever. He knows that he can hide and even escape now, so he is moving further and further behind. After all, he has good climbing skills. It is estimated that he can walk directly over the wall.

Du Haiyang loves her sister very much. It can be said that she is doting and obedient. Dujuan has always been interested in activities that challenge the limit. She paid for her equipment and gave her money to play around. It was a miracle that she had been brave, otherwise the girl had been taken away and she had not been scared to cry.

The cuckoo was very unlucky. She wanted to walk backwards in a mess and jump out of a corner that nobody noticed. The plan was perfect. The first half was implemented smoothly, and no one noticed her move.

But bad luck, the cuckoo moved quietly toward the corner, turned out to be the direction of the toilet. A man under Ma Er, when he heard the sound of the outside, quickly pulled up his pants and ran directly out of the toilet. , Not far away, the sound of metal clanking and clanging was mixed with shouts. Soon the man reflected and stabbed the cuckoo directly.

The cuckoo was brave enough, but it was the first time that he faced the neck of the knife holder, and he was afraid to move. He could only be taken slowly by the man and returned to the scene.

In fact, Ma Meng was looking for this girl just now. Who knew that the next moment she would become the hostage of her opponent, she could not help but frowned slightly, and Su Ke even frowned.

"Fuck loose me, or I'll kill her!" Ma Eryi looked at the girl and was arrested by her own, and suddenly seemed to reverse the situation, yelling around her neck.

"Let go of my boss!" The machete in the hand of the man who caught the cuckoo seemed to be pushing hard, and the pressed cuckoo almost shouted, shouting at Su Ke.

It seemed that everyone's movements stopped, Su Ke's complexion became gloomy, and everything was going smoothly, but this accident made him become controlled by others.

Still keeping the previous movement, he clasped his wrist with one hand, and gripped his neck with one hand. At the moment of a slight stun, suddenly Ma Ma staggered and punched directly on Ma Er's lower abdomen, even Su Ke. They almost stepped back one step.

Su Ke's heels supported the ground hard, and finally cushioned the force, but Ma Meng's second punch came out again, hey! Then comes the third punch! Huh!

Ma Er really had a runny nose and drool, and his facial expression was very wonderful. If Su Ke hadn't supported him kindly, I'd be lying on the ground and rolling now, a vomit came out of the corner of the mouth, and it flowed directly down the chin. Sucker was sick on his arm.

"Let the man go!" Ma Meng finished his three punches, stood casually in front of Ma Er, with a light tone, but with an unquestionable emotion, suddenly pulled out a hard box of Marlboro from his pocket with a bang. The lighter bounced and ignited the cigarette.

After the horse spit out a smoky gray smoke, Ma Er woke up from the horror of the stomach and down the river: "You --- you ---!"

"Let go of my boss!" The man holding the cuckoo, holding the cuckoo's long hair in one hand, shouting again with a machete in the other hand, he knew that the time had come for him, and he had a diarrhea in the morning, almost It is the opportunity created by God for himself. If it is wasted, it will be hacked by thunder.

"If you don't let go, I will hack her!" The man was about twenty-four years old, with a light hair type, and he could see his green scalp, lean body, fleshy face, and sunken eyes, as if It was in harmony with his words that the machete in his hand actually struck the cuckoo's neck.

Cuckoo suddenly regretted it. Shouldn't he meet Su Ke them instead of scaring away alone? But at that time, Su Ke and their party were in a mess, if they passed, wouldn't that be messy?

At this time, the machete that had been crossing his neck seemed to move, and the cold air directly penetrated through the body, but then a clearer pain came, ah, the subconscious one was about to escape.

"Do not move! Kill you if you move again!" The man shouted, the machete trembled slightly in his hand, the sharp blade was clinging to the delicate skin, and a red blood slowly permeated the blade. Out.

"Believe it or not, I can kill you here!" Ma Meng's eyes glanced at the cuckoo, but he quickly turned his head and looked at Ma Er: "Ma Er, believe it?"

Ma Meng's voice is very strong, and he can't even hear anything. But after he said this, the momentum of the whole person began to change. Ma Er looked at the tall and burly man in horror. It seemed to see him pulsing slowly with blood.

"Who are you?" Ma Er widened his eyes.

"Are you ready to settle accounts after the fall? Okay! Wei Haima Meng, the little man is worth mentioning!" Ma Meng took another breath and stood aside with a lot of time: "Oh! By the way, I just forgot to say that I gave you this Smoke time, time is over, you die! That woman can leave it to you! "

"What? Are you Ma Meng?" Ma Er seemed to have not heard the second half of his words at all, and all his attention focused on the name Ma Meng, like a hell.

"Have you heard of me?" Ma Meng suddenly took off his glasses, not on the neckline of the shirt, and his sharp face suddenly appeared in front of Ma Er's eyes, with sharp edges like a knife and axe, and his eyes were very cold.

Ma Er could not help but tremble slightly. In his opinion, the name Ma Meng is more horrible than Liu Feihong and Zhang Fat. The people on the road are basically the same. Ma Meng was carrying Liu Feihong back to save him. She ran out of the street three times, and a pair of machetes broke apart. It was said that dozens of people died under his knife.

Just such a heavenly demon made more than 20 people dare not to take action. After confronting for half an hour, they waited for Liu Feihong's men to turn around and all fled.

But the last of these people who escaped here was inexplicably dead on the streets, and the death was terrible. At that time, it not only shocked the underground world in the south, but even directly led by the Central Political and Legal Committee to personally go to the south to conduct supervision and investigate.

However, after Ma Meng's stay in Myanmar for three months, when he returned again, the matter had gradually subsided, but the name Ma Meng had been circulating in black and white in the local area for a long time. Hall's blacklist now.

Of course, Liu Feihong's return from the south also seems to have such a part of the reason. At that time, people were eyeed, and many businesses were hit. Instead, it was better to change the site and start another stove.

"How's that?" Ma Meng smiled suddenly, and the laughter was frightening, and she was so cold.

"Well!" A loud knock came across, someone outside shouted quickly: "Open the door! Open the door! I'm Ma Guobin!"

Ma Guobin, Ma Wensheng, the head of the security department of Dongfeng Shun Logistics Group, and the son of Ma Wenhui, the financial director of Dongfeng Shun Logistics Group, what are we going to do at this time?

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