Urban Romance

Chapter 521: Ma Wensheng is gone!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 522 Chapter 521 Ma Wensheng is gone!

Hong Feng has not been very comfortable in the past two years. Although the relationship with Ma Er has eased, but who can not avenge a man, not to mention he is still the boss of a gang, forcing him to be like a funeral dog. Smiley.

But there is no way. Ma Er's father, Ma Wensheng, can almost be regarded as a first-class entrepreneur in Tianjin. He is a big income earner. This is not only for the country, but also for the maggots among the people's public servants. There is a sentence in the range that describes Ma Wensheng.

Lord Ma has three eyes and wants to spend money to lick one lick, one licking like a beautiful family, two licking family wealth, three licking and four licking have highlights, playing with babes and saving huge sums, all see in Switzerland.

This smooth walk is a bit exaggerated, but it can also reflect from the side that Ma Wensheng's reputation for rubbing the air is rough.

Therefore, Hong Feng did not dare to act rashly, hit small ones, and provoked the old ones. Although it was not patience to swallow, it was difficult to relax.

However, when he saw so many brothers brought by Liu Feihong, he had an idea in his heart at that time, people were very sinister in the rivers and lakes, and everyone had their own abacus and their own flowers.

Some people know that there is a gratitude report, and some people show revenge, but Hong Feng still wants to be a man with a sense of morality, is willing to help Liu Feihong, overturned Ma Er, and even killed him, and held his own hatred, there will be someone responsible For example, pushing the whole thing to Liu Feihong.

So even if Ma Wensheng pursues himself, he won't be too involved.

Hong Feng's look changed. In just a few tens of seconds, his head looked like a hula hoop that was constantly rotating, turning at a rapid speed, and finally made up his mind to do whatever he wanted, or to be able to accomplish his beauty.

"Okay! The site is not set aside, it's time to settle my grievances with him!"

After speaking this sentence, Hong Feng ’s overall momentum seemed to change a lot. If it was a business elite, an urban white-collar worker, the **** body in the blink of an eye would be like a volcanic eruption, and it would move up.

Liu Feihong laughed very peacefully. He was wearing black clothes and black pants. He put his hands on his thighs and leaned back against the back of the chair. Just now Hong Feng's look changed. She was completely in her eyes. He could also feel his hesitation and struggle, as well as the flickering of his eyes when he hit the abacus.

But no matter what Hong Feng thinks about, if he wants to open up the situation in Tianjin, it is really impossible to take shape without his support. Even Su Ke's relationship with Chen Dong is not optimistic.

So Liu Feihong felt that he had to wake him up first, at least to enable him to have a clear understanding: "Do it now? Don't worry, let's say, if this time goes well, we can take advantage of the fishermen!"

"Huh? How do you say that?" Hong Feng's eyes brightened, and the fisherman's profit was simply his dream.

"My brother Su Ke and Chen Dong have a little friendship!" Liu Feihong immediately attracted Hong Feng's attention to Su Ke.

"The new director of public security?" Hong Feng looked at Su Ke, and could not help but improve his evaluation. At first glance Su Ke was like a young student brother. The expression and the tone of speech were not at all. As if mixed in society, is it the second generation of officials?

"Can I understand what the police will do?" Hong Feng said to himself, and soon, as with his words, the sirens screamed loudly, and there seemed to be a mighty squad of people in action.

The heroes in the hall are all professional habits. They all stood up, looking stern, listening to the whistling siren, holding their breaths, and seemed to be ready to fight back.

But what made them quickly relieved was that the siren whistled past without stopping at all, and soon, it was getting farther and farther.

The hall returned to a lively scene again, but Hong Feng looked at Liu Feihong in confusion: "Is this true?"

Tianjin was suddenly lively like Chinese New Year. The whole city seemed to be full of policemen. The police cars everywhere could make people nervous and involuntarily nervous. You can guess without a doubt that something big happened, or it ’s definitely not the case. Xingshi move the public.

In fact, this is indeed the case. When Su Ke told Chen Dong that Ma Wensheng was likely to escape, Chen Dong immediately drove to the Municipal Party Committee Building and met with the Party Secretary Zheng Zaifu directly. After getting approval, he was in Zheng Zaifu's Direct in the office and report the case at any time.

Public security organs cooperated with all alarm bells, and even the police stations below deployed police forces for control. However, Ma Wensheng's old nest, Dongfeng Building, which was built at his own expense, had no trace of him.

Zheng Zaifu, the secretary of the municipal party committee, sat behind his desk, looking calm, and looked down at the documents in his hand. From time to time, he picked up his pen and looked around, and suddenly raised his head: "When a person runs away, a warrant is issued!"

"Already sent!" Although Chen Dong was anxious, he didn't show half the mark. After all, what a mature leader must do is calmness.

The roster, which recorded the amount of Ma Wensheng's bribe list, was placed on Zheng Zaifu's table, but since Chen Dong sent this thing, he didn't even turn it around, leaving this book to countless people. Even the book of life and death is motionless.

"Is there any news for your friend?" Zheng Zaifu signed a document, picked up the strong tea on the table, took a sip, and thought of leisurely.

Chen Dong naturally knew who Zheng Zaifu was referring to, nodded, after all, it was Zheng Zaifu's relationship, and he also took out his cell phone and started dialing.


Hong Feng had some doubts in his mind. Although Liu Feihong had already pointed out the relationship between Su Ke and Chen Dong, he couldn't think of any reason. For a small usury incident, Su Ke could make Chen Dong move.

But Su Ke's look seemed to have acquiesced. Looking at Ma Meng, who was drinking beer himself, there was no response at all, and Liu Feihong was even more so.

Without mentioning whether the end will fight with Ma Er, Hong Feng feels that his small plan must be changed. The original Su Ke can not hurt, and the background is very deep. No wonder he can grab people directly from the second-hand hemp.

Just then, Su Ke's phone rang.

"Hello Chen Bureau!"

Chen Dong's voice was heard from the other end of the phone, and Hong Feng's ears were immediately raised, pretending to listen intently, and wanted some useful information.

"Ma Wensheng ran away?" Su Ke was a little surprised. Chen Dong's response was very timely and the control was early. Hearing the movement just now, at least a few hundred police officers were dispatched. Let go?

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