Urban Romance

Chapter 535: Unacceptable!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 536 Chapter 535 is unacceptable!

There was a mess in the box long ago, where Du Zhonghe and Zhang Jing had seen such a scene, watching the big kitchen knife chop off Su Ke's head, almost blood splashed on the spot and made five steps. It was fatal, and although Su Ke was all right in the end, the couple was scared enough to retreat into the corner.

Du Wan's dangling heart was finally put in his stomach, and he wanted to run subconsciously, regardless of whether it was in danger or not. Now there is only one thought, that is, Su Ke must be okay, he must be okay.

Du Juan saw her younger sister open the chair, and immediately reacted, trotting towards Su Ke in the first step. As another strong man here, Du Haiyang naturally could not be a turtle with a crouching head, squatting down and picking up just Su Ke dropped the kitchen knife and followed carefully.

Wei Gang has no idea what happened to him! He had just cut it on Su Ke's neck with a sharp knife. The sharp boning knife was smashed and swept away. It seemed that his neck was only attached to a layer of flesh skin, hanging weakly on his body, and blood splattered. !!

Second brother! I found you a companion on Huangquan Road! Brother can only do it for you!

But why am I flying? Why does my chest hurt so much? Why does he vomit blood? Why did you hit the door? After Wei Gang hit the door panel, there was a slight pause, but a bang, as the door panel broke, the whole person fell into the hallway outside the door.

Su Ke didn't stay. Just now this foot poured out all the emotions in his heart, including panic, fear, and anger. He turned into a thunder, and directly kicked this man who intended to hurt himself. You can see him hit After breaking the door, he fell to the ground, struggling twice, and seemed unable to get up with Ben.

Walking slowly out of the box, Su Ke squatted down, his face still cold like night: "What did you just say? Brother Feng called me?"

Where did Su Ke have any enemies when he first arrived in Tianjin, but this man ran at his own life as a cruel means? If he had n’t worked a little bit by himself, he changed to another person. Is he now dead? Already.

Life is at stake, and no one can be calm. Du Haiyang and Cuckoo Du Wan have stood behind Su Ke. Although the man is lying down now and there seems to be no remaining fighting power, the three men are still standing carefully Aside.

At this time, the door of the box next to it was opened, and the two men came out of it, looking unhappy. It seemed to be mumbled and cursed because they were disturbed by the interest in eating.

Suddenly they saw a man lying on the floor spitting blood, and a person squatting on the ground, I didn't know what to say, and soon found out that the person squatting on the ground actually met Su Ke at the gate.

"Boss Su!" After speaking, the man returned to his box subconsciously and started to report the situation here to Hong Feng.

As soon as Hong Feng moved, all the men who followed here followed closely, like the soldiers in the line walking under the leadership of the squad leader. Sure enough, after going out, he felt that the scene was a bit out of place.

"What's the matter?" Hong Feng approached Su Ke, and glanced at the man lying on the ground. Most of the blood fell on himself after the blood spit out, but at this moment it looked like a miserable life. .

"He said you sent it!" Su Ke shrugged his shoulders, seeming to inadvertently say a word, and said it as a joke: "Good food, cut me in when you come in!"

"Su Ke, this is not my person!" As soon as Hong Feng heard Su Ke's words, he was shocked. The official cooperation between the two parties had not yet started, and it was not good to make such a misunderstanding.

In fact, Su Ke had a little hesitation in his heart at that time. After all, the two major trends of Ma are gone. Tianjin, a big cake, will naturally be divided and eaten. Then he has Liu Feihong as his backing, and he is a pioneer in the way of his relationship with Chen Dong. It was true that he might threaten Hong Feng and made him kill himself.

But think again that this possibility is very small, close to zero. Now I do n’t say I have n’t got the site yet, but even if I get the site, I ’m afraid it wo n’t threaten Hong Feng. I still need his help for two lives Too!

"I know!" Su Ke glanced up at Hong Feng, not expecting that his sentence made Hong Feng almost jump like a thunder, toward Wei Gang, who was still a little dizzy and unconscious.

Wei Gang felt that all his internal organs seemed to be out of order, and it was generally uncomfortable to turn over the river. Although he opened his eyes, he seemed to see nothing. His eyes were empty. Suddenly, the lower abdomen hurts, his throat is sweet, and blood rushes up. Flowed out.

"You **** don't pretend to be dead!" Hong Feng kicked Wei Gang's stomach several times in a row. He was annoyed. The atmosphere of the meal just now was good and his mood was very good. It was because this man was disappointed. Get irritated.

"Who are you?" Su Ke still kept squatting, and asked coldly, but Wei Gang who looked back just stared at him fiercely, like a bloodthirsty beast, silent.

"Who are you?" Su Ke continued to ask, but reached out and held the thick gold chain of the little finger on the neck of his neck. As the gold chain kept shrinking, he gripped his neck deeply, making him unable to breathe. .

Wei Gang's right arm could not be lifted for a long time, just as he did not belong to himself. Su Kler suddenly caught his neck, and quickly tried to resist with his movable left hand.

Su Ke's brain was very messy, and even the urge to kill the man in front of him appeared, grabbing Wei Gang's left wrist and clicking, it was like the sound of a broken bone, and the wrist joint was dislocated.

"Feng Brother!" At this time, a younger brother behind Hong Feng came over and said something in Hong Feng's ear, pointing and pointing at the man lying on the ground.

"Hey! It's a second-hand gun brother!" Hong Feng learned Wei Gang's identity from his own, and quickly told Su Ke: "Su Ke, don't care about him. I got it! "

Hong Feng said as he winked at Su Ke, signalling that he still had a lot of friends and family behind him. With the reminder from Hong Feng, Su Ke slowly woke up, suppressed the anger in his heart, and took a deep breath. He breathed out: "Brother Feng, then this person will be given to you!"

Turning around, Du Zhonghe and Zhang Jing stood on the side of the door, but they also looked at the outside situation completely. They were a little unhappy at first. They encountered such a thing again, and had a good birthday dinner. With human life, and a good prospective son-in-law, how quickly it became a triad, really unacceptable!

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