Urban Romance

Chapter 577: Here comes the police!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 578 The police are here!

The siren came whistling. From far to near, Su Ke glanced subconsciously at the door of the garment factory. The two shabby large iron doors were plugged with bolts from the inside. See the red and blue lights are constantly flashing.

It seems that the police car has actually stopped at the door, followed by a clap of door bangs, and screamed continuously: "Open the door! We are the police station!" "Open the door!"

"Boss!" Sun Song's face was a little somber, but what Su Ke appreciated was that he didn't see any tension on his face. Looking around, the brothers Ma Ma brought from Weihai were the same, though His face was tight, but there was no panic at all.

"It's okay, go and open the door!" Su Ke still sat on the stool and waved his hand, and then a man walked over and opened the door slowly.

Outside is also a standard police car with the word police on it. The long police lights on the roof are constantly flashing red and blue flashes. There are only four people outside, three men and one woman, and three men are all dressed in public security summer. Duty uniforms, without hats, after the door opened, the three did not come in directly, but stood in place and kept looking inside.

And that woman is not unfamiliar. She was scolding Du Wan as a fox in the mall, and the fat woman who clashed with Su Ke, also the sister Jia Ru of the squadron captain Jia Quan.

Jia Ruke is not as cautious as the policemen of these three police stations. As soon as the door is opened, he will run directly in. The door is about fifty to sixty meters away from the factory building. This fat woman is a rare performer. Dexterity and speed, running and shouting: "Brother --- brother --- where are you?"

"My sister!" Jia Quan was still squatting on the ground, but his hands on his head had been lowered, but hesitated to get up, looking at Su Ke nervously.

The presence of the police did not cause Jia Quan to have any resistance. Rather, the urban management team members around him were agitated and looked at his neck one by one, but found that his captain was still squatting, and he did not dare. What happened.

"Get up! Do you know how to do that?" Su Ke turned his head, said Jia Quan as a sage, and said quietly, and Jia Quan nodded again and again: "Know! Know!"

Su Ke's calmness and the indifference of these underworlds made Jia Quan really dare not act lightly. He also knew in his heart that perhaps the policemen of these police stations could take themselves away, but what happened afterwards?

I am afraid that after provoking these people, whether at home or out of the house, they may be retaliated at any time, whether they are at home or away. After all, the characters of these underworlds are unavoidable, and they even hurt others because of little things.

What's more, relying on the three policemen outside, it is unknown if they dare to rush in and have the courage to take people away from Su Ke.

"Brother! Brother!" Jia Ru was really terrified. The makeup on a large cake was crying in a mess, and her regretful intestines were green. She was hiding aside and wanted to look at herself. Several nasty guys were cleaned up.

And even if Su Ke is able to fight, she doesn't believe she can't play him. She has an elder brother to support her. She really doesn't put anyone in her eyes. The fact is the same. Jia Quan heard the cry of her sister and sent someone directly. Not only that. , I dare to bring people openly.

However, after seeing his brother coming, Jia Ru didn't go directly to find his brother, although he was very calm. After all, they had a lively conversation, and they could relieve their hatred by watching it from afar. It was true that revenge was the real thing.

The turn of events happened in the emergence of that commercial vehicle. A group of people in it came down, holding a steel pipe in their hands, as if they were not fatal. They all overturned all the city management team members to the ground, their heads were bleeding. Even her brother was beaten up so scared that she didn't know what to do.

The only way is to call the police. Jia Ru can also think that these people are all underworld. Only the police can solve the problem, but who knows that his brother has been taken away, and the policeman at the police station did not even see a shadow.

She wasn't stupid. She took a taxi and followed the business class carefully. In order not to be found, she kept a distance of more than 100 meters. She was anxious, but she had nothing to do. She didn't know these triads. What to do with your brother!

Brothers and sisters are affectionate. Jia Quan can immediately call his teammates to support him after a phone call from his sister, and Jia Ru will also see his brother beaten by someone and take it away in the car. But dare to follow along.

Outside this abandoned clothing factory, Jia Ru had long been anxious like a hot pot ant, hiding behind and constantly calling the police station, but even if she said something serious, the phone just told her The police are on their way and will arrive soon.

It was so soon, more than half an hour later, the police didn't come, but waited for Su Ke, who took a big shot outside the mall, and scared her into hiding.

Fortunately, the police finally appeared. Even if it was late, it was like a savior. Opening the door, Jiaru ran straight towards it, as if he had a spirit. He could guess that his brother was being held in the factory. among.

"Brother!" Jia Ru finally rushed into the factory building. At a glance, he saw the brother standing inside. His face was swollen. On weekdays, the uniforms of Yao Wuyangwei were all shoe prints, and those members were even worse. Yes, my nose is blue, my face is swollen, even one arm is folded, and a pile of toilet paper on the ground is stained with blood.

"Xiaoru, why are you here!" Jia Quan walked forward two steps, looking at his sister who was already crying, and quickly said: "Don't cry, brother is fine!"

"Jia Quan!" Su Ke shrugged as he watched the two siblings hug.

"Yes! Boss Su!" Jia Quan shoved Jia Ru subconsciously, even holding one hand in front of Jia Ru, carefully watching Su Ke, not knowing what he was going to do.

"Do what you want, don't do it to others!" Su Ke thought that these city managements were arrogant on the street, and all the vulnerable groups were like wolves. Although there are reasons for their job responsibilities, they still think they are too Too vicious.

As soon as Jia Quan was about to speak, he looked at the door of the factory building. The policemen of the three police stations finally came in. Looking at the group of people inside, they were clearly distinguished, and all of them wearing comprehensive law enforcement uniforms were injured and hung up. On the other side, all of them are confused, and they don't even look straight at them.

The real police can more easily determine the identities of these people like Su Ke. They are not ordinary streets. They look like they are in a bad mood, and they can feel that they are not good at once.

In the entire plant, the only chair is Su Ke. It is obvious that here is his principal, a policeman in his early thirties, a light blue shirt, two bars and a flower on his epaulets. It looks like a third-level police inspector. Slow Slowly came over: "What's going on with you? We got an alarm and you're suspected of gathering to fight, intentionally hurt and illegally detained."

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