Urban Romance

Chapter 592: Sukh Old Immortal

[The text of Chapter 1]

Chapter 593: Su Ke, The Old Immortal

"How? What plans do you have for the future?" Shen Zheng called Su Ke to the office after self-study in the morning. Now how does he see how Su Ke likes it, and a slight excitement flashes on his head, it seems this The facts made his oil glands secrete a lot.

"Huh?" Somehow Su Ke didn't understand, what kind of time period in the future, looked up and even, as a class teacher, Shen Zheng did not have his own independent office, and several teachers shared one. Su Ke You can feel that other teachers are staring at you.

"College entrance examination! Which school do you want to take?" Shen Zheng held up the drinking glass on the table, which was a jar of canned fruits, which seemed to be soaked with things like wolfberry and fat sea.

"This! If you can, you should go back to Yanjing! Yanjing University is good!" Su Ke thought about it, such a school is already the ultimate destination of the national college entrance examination candidates, of course, those who have the conditions to study abroad are not at home This column.

"Yanjing University? That's a good goal!" Shen Zheng took a sip of water, lowered his cup, and looked at Su Ke with interest. He seemed to want to see why he suddenly emerged from an unknown air student. , Overturned so many veteran elite students.

"Look at Teacher Shen happy! Su Ke's results this time are really surprising. If this is the city's unified exam, I guess I can directly get the city's top pick!" A teacher who was preparing a lesson in the office raised his head , Said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah! I almost got full marks. Our school didn't seem to have been a champion. Now Liu is satisfied! Saying Yanjing University is good! When I was in high school, I used this as my goal!" Another teacher continued Opening.

It seems that this topic suddenly made the atmosphere in the office much warmer. All three or four teachers gave up their work. You talked with me in a word.

"You! It's amazing, but you can't be lazy, keep working hard and keep it up. I hope that in my hands, I will have a provincial science champion, so the books I have taught in my life It's a success! "

Indeed, every teacher hopes that his students can get a gold list and get ahead. This is not only to get certain material rewards, but also to be rich in spirit. After graduating from death to death, I hope they will have a good grade.

"I will!" Su Ke nodded. He could see from Shen Zheng's eyes that he was eager for himself. Although he turned over for the exam, the bigger reason was from the flower picking system, but he was still very Thank you sincerely.

Out of the office, all the students seemed to be looking at themselves intentionally or unconsciously. Although this situation always happened after the post on the three boats in the post became popular, it never happened this time. Strong, envious is more envious, jealous is more jealous, people can not face up.

In the classroom, a group of people are still watching around the transcripts that have just been posted. They are all looking for their own rankings. Although Su Ke's class is even a low-level group even in the whole year, but with the horror of the college entrance examination In turn, the blockbuster propaganda made everyone more or less nervous.

As soon as Su Ke came in, everyone was stunned. Although his classmates began to greet him, the classmates would greet him actively. After all, many friends had multiple paths, and they might not wait until the college entrance examination. He was sitting next to him by luck, and this was to copy his papers!

"Su Ke Lao Xian, boundless magic power, vast magical power, driving the Central Plains!" Wang Xiaogang jumped out first, raised his hands straight, made a worship gesture, shouted very familiar lines.

Following the classroom, it seems like rehearsal. To say that the class with poor academic performance also has its own unique charm, that is, the students' personality is basically cheerful. Although the grades are poor, they are not afraid of anything. Noisy.

Under the leadership of Wang Xiaogang, in response, more than twenty boys and girls, like worshipping the savior, greeted Su Ke, agreeing with slogans and loud voices.

"Su Ke Xianxian, mana is boundless, invincible, invincible!"

"Suk, the immortal, the magic is infinite, the magic is world-wide, the power is infinite!"

Su Ke glanced at the door and looked at his classmates staggered. The expression on his face became more and more exciting. The students passing by in the corridor looked at their heads one by one. This situation made everyone very curious.

Wang Xiaogang, as the creator of the figurine, naturally stood in front and squeezed his eyes towards Su Ke. The children who were determined to be directors were really different.

And Su Ke, whose personality has changed a lot, was caught off guard by such a situation, but he was still thinking about how to speak within an acceptable range. I saw Wang Xiaogang's big wave and the chief conductor of the famous symphony orchestra. Stance.

"Eastern sunrise, the boss of Susuk is undefeated!"

"Eastern sunrise, the boss of Susuk is undefeated!"

"Oh!" Su Ke really wasn't calm at this moment, how could he turn from the old star to the undefeated East in a blink of an eye? Although the old stars are older, they can still accept it, but-but this East is undefeated, it is not already an operation!

"Okay, fellow students, thank you!" Su Ke is no longer that autistic and silent boy, and will naturally do something unexpected, just watch him stride forward: "If you take an exam or something, don't Say, how about I invite you to have lunch at noon today? "

"Oye!" The emotions at the bottom are all excited, everyone claps their hands and applauds. The string of these students' study is tight and loose, or the results will not be so stable.

"Boss, we don't agree with the box lunch!" Wang Xiaogang followed Su Ke's army, but now Su Ke is rich and naturally doesn't fear this: "Qingxiang Pavilion next to the school! Everyone come!"

Qingxiang Pavilion counted as a delicious restaurant near the school. The quantity is large and delicious, but the price is a little bit expensive. Usually, only a student will go there for a birthday or a party. Su Ke said, everyone is naturally Caper.

"Long live my lord, long live, long live!"


At noon, the party was a mighty one. Although some students did not participate for one reason or another, there were more than twenty people, and even Wei Lan, a member of the learning committee, gladly participated, and each was very excited.

"Classmates!" Wang Xiaogang was holding a glass of drink, watching the classmates sitting at three tables, playing the role of master of ceremonies again: "Do you think boss Su Ke is interesting enough?"

"Enough!" The men and women shouted, shouting.

"So I announced, how about all the boys let Su Ke boss take the younger brother?"

"Okay! Long live the boss!" The male students immediately raised their drinks and all stood up.

"Hey! Wang Xiaogang, what about our girls?" Some cheerful girls were unwilling to express their anger and dissatisfaction.

"Well, girls! How about this -------- all let Su Ke's boss be accepted as an uncle? ''

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