Urban Romance

Chapter 655: The most anticipated happiness!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 656 Chapter 655 The Most Expected Happiness!

The accumulation and outbreak of feelings have made the relationship between Su Ke and Ma Ina more rapid than before. Because of close contact, Su Ke brought Ma Ina directly to the supermarket after going downstairs.

"Why are we here?" Maina was very puzzled when she saw Su Ke stopped the car, didn't she say she wanted to take me home? why like this?

"Send you home, you have to visit your father anyway! That's my dad!" Su Ke shrugged his shoulders, thinking that he was about to face Ma Ina's father soon. Faint.

"Yeah!" When Su Ke was going to go to her own home, Ma Ina was a little shy and her face flushed, but there was a little sweetness in her heart, which meant to take her boyfriend home, and nodded joyfully.

After a short rest, Maina's trauma seemed to be relieved a lot. Although there was a sense of tearing between walking, she could still endure it.

Indeed like a couple, Maina naturally held Su Ke's hand. Although Su Ke was a bit uncomfortable and blushed, she could only leave her alone.

"What shall we buy?" Su Ke really didn't know what gifts to buy for Ma Ina's father. He pushed the trolley and thought hard, but found that Ma Ina suddenly fell behind her.

"what happened?"

"The steps are a bit big, it's a drag!" Ma Ina's face was shameful, and I saw her pity, standing helplessly, looking at Su Ke's eyes, there was a hint that you were coming over.

Everyone said that the egg was involved, but what Maina had caused was a small wound caused by Su Ke. When he said this, Su Ke suddenly felt a strong sense of guilt and walked helplessly: "Why me Go and buy a band-aid? "

"Get off! Otherwise you carry me!" Ma Ina has now left the hierarchical distance between the boss and the staff, and naturally speaks straightforwardly, without hesitation.

"Bearing you? Do you think my small physique is competent? Don't let you fall again!" Su Ke came to the camera with the film "Savage Girlfriend" after hearing this, and Che Taixian was carrying Quan Zhixian, thinking I was a little embarrassed at the large crowd in this supermarket.

"Fart, hypocrisy, you're still small, just now you don't know how fierce it is, like a running rhino, not to stop until the end!" Looking at Su Ke's somewhat cramped appearance, she knew that he could not hide his face and bullied Nose, smirk in anger.

"Hey!" I didn't know whether it was praise or criticism. Su Ke said that he had red ears and red ears, and scratched his head a little embarrassed. "How about you sitting in this car?"

"You think I'm a three-year-old Baby!" Maina looked at Su Ke like a coquettish. After standing for a while just now, the pain disappeared, but now she feels so warm and happy when she fights with Su Ke.

"Yeah! You are a baby! Baby, comeon!" Su Ke opened his hand and made a hug gesture towards Maina.

"Hum!" Maina snorted slightly, turning her head to the side, not giving Su Ke face, but Su Ke took a deep breath, and then took a breath before she spoke.

"Baby, baby, baby, nooo!"

"Mybaby, baby, baby, nooo!"

"Mybaby, baby, baby, nooo!"



Justin Bieber's "Baby" was deduced affectionately by Su Ke. This was the first time Maina heard Su Ke singing, with a strong magnetic voice and a pure English accent, and captured her all at once.

This is a touching little love song, singing our sad twists and turns, I think I am very happy, when there is your warmth, the air around my feet turns ---

Rao was in a youthful university time. Maina had never enjoyed this thrilling romance. At that time, she had no beautiful clothes, no fashion accessories, and even looked like a firewood girl in the urban-rural junction. Only knowing a mindful study, only achievement is the only thing she can take.

It wasn't until after taking part in the job, until I got a salary, that I could finally pick some clothes that I liked but not expensive, the first flower and the card issue. Although the small accessories were not valuable, but looking at these things, she would feel very Satisfaction is like fulfilling your long-cherished wish.

But in terms of feelings, it has always been blank. The romantic love once dreamed of is a dream that every young girl will dream of. There is a prince riding a white horse in that dream, holding flowers in her hand and singing to herself.

Maina knew that she would never encounter such a person in her life. After all, the ivory tower still kept the young Romantic heart, but after entering the society, everyone would be polished by the cruel and hard reality without any angles. lifeless.

But --- such a person now appears!

Maina looked at Su Ke like this, looking at the big boy in front of her, her handsome cheeks, her bright eyes, her tall bridge of nose, and the notes passed from his mouth to her ears and into her heart. .

As if the entire supermarket has become an uninhabited wilderness, and it is like a tree-lined forest, only he and Su Ke are facing each other. Except for Su Ke, the love song, no other voice can enter the ear. .

The eye sockets became sour, and even the nose was sour.

Su Ke found out that Ma Ina watched her eyes become softer and softer, and the emotional light burst into tears. She was crying!

"What's wrong?" Suker walked up to Maina.

"Boss, I think I'm very happy!" Ma Ina's voice was crying, her eyes were red, and she said that she stuck it to Su Ke's arms, holding Su Ke's waist in both hands.

Wen Xiang nephrite embraced her, and when she heard the tender words of Ma Ina, Su Ke suddenly felt that the girl was easy to satisfy. A song made her like this, and her long hair was subconsciously held by her hand. She patted her back with one hand, not wanting to make her cry, but said with a smile.

"Stupid girl, happiness is cats eating fish, dogs eating meat, and Altman hits little monsters. What kind of happiness are you?"

"My happiness is ---" Maina sobbed her nose, finally stopped her tears, was asked by Su Ke's question, looked up at Su Ke, her body still nestled in Su Ke's chest, if any Thoughts.

"My happiness is to go home late at night. Someone left a waiting lamp for me. Someone told me a joke when I was upset. Someone gave me a bowl of beef stew when I was sick. The most anticipated happiness is-- --- "Maina stopped here.

"What is it?" Suker was attracted by her words.

Ma Yina took a breath, her eyes were affectionate, and Zhu Lip lightly said, "The most anticipated happiness is that my boss can become a husband!"

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