Urban Romance

Chapter 657: Drilling in the duvet secretly!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 658 Chapter 657

"He didn't even eat it! Boss, would you like to eat something together!" Maina still called Su Ke the boss, but the boss seemed to have a nickname no matter how he heard it.

"Eh!" Su Ke hesitated a little bit. To be honest, it's nine o'clock. He hasn't eaten dinner yet. Besides, after a world-famous battle with Ma Ina, it took a lot of physical energy, not to mention Fortunately, it was a bit hungry to mention.

When Ma Jianye saw Su Ke's expression, he immediately took Su Ke's arm. "Here, there is no good meal at home. Just make up with me here, and I will drink with you!"

"Dad, what did you say! It didn't take long for you to finish the operation, how could you drink?" Ma Yina was unhappy immediately when she heard this, she muttered and looked at Ma Jianye with concern.

"It's not your boss who came to our house today! This is our benefactor, I'll drink less and it's okay!" Ma Jianye has been engaged in physical labor for years, no other hobbies, no smoking, usually just love to drink Small wine, but also ordinary white wine, Erguotou and the like.

However, this time I was ill and had surgery, it was true that I hadn't touched wine for half a year. The wine bugs in the stomach had been tossing and tossing. I had no chance to eat this time when I met Su Ke, and finally got a chance.

"That's not OK! He'll have some food!" Ma Ina said as she opened the pan and brought the hot food to the table, because she had to nourish her dad, the food at home was pretty good, stew Fish, fried a Kung Pao chicken.

"Xiao Na, uncle drink is fine!" Su Ke said that because he had a reward for mastery of basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine, he also had some knowledge about medicine.

"You go! You have to drink it yourself!" Ma Ina didn't realize her tone, it wasn't like the relationship between an ordinary boss and employees, she blurted out, but Ma Jianye looked at the two youngsters with some surprise. people.

"Really! I read a book that said that it can be proven that drinking one to three alcohol units per day, that is, one or two more liquors, can reduce the incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. And last year, Transplantation, the official journal of the International Organ Transplantation Society, published a seven-year clinical follow-up study in the Netherlands that, if not overdone, can significantly reduce the recurrence rate of diabetes after kidney transplantation. "

Su Ke said the head was saying, suddenly made Maina shake a little, looked at him doubtfully: "Really?"

"Of course it's true, how could I be kidding about this kind of thing!" Su Ke nodded heavily, a serious look obviously not like telling lies.

"Ha ha, Su Ke, I believe what you said!" When Ma Jianye heard Su Ke's words, he apparently found a supporter, and subconsciously reached out and patted Su Ke's shoulder, but quickly retracted his hand and felt like he was a bit rude. .

"But uncle, you have to remember, you can't overdo it, you can't exceed two or two drinks at most!"

Su Ke turned his head and began to persuade Ma Jianye.

"Know, Xiao Na, don't hurry up and get some food and drinks!" Ma Jianye was eager to try, and said as he went to his room and found a bottle of unopened Erguotou: "Su Ke, drink this is all right!"

"Uncle, I don't usually drink, but today I will accompany you!"

The guest of honor was seated, and the well-informed Ma Ina also listened to Su Ke's words. After a short time, he took out a plate of cucumbers from the kitchen, and a plate of peanut rice left over from making Kung Pao chicken, and she was Sit with the rice bowl.

Ma Jianye's mouthful taste is endless, and the aftertaste is endless. Maybe it has not been touched for too long. After a sip, his face becomes slightly flushed, but it looks radiant.

And Su Ke is also famous for pouring a glass, but as a junior, he still poured half a glass of wine to accompany him. At the same time, he suddenly turned a little dizzy.

It seems that recalling the past has become a must-have topic on the wine table, but Ma Jianye first thanked Su Ke for his help before. He gave full praise to Su Ke ’s high-spirited festival, and paid great respect on behalf of the entire family. However, for this time he brought so many nutritional products, he still criticized a little.

However, after Su Ke drank some wine, the kind of bullying hidden in his heart seemed to be greatly relieved. The old and the young were speculative. Ma Jianye had fun in the flour mill work from the beginning. Talking about every bit of growth of daughter Maina.

When it comes to her daughter's academic performance, she has always been at the top. She can take a good test every time. When it comes to her daughter taking care of herself, doing laundry and cooking, she is smart. Ma Jianye is also an optimistic man, but he has never overwhelmed his backbone.

"My girl, I want to say that cooking is a good hand. You taste the steamed carp. It's not me who blows it. You can't eat it outside the restaurant!"

"If you look at my home again, although there is nothing good about furniture and electrical appliances, it is spotless, and you feel comfortable when you look at it!" Ma Jianye did not hesitate to praise his daughter.

"Uh-huh!" Su Ke nodded like a pounding garlic. Can he say nothing about this situation? What's more, as Ma Jianye said, this home is really well organized.

Ma Ina made her dad feel a little embarrassed. She only looked down to eat vegetables, and occasionally raised her head to wink at Su Ke, so that he could speed up his progress. Do n’t look down on the drink, but the two drink slowly. Su Ke was drinking on an empty stomach, and there was still a snack in his heart that hurt him.

"If you said who married my little girl, would you be in the bed and secretly cheer?" Ma Jianye looked at Su Ke after he finished speaking.

"Eun, yes!" Su Ke nodded again, and the expression was like who didn't sneer, he just played like anyone else, and Ma Jianye looked old with solace, and suddenly the word turned: "Su Ke, do you have anybody now? What do you think my little girl looks like? "

"Eh!" Su Ke was holding up the glass and taking a sip, and almost squirted it out. This was how Dad started selling his daughter.

"Dad! You drunk too much, go to bed quickly! Go! Go!" Ma Ina made her father flush with blushing, urging.

Ma Jianye also seemed to realize that he was a bit out of order, and embarrassedly took up a glass of wine and drank it: "Well, Su Ke, you eat slowly, and you do n’t drink for a while, it ’s really a little bit up!

"Well, uncle, you have to rest early!"

As Ma Jianye walked into the East House by himself, and closed the door, Su Ke and Ma Ina were left in the hallway, facing each other.

"What do you want to see? Don't hurry to eat yet, you are not hungry!" Ma Ina said fiercely, adding a bowl of rice to Su Ke as she said.

"Hey, your dad is quite interesting!" Su Ke felt that when he was chatting with Ma Jianye, there was really no special pressure. Apart from his occasional guilty conscience, this feeling was not bad.

"Interesting? Isn't my dad right? Who married me and who isn't secretly happy? Why don't you say our dad now?" Maina snorted, tilted her head, and a picture was better than eloquence. .

"Hey! It's my dad, my dad is right, it's secret music, I also have to secret music, but what, my dad's words must obey, shall we get into the bed and go to Lele?" Su Ke While pulling the rice in his mouth, he raised his eyebrows towards Ma Ina.

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