Urban Romance

Chapter 695: I have done my best!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 696 Chapter 995 has done its best!

Su Ke entered through the balcony with a broken window. There was no way. The time was urgent and he could not open the security door of Ye Wei's house. The only thing he could do was do it, but this was nothing in Su Ke's eyes.

This is the third time that Su Ke entered Ye Wei's house. The first two times he resisted entering from his heart, but this time he was mad and eager to come in earlier.

He ran straight to the bedroom. On that bed, Ye Wei, who was curled up, was unconscious, and there was vomiting acid water on the corner of his mouth. Several medicine bottles were scattered beside him. Su Ke picked up and looked at all the sleeping pills.

"Ye Wei ---- Ye Wei ---- You wake up!" Even if Su Ke's voice was deafening, Ye Wei remained motionless, without a little reaction, and slept soundly.

Su Ke, who has medical knowledge, hurried over and didn't care about washing her hands. She stuck her right forefinger and **** into Ye Wei's mouth and repeatedly pressed the base of her tongue, while her left hand continued to slap her hard. Back.

Although she spit out a few mouthfuls of acid water, Ye Wei still closed her eyes tightly and was unconscious. Now it is against time. You ca n’t do anything but rush to the hospital for rescue, but Su Ke wo n’t be too stupid to wait for an ambulance. A lazy waist hugged Ye Wei and rushed straight downstairs.

Dunhou's taxi driver always waited by the side of the car and saw Su Ke rushing towards himself, holding a young woman, and quickly opened the door.

"Uncle, look at it for me, or I'll drive!" No matter what the circumstances are, begging others is worse than asking for oneself, not to mention that for driving, Su Ke is 100% assured of his own technology.

And the uncle who had taught Su Ke level said nothing. After taking Ye Wei, he sat directly in the back seat. His life was so high that he could take care of everything. Even if the police came, he had to save people first. Besides, Su Ke had already dumped the policeman.


In the emergency operating room, Su Ke stared anxiously at the red light above, which showed that the operation was underway, and Ye Wei was undergoing gastric lavage, hoping to be able to rescue him.

"Boss!" The expression on Huang Mao's face was also very serious. After all, Su Ke's mood was not high now, and even his voice was much lower: "The procedures have been completed!"

"Huh!" Su Ke had called him before he arrived at the hospital and told him to bring money to the hospital. After all, when he went to school, he didn't really have that much cash, and to be honest, even if there was no money, even Many changes will also occur in the hospital: "What about the driver master?"

"Also gone! I've said hello to the traffic police. The driver's license will be deducted first, and it will be wiped out of the system in a few days! He also gave him a thousand dollars!" Huang Mao took over Sun After the loose affairs, the level of handling really improved a lot.

"Well, thanks to him, did you give him the phone?"

"Here, I also told Master Li, I will help you in the future!" Huang Mao nodded, and finally set his gaze on Su Ke's right arm with a wound about 4 centimeters long. But the blood had coagulated into blood maggots: "Boss, do you want to deal with the wound first!"

"I won't go first, it's important here!" This wound was accidentally scratched when Su Ke entered Ye Wei's house from the balcony, because the situation was urgent at the time, and he didn't even notice it until he came to the hospital. .

It was just the slightest pain from the wound, and Ye Wei, who was rescued in the operating room, was very light and at a glance.

Su Ke's mind is very chaotic. It can be described as a mess. The woman who just called herself is lying in the cold operating room and is being rescued. I am afraid it will not be calm on anyone. .

If Ye Wei really has an accident, it is inevitable that she has her own responsibility. This can be clearly felt from the phone call she made before. If she had not stunned her yesterday, she would have been so resistant to her. If so, maybe she won't try to find short-sightedness.

But is such a living person dead like this? Ye Wei's various things are not, those boring places popped up, but Ye Wei flirted with herself on the plane, her confession to herself, and those who smiled and bent their eyes, even appeared with them Wrinkles, her voice, gave Suker a stronger impact.

Ye Wei is actually pretty good!

With his brows froze, Su Ke was sitting on a bench specially prepared for the patient's family in the operating room. At this moment, a young man with a dragon-like drawing style on his arms came over carefully and gave Huang Mao some things.

Of course, Huang Mao was just a transit, Su Ke took the things in his hand, the door key of Ye Wei's house, and the cell phone she had been using.

Because Su Ke came out too hastily at that time, there was no time to lock the door, and Ye Wei had such a thing. She felt it necessary to notify her family. Whether it was life or death, her family should always stay with her. Around.

Instructed Huang Mao to send someone to lock the door to pick up the mobile phone. Now that the mobile phone is in hand, Su Ke slowly looks around, but he can't find a name similar to his relatives. Everyone calls his name by itself, which makes Su Ke very difficult. , I do n’t know who to contact at all, there is not even one person with her own family name in it.

Go through her call log and check her text message record. The only name on it is the word "Suker", but there is no one else.

"Oh!" Su Ke sighed helplessly, glanced up at the warning light above, and still rescued. About twenty minutes have passed now, and there is no news at all. I thought of seeing it on her bed at that time. Su Ke could imagine how many sleeping pills she would swallow.

"Boss, don't worry. Now that the medical methods are so developed, you can send it in time. It's okay!" Huang Mao saw Su Ke's unpretentious appearance, and quickly opened his mouth to comfort, as the intimate staff directly under Su Ke, this must Things to do.

"Huh!" Su Ke said inadvertently, but his upset mood could not be relieved: "Give me a cigarette!"

Huang Mao quickly took out a box of Yuxi from his pocket. While he took out a lighter to help Su Ke light a cigarette, Su Ke suddenly looked up and glanced at the reminder lamp, like a sixth sense, right in him. The moment he looked up, the red light turned into a green light.

Where did Su Ke take care of smoking? He threw the cigarette aside and waited at the door. At this time, the speed of his heartbeat had exceeded the limit. He wanted to know the result, but he was worried about hearing the unacceptable result.


"Sorry, we've done our best!" The doctor in the white coat slowly pushed the door out and saw Su Ke, who was waiting outside, took a deep breath, and said helplessly through the mask, the voice was low. Worrying.

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