Urban Romance

Chapter 744: Try it again with a smile!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 745 Chapter 744 Try again with a smile!

It seems that I don't like to criticize myself, especially these strangers who have nothing to do with themselves. Even if these people sit here, all of them are scattered, and there is a kind of conference in the rivers and lakes. Uneasy in heart.

Bai Chongtian casually said something. After Su Ke's mistakes at that time, he really had such an instant surge of emotion. He had control of three streets in Weihai, but these three streets were like playhouses. Mao, too lazy to ask.

In the end, Tianjin can give his own land, which is less than one-third, and because Su Ke does n’t know about Tianjin ’s original land occupation, and has n’t even visited the entire site, he ’s naturally not familiar with it. And, since the matter over Tajin was over, I haven't gone back.

However, these two sites have one thing in common. One is small, the other is not the only one of their own. Weihai has Liu Feihong and Zhang Fatty, while Tian Jin has Hongfeng. Even at best, he can be on the table. Second-rate level.

What shocked Su Ke is that it seems that this united gang is the largest gang in Macau. None of them is really the biggest. This is the biggest attraction to Su Ke.

However, this attraction slowly cooled down as some people raised objections. The old saying is good, the fragrant rice was grabbed, but Bai Chongtian meant to take care of himself, a little handy, and although I hadn't thought about his seat before, and I still had the illusion of a bit of food.

In the final analysis, Su Ke is still willing to fight slowly with his own hands, no matter what the matter, he has this attitude.

When the big brothers in the various halls here and the princes of the saw saw began to express their opinions, Su Ke could not help frowning, but Bai Chongtian still looked indifferent.

In fact, these people also know that even if Su Ke is a senior, he will not harm his interests as a veteran. After all, a junior will be slightly immature to fight with them, but if he is so, there will be a kind of reluctance in his heart Look.

The overall meaning is Su Kehede, how can he sit on the leading seat, everyone has a big dream, maybe someone is content with the status quo, but who has no ambition?

This involves Bai Chongtian's original intention, which is to take advantage of this opportunity to detonate all their inner thoughts. Xia Qishen's thing is to give him a good shot and let him wake up. After all these years, are these brothers still like they were? Like, love is deep.

Passive betrayal is unacceptable to people, like that sentence, why did you finally know me? How much helplessness is there?

However, if bad signs appear again in the gang, then Bai Chongtian will definitely deal with it severely and take the initiative to cut all these hidden dangers, which involves maintaining the purity of the organization.

Even if his successor is not Su Ke in the end, no matter who is in his hands, Bai Chongtian must ensure that there is no turbulent tendency here.

Bai Chongtian pressed his hand, and these voices quickly calmed down, looking around for a week: "That's the thing! Of course I won't retire so soon, and Su Ke won't be in office so soon, you said, I I also considered that Su Ke's ability would also require your support! Who is opposed to this? "

After saying this, the living room is still a little dull, but I can feel that Bai Chongtian's authority has always been in place. On the one hand, he accepted their opinions, and on the other hand, he showed his determination. So after these people looked at each other, There was no interest in speaking, and he nodded.

"Okay! Then come here today. If you have any questions, you can come to me directly! Let's go!" Bai Chongtian was injured. Although not as serious as before, his face was slightly tired after such entanglement. After finishing this sentence, he waved toward everyone.

"Okay! Boss, you pay attention to rest!"

"Well, let's go back!"

After these people greeted Bai Chongtian, there was a resignation of Chen Ruili, but everyone finally looked at Su Ke with a profound meaning, but Su Ke was better, not squinting, although it was a bit impolite, but who made them It's okay to mess with Su Ke first, and it's good to haven't spoken!

Soon in the large living room, there were only three members of the Bai Chongtian family, and Su Ke, the son-in-law who had not yet passed through the door.

Chen Ruili walked up to Bai Chongtian and helped him up, because before the hospitalization, he wanted to lead the snake out of the hole, but the snake was brought to the house. Naturally, there is no need to go back to the hospital now, and it is not bad to rest at home.

"Boss!" Huo Lei came in seeing the big brothers retreating one by one.

"Huh?" Bai Chongtian Rao was a little tired on his face, but his eyes were still tough.

"Xia Qishen's confidants?" Huo Lei did let most people go, but this does not include Xia Qishen's most caring younger brothers. Those who are directly involved in the rebellion must bear their dues. s consequence.

"No need to stay!" Bai Chongtian groaned for a moment, as if looking out of the window, the night was still charming, quiet and serene, sighed softly, and shook his head toward the fire thunder.

"Okay! I know how to do it!" Huo Lei nodded, grinning, and turned away, but Su Ke looked at his back with a little instinctual throbbing. He turned around and took away How many lives?

What did that say? A turn is a lifetime? When Huo Lei turned around, it was to end the life of some people. The reality is so cruel, and the cruel people do not want to believe that this is reality.

"I'm a bit tired today! Su Ke, you should rest early! I'll talk about it tomorrow!" Bai Chongtian knew that Su Ke had a lot of words in his heart. Even if he didn't ask himself, he would find a chance to talk to him, but today What happened made him a bit of a hardworking man. With the help of Chen Ruili, he slowly went upstairs.

Bai Xue seems to have been frightened all the time, because the incident that he lived with Su Ke turned out to be so well known in the world. It is estimated that there will be no serious consequences tonight, but after the fall, how can I do it tomorrow?

Looking up at Su Ke: "Blame you!"

"Huh?" Su Ke turned and looked at Bai Xue, this girl's face was a bit ugly, a grieved look, her mouth beeping: "Uh, what? I'm dead now!"

"It's okay!" Su Ke put his hand on Shirayuki's shoulder and patted him gently. "I'll help you with anything!"

"It can only be like this now!" Bai Xue nodded dejectedly: "Let's go to bed too!"

"What?" Su Ke said for a moment, this girl still has the mood to play this? And the word "Ye" is also very wonderful. Could it be said that Bai Chongtian and Chen Ruili would do this after going up?

"Go to bed! What are you talking about? Ah! No, I mean going upstairs!" Bai Xue's face turned red, because her mind was all about how to deal with her parents tomorrow. The mess was blurry, and I suddenly blurted out, but also mistakenly said that going upstairs to go to bed, quickly subconsciously waved his hand, and accompanied him to shake his head like a rattle.

"I mean going upstairs! How about going upstairs! Smile again! Try it again!"

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