Urban Romance

Chapter 752: Immediately fired forward!

[The text of Chapter 1]

753th chapter 752 immediately flew forward!

"Hey! After you listen to me, when I read this" Three Songs for Children's Songs "in my hand, my skills will soar, the eaves will go away, and picking flowers will hurt people!" Su Ke did not get embarrassed by the trick. It's just a joke, it's just a lively atmosphere.

"Huh! It might as well give you a few" Forty-two Sutras "so that we can still look for treasure!" Bai Xue hummed softly and said, moving his body inward again, and lifting one leg close to him At Su Ke, sliding up and down, his knees even accidentally and unconsciously Su Su Xiaoke.

"Eh!" Su Ke was so irritated by this girl that she was so irritated that she had to take a rest after a world war. Who knew that its will was so easy to shake, and she stood upright with trembling. It seemed extremely dissatisfied with Shirayuki's provocation.

"Divine doctor!" Bai Xue murmured softly, just like the sounds of nature, and Zhu Lips opened slightly. The exhaled heat sprayed on Su Ke's neck, causing a numbness.

"Huh? What's the order?" Su Ke's body, which was already like a flame of chrysanthemum beans, suddenly began to swell again. The more it burned, the more suddenly it became hot.

"I think the golden silkworm venom in me has recurred, so please give me an antidote!" Bai Xue said as he crawled onto Su Ke, tilting his head slightly, holding Su Ke's shoulders with both hands, a face She was so shy that Sucker's index finger moved.

"Another attack? So what are you waiting for? It is the bounden duty of our doctors to save the wounded and heal the wounds. Let's talk nonsense, or detoxify quickly!" Su Ke said, and immediately entered the course of treatment.


There is only a few mountains between Zhongshan and Guazhou in Jingkou.

The spring breeze was again on the south bank of the Green River, and it flew forward.


Just in the water of Guazhou, Su Xiaoke became Changshan Zhao Zilong and killed a 70 in and 70 out, uh, this seems to be a little bit less, that is 700 in or 700 out, or 7000 in or 7000 out Out, anyway, in a nutshell, Shirayuki was defeated and lost his helmet.

This battle was another dark day, shaking the mountains, flying sand and stones.

It wasn't until the triumphant return and victory that Su Xiaoke became low-key again, but the battlefield in the water was becoming messy, as if he was silently complaining about the fierceness and cruelty of the enemy.

Bai Xue was really defeated. She was completely convinced by Su Ke's powerful fighting power. She was lying comfortably on the bed without moving. Her chest had been lifted up and down, and the peaks and peaks seemed to be beautiful. A bit older.

However, Su Ke was not strong enough, but Su Ke went all out to overcome the paralysis mentality, and developed a fine style of hard work and continuous combat without fear of sacrifice. This is still something everyone should learn.

Su Ke's breathing gradually became gentler, and the heat in her heart slowly subsided. Suddenly, she found that Bai Xue didn't speak for a long time, so she turned her head around. It turned out that the girl had fallen into a dream, and wondered if she had encountered it again in her dream. What a beautiful thing, the smile at the corner of his mouth was contented.

In order to prevent the fighting and killing sounds of Bai Xue from being noticed, especially the two next door, the television was always playing. The time shown above was already half past one in the morning. Unconsciously, it had taken so long. The bedside table on the side picked up the remote control of the TV and turned off the TV, and the room suddenly quieted down.

The night breeze outside the window gently touched the grass and trees in the villa area, rustling, and then listened again, in the next room, Bai Chongtian and Chen Ruili could fall asleep long ago, and their breathing sound was smooth and long.

The night was quiet, the beauty was on the side, Su Ke was lying on the bed, and he had a lot of imagination in his mind. There were many things that he needed to think about, such as how to deal with the relationship with Bai Xue, when did he want to go home, and Ye Wei, who had amnesia. How to get along, anyway, he was clueless.

In this way, after thinking about it, physical and psychological exhaustion gradually hit, and his eyelids became heavier, and Su Ke immediately wanted to fall asleep.

** Short, not to mention such a fierce confrontation between the two, sleep is undoubtedly the best way to restore physical and mental strength, but this sleep is obviously not enough to sleep!

Suddenly Su Ke suddenly felt that the bed vibrated a little, and then heard Bai Xue's voice sounded: "It's awful, it's awful!"

Su Ke then opened her eyes and saw that Shirayuki had sat up, the blanket had slipped underneath, Chiguo was on top of her body, and some were at a loss: "What's wrong? Is the poison again?"

"It's all about you, it's dawn!" Bai Xue said as he hurriedly sought out his own clothes, put on his body in a random way, and raised his hands and feet to see the beautiful spring light.

Needless to say Bai Xue, Su Ke also knows that it is dawn. The morning sun is shining in the room, it feels warm and very comfortable, making people have the idea of ​​lying on the bed: "Yeah! It is dawn!"

"My parents must be up, what should I do? They must know that I'm sleeping here with you!" Bai Xue's face was pale and nervous, and it seemed that Chen Ruili's authority was absolutely beyond doubt, and she was scared like this .

"Eh! Are you okay? Didn't you admit it yesterday!" Su Ke also had a little bit of embarrassment, and the two of them shared the same bed in a brazen manner, and they were still under the eyes of their parents.

"What's all right? It's dead! I have to go quickly!" Bai Xue put on the pale blue robot cat pajamas, gave Su Ke a hard glance, then stomped to the door, and quietly opened the door. Look around like a little mouse and ran out.

If Heaven could give Bai Xue a chance to wake her up an hour in advance, then she would not be caught by Chen Ruili, but in fact, there is a cloudy and sunny day, which is an ancient task and it ’s your turn. When I was drinking cold water, my teeth were plugged, so unfortunately, when Bai Xue rushed into her room, Chen Ruili sat on her bed and looked at her with frost.

"Ah!" Bai Xue screamed first, stopped subconsciously, and shouted timidly before Chen Ruili: "Mom!"

"Where have you been?" Chen Ruili asked knowingly.

"I ---- I didn't go!" Bai Xue lowered her head, nervous in her heart, and seemed to have foreseen her mother's punishment.

And the so-called blessing is not alone, when Bai Xue spends years in his room, Su Ke also sits on the sofa in the living room downstairs, Bai Chongtian looks at him calmly, looking at him uneasily, not Know what kind of scene you will face.

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