Urban Romance

Chapter 769: He Fenglu really came!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 770 He Fenglu really comes!

There is a kind of love called letting go, giving up forever for love, and also a kind of pain called letting go, watching the winning money slip away from your hand.

Su Ke doesn't even think he is still pretending to be calm, but he has already begun to stir up the stormy seas, and has lost seven million before and after. Even if the lottery won't have so much money, he can think a little bit. Calm, as long as you think about it, your heart beats suddenly and wildly.

As long as I think that I may continue to lose, my brain is a little dizzy, and everyone else looks better than Su Ke, Hu Jian's pride is mad, and He Fengzang's indifferent as the wind moves in all directions Andre's whispered in a low voice, Liu Di's big yellow teeth were wry smiles, all did not show a strange look because of losing money.

But Su Ke didn't know. In stud, he actually asked a university about observing the change of his opponent's look. He could guess from the expression of the other person, and the other person could see the clue from his own face. In fact, it involved psychology. In the field of study, even if you have a bad hand, you can still retreat your opponent from your momentum and win the bet.

But how does Su Ke know this? The right hand under the table keeps tightly and relaxes. At this time, Liu Lao, who is on the side, once again develops his style and gives Su Ke guidance: "Little brother, do n’t be nervous, The more you do this, the easier it is for that **** to see your details! "

Liu Lao Er said that he was still nodding in the direction of Hu Jianzhen. Indeed, this pseudo-Qigong master was too hateful, and a strong smile exudes a powerful breath that is full of evil.

Unknowingly, this insignificant uncle has become Su Ke's alliance. Of course, this is a spiritual alliance. When it is his turn to win money, he will not tremble with guilt.

One word awakened the dreamer, indeed, the only thing Su Ke can learn from now is only those things in the movie. One by one, the gods and the gamblers seem to have a set of theories. Su Ke calmly worked hard to make his own Emotionally restrained, at this time, the task prompt of the flower picking system came out.

"Task: Get He Fenglu's first kiss; Reward: Ask for a wish!"

"Oye!" Su Ke almost exclaimed when he saw this task, for nothing else, just for this reward, seeing this reward feels like a long drought and Gan Lin, and finally waited for a timely rain.

In fact, Su Ke had entered the flower-picking system long ago, but there was no surprise in it. Many times, Su Ke knew that when he was in trouble, the flower-picking system was like a conscientious sister, helping himself to solve problems, but there was no absolute thing in the world , Before going in for nothing.

However, when I saw that I was about to fail, such a mission reward came up to ask for wishes. Does that mean that I am about to have the ability to come back.

Hey! and many more! After Su Ke was exulting, he suddenly stopped, task, how to complete this task? He Fenglu's first kiss? But this woman is unfamiliar with herself, and she is not at the scene yet. Does she want Baixue to call her to come to the rivers and lakes for help? Borrow a first kiss?

Subconsciously turned to look at Baixue, this look made Baixue a little scratched his head, and it was because Su Ke was a little discouraged and had nothing to do!

If you think about it, you can't play stud, and Su Ke can't play, but you not only challenged, but also pushed Su Ke to the front desk. It seems that this feeling of taking money to float is really uncomfortable.

"Calm! Calm!" Bai Xue meditated inwardly and uttered a smile towards Su Ke: "It's okay, there are so many left! Anyway, boy, I'm optimistic about you!" He also patted Su Ke shoulder.

"Hello! Do you follow me? Hurry up, don't delay everyone's time!" Everyone is happy and happy. Hu Jianquan Lin Lin has won more than 10 million now. Seeing that Su Ke is not as hostile as before, he always gives it to himself God of Wealth.

Even the flowers are full of eyebrows, although the side face is still a little red and swollen, but when I see the chips on the table, where can I have time to hate Su Ke Baixue, think about what car I want to change to be serious, I heard that Land Rover Aurora Very good, it's time to drive!

Hu Jianquan once again raised 5 million and pushed the chips to the table. Soon these people called. He Fengzang followed with 5 million, Andrei followed with 5 million and Liu Lao gave up.

The current board is:

Hu Jianquan: Hearts K, Hearts J, Hearts 10.

He Fengzang: Caohua A, Spade Q, Square K.

Andrei: 10 squares, 10 grass flowers, 8 spades.

Liu Laoer: Ace of Spades, Ace of Hearts 8, and Caohua J, but have given up.

Su Ke: Caohua K, Caohua 9, Spades 9.

Now besides Su Ke still hesitating on the table, the stacked chips are Hu Jianquan, He Fengzang and Andrei 70.5 thousand each. Liu Lao second folds and stays on the table 2.5 million. Su Ke previously called 20.5 million for a total of 25.25 million. If Su Ke calls again, it will become 32.5 million, but this is only aside from the hole cards Fourth card.

God knows where the fifth card will be raised? Follow or not? If you follow it, you may lose 10 million after this one, but if you do n’t follow it, the two million in the front of the game will be gone, but Su Ke has found a cover up mood with Liu ’s second reminder. Volatility method, forward or backward?

A coin-sized chip flipped up and down on Su Ke's right hand with five fingers, bouncing back and forth, as if growing in his hand.

"This gentleman!" Even when Suker was still a little hesitant, the dealer had started to remind him whether to call or fold, and a decision must be made immediately.

"Axue, you are really here!" At this moment, Su Ke suddenly heard a long-awaited voice coming from behind him. Although he did not have much contact with He Fenglu, he only had a few faces, but it was a memory. Profound, especially when I snuck into the hotel room and snatched the snuff bottle back.

At that time, He Fenglu ran out of the bathroom with her whole body, and the two happened to face each other. She screamed, and now it seemed to her that it was just now.

Looking back, sure enough, He Fenglu had a short-sleeved short-sleeved t-shirt with light gray jeans underneath, beautiful youth, and vitality. Her black hair was combed into a ponytail, and when walking towards Shirayuki, the ponytail was shaking from side to side. Just when Su Ke turned back, the two eyes collided inadvertently.

He Fenglu's face turned red subconsciously, ran to Bai Xue's side, took her two and walked to the side of the sisters, and when Su Ke saw He Fenglu, he immediately thought of the reward of the task just now, his head was hot, and the ghost was terrible. Turned around and looked at the dealer: "Five million!"

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