Urban Sims

Chapter 123 The Mist

Leaving Yazhou and heading west, Zhou Ming and his party entered Hongzhou.

Hongzhou, the flood state, means that this state has lots of water and is prone to flooding and disasters.

The reason for this is that Zhou Ming saw on the [World Map] that in the Great Zhou Dynasty, the central basins of the Zhongjiang River and the Nanjiang River, which are abundant in water, converged into a vast swamp area in Hongzhou, forming a vast area of The 100,000 square kilometers of storage lakes have strong flood storage capacity.

This lake is called Yunmeng Lake.

According to legend, this lake is the place where Ao Qu, the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was entrusted. He was in charge of hundreds of thousands of aquatic people and millions of shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Ao Qu, a powerful and proud man, summoned craftsmen to build a dragon that was hundreds of miles long at the bottom of the lake. In the courtyard city, he built a 100-foot-tall golden dragon throne. He openly exceeded the regulations and proclaimed himself the "Water Dragon King". He wanted to rule all the water tribes in the rivers and lakes. He wanted to compete with the Dragon King of the Four Seas, but he also refused to obey the orders of the Dragon King of the East China Sea and established his own kingdom. The new Zeguo is called: Yunmengguo.

This rebellious behavior naturally led to the joint conquest of the four sea dragon kings. After an earth-shattering battle with turbulent waves and countless casualties, Aoqu was defeated. The dragon's head was beheaded on the Broken Dragon Platform, and the dragon's body was abandoned. Trapped in Longtan, Dragon Claw was abandoned in Wuzhao River, and Dragon Tail was abandoned in Longwei Mountain... These places have become the most dangerous places around Yunmeng Lake, and are also regarded as Ao Qu's courage to challenge the world. A symbol of glory in defeat.

In memory of Ao Qu, the name Yunmeng Lake, the first of all lakes, has continued.

Zhou Ming also saw on the [World Map] that Yunmeng Lake, which is shaped like the placenta of a child in the womb, has a circumference of more than 2,000 kilometers. A boat can pass through it. From the southernmost point to the northernmost point, the shortest is a thousand miles. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to describe Yunmeng Lake as "a thousand miles of smoke".

Taking a slow-moving large passenger ship, it would take seven days to sail the more than a thousand miles of water.

Not only that, Yunmeng Lake is a vast lake. When the wind and waves are large, there is a saying that "the waves are higher than the sea." There are many surge areas that are extremely dangerous and densely covered with reefs. Only the most experienced boatmen can sail here. Find the safest route on a lake with no reference.



Less than a day after boarding the ship, Chu Jingling kept vomiting (she was not pregnant, and Zhou Ming had always paid attention to safety). She was so seasick that she vomited whatever she ate. She couldn't eat anything at all. Her face was pale and without a trace of blood. Zhou Ming looked anxious. , thinking hard about countermeasures.

He also did not expect that Chu Jingling, who claimed to have been on boats many times, knew how to swim, and would not get seasick, would vomit like this when encountering a slightly bigger scene.

At this time, it was impossible for him to ask the boatman to sail the ship back hundreds of miles away from the shore. Moreover, there were more than 300 other passengers on the ship, and they would not agree because one person would delay everyone's schedule.

After trying various methods to no avail, when he saw the "Jiaowei Qin" placed in the corner of the cabin, a method suddenly came to Zhou Ming's mind:

"The reason why people get motion sickness and seasickness is because the vestibule in the human cochlea is too sensitive to normal motion. As long as the vestibule's perception of motion is blocked, wouldn't it be able to prevent seasickness?"

As for the unique sound played by the Jiaowei Qin, it has the function of making people lose their senses, enter a dreamland, and even forget where they are and what they are doing?

Of course, only a few top luthiers can achieve this exaggerated effect.

This is not a problem for Zhou Ming.

He picked up the limp Chu Jingling from the bed and helped her sit half-sitting on the bedside while she was retching in discomfort.

"Ren Yin~"

Dang, ding, ding, ding, ding...

"Feng Qiu Huang", Zhou Ming memorized this music after listening to it only once. Not only does his playing technique be better, but many of the places he modified can also make people enter a higher level. artistic conception.

"Lang Jun, I seem to have gone to another place just now, and I don't feel dizzy at all."

After the song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" was played, Chu Jingling, who obviously looked better, looked at him in surprise and said.

Zhou Ming nodded, as long as it works, he said to her, "I'll play a few more piano pieces for you to make you more comfortable."

"Well, thank you Mr. Lang."

Chu Jingling sighed, watching Ailang playing the piano, the affection in his eyes was about to turn into a river of spring water.

So, in the next few days, after enjoying piano music therapy three times a day for half an hour each time, Chu Jingling's seasickness was greatly relieved, her complexion returned to normal, and she never vomited again.

At the same time, while Zhou Ming was playing the piano, the penetrating and unique piano sound was inevitably heard by other passengers on the ship, and they were immediately immersed in it. No one said not to make any more noise, but At those few points every day, the entire ship suddenly became extremely quiet. Even the sound of mice grinding their teeth disappeared, leaving only the clear and melodious sound of the piano amidst the sound of rolling waves.

On this day, after listening to the sound of the piano with their ears pressed against the cabin wall, eight or nine passengers in kerchiefs and fine clothes finally couldn't restrain their mood of paying a visit and knocked on the cabin door where the music of the piano came from.

After opening the door, Zhou Ming had a conversation with them and found out that these were all very talented young men in Hongzhou, and two of them were descendants of officials, such as Zhang Jing, the son of Zhang Du, the governor of Changsha, and Zhang Jing, the son of Zhang Du, the governor of Nanyang County. The son of Liu Su, Liu Anzhi, was invited to travel together and visit the Yunmeng Zeguo, but they didn't want to, and met a master of piano skills, so they wanted to make friends with each other.

"You are Tian Zihua? The famous Mr. Zihua?"

"I have admired Mr. Zihua's name for a long time! I am also fortunate to have read Mr.'s article. I did not expect that the skill of the piano art is so sublime, it is amazing!"

"Mr. Zihua, I heard that you are traveling around the world. Many people are searching hard to travel with you, but they can't find you. I never thought that Mr. Zihua, who is said to be hard to find, is actually the same as me. Boat, hahaha! This is the great fortune of my life!"

"Mr. Zihua, I have more than twenty copies of "Zihua Collected Works" in my hands. I know hundreds of your articles and poems by heart. I once paid thousands of dollars to buy your comics... Zihua Sir, I admire you very much! I wonder if I can let me join you, how about traveling around the world together?"

Liu Anzhi, the son of the governor of Nanyang, said with admiration and fanaticism in his eyes.

As soon as these words came out, many young talents nearby also said: "Mr. Zihua, I have long wanted to travel around this world. Take me with you!", "Mr. Zihua, let me How about I be your Sha Monk and help you carry your backpack?", "Mr. Zihua, I have read your "Mount Tai Climbing Ode", and the various descriptions are fascinating... I have nothing else to ask for, I only wish to be with you. Mr. Zihua, how about climbing a mountain together and writing a poem each?"

This man's words attracted a chorus of agreement.

"It's just to write a poem, why climb the steep mountain, where can't you write a poem with beautiful scenery?"

Standing on the bow of the deck, looking past the gazes of everyone, Zhou Ming pointed with his sleeves at the Yunmeng Lake not far away, where the sky was filled with mist and the visibility was less than a thousand meters. Each composes a poem, each expresses his mind, and each exhibits his talent?"

This proposal made everyone's eyes light up, and then they glanced at it. The vast scenery of Yunmeng Lake at this time was, as Mr. Zihua said, like a Milky Way wonderland. Everyone's thoughts surged, and they suddenly constructed a scene in their minds. The prototype of an article was written.

"Bring a pen and paper! I want to make a fu with Mr. Zihua! Compete!"

Liu Anzhi shouted loudly, and his followers hurried into the cabin, bringing a large number of pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and also moved several desks.

So, on the deck, amid the lively onlookers of hundreds of passengers, everyone was immersed in writing and competing in talent competition.

Zhou Ming's "Yanbo Fu" was the first to be completed, and he finished it in one go without adding any details. However, he did not rush to say that he had finished writing and interrupt other people's thoughts. Instead, he quietly waited for more than half an hour for everyone to finish writing. After they were completed one after another, they were made public and circulated to each other for appreciation.

"Mr. Zihua's "Yanbo Fu" is brilliant in literary talent, as real as in illusion, and overflowing with brilliance. I can't compare to it!"

"Compared with "Yanbo Fu", my "Yunmeng Fu" is like a beautiful jade compared to mud and stone, like the fluorescent light of rotten grass, compared to the vast moon in the heart of the sky, it makes people laugh and laugh generously, rather than tearing it apart!"

Liu Anzhi, who was deeply shocked by "Yanbo Fu" and couldn't help himself, actually did something that surprised everyone. He actually spent nearly an hour writing his own "Yunmeng Fu", which was actually not bad in literary talent. , torn into pieces on the spot and thrown into the roaring lake water.

"Brother An, it's just a poem, why is it like this?"

"Brother An, Mr. Zihua is famous all over the world and is known as the 'Eight Talents'. It's normal for us to lose. It shouldn't be like this!"

"Brother An, you are bold and outgoing, how come today..."

Everyone was very puzzled and tried to persuade him.

"No need to say more!"

Liu Anzhi waved his hand and shouted, everyone was silent. He suddenly raised his hand and bowed to Zhou Mingzhang, with a stern look in his eyes: "Here is Mr. Zihua's "Yanbo Fu"! What's the use of our literary poems, no matter how good they are?" Who will enjoy the chaff before the delicious food? Mr. Zihua, being able to travel with you in Mengze is a blessing that is rarely encountered in the next life. I would like to write another poem, called "A Journey with Zihua in Mengze". This is The gift of narration, Mr. Zihua, would you agree to narrate this matter below to express your respect?"


Zhou Ming nodded and waved.

After obtaining permission, Liu Anzhi, who was full of thoughts and emotions, wrote a thousand-word "A Journey with Zihua in Mengze" in just a few moments without adding any extra text.

This travel note has attracted a lot of applause because of its wonderful narrative, sincere feelings, and endless famous quotes. Some people even asserted that this travel note will be passed down through the ages like "Yanbo Fu".

Seeing how lively the atmosphere was, Zhou Ming, who was so excited, also asked someone to fetch the "Jiaowei Qin". He sat on the bow of the boat and played one intoxicating Qin tune after another, waiting for the music to stop suddenly. , when everyone woke up from their dreams with great reluctance, they were shocked to find that the ship was surrounded by countless fish. These fish, densely packed, followed the ship and banged against the hull... So, through hundreds of fish, Passengers say: The legend of "Zihua plays the harp and the fish in Yunmeng are frightened" began to spread widely around Yunmeng Lake and has lasted for thousands of years...

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