Urban Sims

Chapter 165 Three Conditions

It is true that the IQ of women in love will decrease.

Especially for women who have just entered the state of love, even though they know that some of their behaviors are as naive as children, but the impulse that is constantly generated in that novel state still makes women unable to bear it. That... is called "test".

So, walking along the street for just over two hundred meters, Zhou Ming bought the woman an ice cream, a bottle of drink, a hat, and some snacks.

Of course, Su Yuxiang wasn't just patronizing herself. When she passed by a fashion-forward men's clothing store, she saw that the clothes Zhou Ming was wearing were rather old-fashioned. In order to make him have a better impression in front of her parents, So she took him into the men's clothing store, picked out some suitable clothes for him, and asked him to change into them.

Not to mention, Zhou Ming's appearance is average, but his body is lean and his frame is too big. He belongs to the model body that "looks thin when undressed, but fleshy when dressed". Three pieces of blue-grey-black clothes and shoes from top to bottom. After putting them on, as soon as you come out of the fitting room, you will feel eye-catching.

"Beauty, your boyfriend has a really good figure." The salesperson couldn't help but praise her.

"Just buy these pieces. How much is the total?" Su Yuxiang blushed slightly and began to bargain with the salesperson.

"The shirt is 368, the slim-fitting pants are 399, and the shoes are 298. The total is 1,065. If you remove the fractions, it is exactly one thousand." The salesperson said with a signature smile.

"Is it so expensive? Can we get a better discount, maybe 850?"

Su Yuxiang frowned. She is a university professor, but she also belongs to the working class. Her monthly salary is less than 10,000 yuan. After deducting five social insurances, one housing fund and taxes, she gets less than 8,000 yuan. Because there are no classes during summer vacation, her salary will be halved. With this salary, she usually buys clothes at a price between 300 and 500. She can buy at most five or six pieces a month, and she has to pay the boss for a long time. I can't buy a few things every year, and I don't live the life of a rich girl who can max out my bank card at will.

Of course, if she wants to live this kind of affluent life, if she finds a rich partner, she can immediately live a life of luxury cars and villas, but she is a professor of philosophy, not the kind of gold digger who can be settled with material things. If the realm does not meet her requirements, no matter how excellent the other conditions are, in her eyes it is just a piece of shit, superficial and of low taste!

Besides, it's not like she can't support herself with this little salary, she can just buy some valuables at most.

"Beauty, the clothes in our store are all chain-operated and priced at the same price. They are not cheap at all!"

The salesperson said with a grimace, except for occasional discounts and promotions on clothes in the store, bargaining is generally not allowed.

"Call your store manager over here, and I'll talk to her in person!" Faced with this situation, Su Yuxiang also had her countermeasures, that is, "catch the thief first and catch the king" and directly deal with the store manager.

"Yuxiang, let me pay. I have money." Zhou Ming walked over and took out his mobile phone to pay the bill.

Pressing down his phone with one hand, the woman glanced at him sideways and said, "You go aside. When the conversation breaks down, take off your clothes and leave."

Zhou Ming was sweating profusely, so he could only sit on one side and watch the woman and the store manager come and go, haggling and haggling over prices. For more than 20 minutes, he was on the verge of falling apart many times. Zhou Ming also pretended to take off his clothes several times In the end, the store manager finally compromised, and both parties gave in and settled the deal at a price of 900 yuan.

Putting on new clothes, leaving the men's clothing store, and seeing the woman's proud face, Zhou Ming suddenly realized: his days of freedom are probably gone forever, he has entered the absolute domain of a tomb, his activities Not only was the range restricted, step by step, he climbed closer and closer to the entrance of the tomb, unable to turn back.


What's wrong with this? Sooner or later you have to find a life partner, right? I'm 25 now, and it's really time to find a partner and start a family.

Half past eight in the evening.

The two of them chatted and laughed all the way to the vicinity of Times Square on West Lake Road, where they watched the musical fountain and the aunts dancing in the square.

A crisp voice came from behind.

"Sister Xiangxiang, didn't you say you'd be there at 7:30? You guys didn't arrive until 8:30! I'm almost starving to death!"

Song Feifei looked at the two of them angrily, especially her cousin Su Yuxiang. She knew that someone would treat her to a big dinner tonight, so she deliberately only ate a little at noon in preparation for a big meal at night! But after waiting for a while, my stomach growled with hunger, and then the man and woman slowly walked over and watched the aunt dance square dance with great interest. They seemed to have forgotten to eat!

So infuriating!

"Ah~! I'm sorry, Feifei, we just went to buy something and were delayed for a while. Now we are going to eat... I have some snacks, you can eat them first."

Su Yuxiang panicked and quickly stuffed the snack in her hand to block her mouth. When she saw her parents walking not far away, she also gave a few looks to tell them to stay natural and not to be exposed.

Father Su and Mother Su understood. After seeing the young man next to their daughter, Song Yaqin whispered to her husband, "The young man is quite nice. He is much more handsome than on TV."

Su Qingrong glanced at her and said, "It's not bad. You're quite energetic, but I don't know what your character is like."

Zhou Ming looked at the three people walking over with some surprise, especially the baby-faced petite girl in the middle. He still had some impression in his mind that he seemed to have done some carving for her.

"Master Sculptor, you look very handsome today. No wonder you were able to pick up my cousin and be the best..."

Song Feifei walked up to him and said hello. Before she could finish speaking, she was dragged aside by Su Yuxiang, warned her in a low voice, and promised some benefits before being silenced by Su Yuxiang.

During this process, Zhou Ming, who has sensitive ears, seemed to hear the words "Feifei baby" and "at least 100".

"Zhou Ming, this is my uncle, and this is my aunt... The two of them are the parents of my cousin Feifei. You can call them uncle and aunt."

After taking care of her cousin, Su Yuxiang introduced her parents to Zhou Ming.

"Hello, uncle."

"Hello, aunt."

Zhou Ming not only greeted the "auntie" who was five points like Su Yuxiang in front of her, but also praised her: "Auntie, you are so beautiful, you look less than 30 years old."

"The young man can talk and has such a sweet mouth..."

Song Yaqin covered her mouth and giggled. This laughter was almost exactly the same as Su Yuxiang's just now.

"Okay, stop standing outside and find a place to eat quickly!"

Seeing his wife and daughter being coaxed so happily by this kid, Su Qingrong felt uncomfortable all over. It felt like a thief had stolen his two hearts that loved him the most.

"Okay, okay, let's go eat!" Song Feifei clapped her hands and laughed.

So, a group of five people walked into the Times Building. There are many mid-to-high-end restaurants suitable for eating in the building, as well as some expensive Western-style dishes. I found a private room and sat down at the new Bailu Restaurant, which was good but relatively expensive.

"Have a piece of Qiandao Lake salmon..."

"Have a helping of Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs..."

"Have a piece of beef with French sauce..."

"Have a piece of braised duck with crispy bones..."

Su Qingrong, who was holding the menu, ordered eighteen expensive dishes with an average price of more than 300 yuan in one go. The quantity was so large that Song Yaqin and Su Yuxiang on the side quickly said that enough is enough and they don't want to order any more, but he kept on going. Going down, Song Feifei also said that they couldn't eat so many dishes, so Su Qingrong glared at her and said: "If you can't finish eating, pack it up and go home and eat slowly. It's hard to come out once, and you have to eat something good!"

Not only that, he also ordered two bottles of imported Lafite priced at 1,500, as well as some high-end drinks. After a table full of things, the consumption was at least 5,000.

Song Yaqin was in a hurry, and said to her husband in private: "Old Su, why are you making things so hard for him? He wants to treat us to dinner, but there's no need to spend so much money."

"What do you know? If you don't spend money like this, how do you know if this young man is easy to talk to? Is the financial ability not enough? If you can't afford a meal, what qualifications do you have to be with our daughter?"

After hearing her husband's explanation, Song Yaqin felt that it made sense and said nothing more.

However, Su Yuxiang next to her was very anxious and was ready to pay the bill if Zhou Ming didn't have enough money.

Zhou Ming smiled indifferently, and asked Su Qingrong to order more. If you want to try some special dishes, you can order a few more. Today is his treat, and everyone eats happily!

After the dishes were served, after three rounds of wine and five tastes of the dishes, everyone chatted about some topics, the most talked about, of course, was about Zhou Ming's various situations, Su Qingrong asked many questions, such as "What's your education? ", "What's the situation at home?", "How much is the monthly income?", "Stable job?", "Is there any plan for the future?", Zhou Ming answered them one by one.

Knowing that he had a bachelor's degree, average family conditions, a monthly income of more than 100,000 yuan, an unstable job, and a freelance job, Su Qingrong, who drank too much red wine, actually slipped his mouth, patted the table and said to Zhou Ming:

"Young man, with your condition, you are not worthy of our Yuxiang at all, and you are not worthy of that aspect! It's not right to be in the same family, I advise you to let go and stop pestering my Yuxiang!"

"Um, uncle, according to your opinion, what conditions are required to be worthy of Yuxiang?"

"Simple, three conditions!"

Su Qingrong blushed, raised three fingers and said: "First, there is a car and a house. The house must be in the urban area, more than 120 square meters, and the car should not be too good. It is about 300,000. Isn't this request too much?"

Zhou Ming nodded and said: "Not too much, not too much."

Putting down a finger, Su Qingrong continued: "Second, you have to have a deposit on your body. You will never ask my daughter to live with you to repay the house loan and car loan, right? The deposit should not be less than 5 million! And put it with us Keep it safe, don’t think about borrowing money from outside and fooling me, I won’t do this!”

Zhou Ming was stunned and asked: "It's only 5 million, uncle, are you telling the truth? This is enough..."

Before she could finish speaking, her mouth was covered by the woman on the side. She said in a sobbing voice: "Zhou Ming, my dad drinks too much, can you just ignore him?"

"Uncle, there is one last condition, please tell me."

Gently opening the woman's hand from his mouth, Zhou Ming continued to ask.

"The last condition is simple! Didn't you say that your brain is the 'most powerful brain' in the world? I want you to get me a Ph.D. in biology within one year! I am a biomolecular scientist. Professor, I will sign up for you! To take the postgraduate examination in September, apply to the Department of Biology of Hangzhou University of Science and Technology! Put it under my name, and then write a doctoral thesis that can be published in the "Nature" journal! If you can't even pass the postgraduate entrance examination ,hey-hey……"

A successful smile appeared on Su Qingrong's face, and she thought to herself: Boy, give up! I, Su Qingrong's daughter, is not something someone like you can get your hands on.

"Lao Su, you really drank too much! My daughter is already 28, and it's hard to find someone she likes. Don't torment them!"

Song Yaqin couldn't stand it anymore. She felt that her husband had a headache today and suddenly became too abnormal, completely unlike his usual self.

"I didn't make troubles! Don't say I made troubles! My Su Qingrong's daughter, no matter how single! She has no partner! I can't just find a general with poor conditions. I am her father, and I have to think about her happiness for the rest of her life!"

Su Qingrong suddenly slapped the table and yelled, startling everyone.

"Dad! Can you please stop causing trouble for me! I don't need you to think about my happiness for the rest of my life! I can decide my own happiness!"

After Su Yuxiang shed tears, she took Zhou Ming's hand and walked out: "Zhou Ming, let's go! We ignore them and the feudal parent!"

"Stop, stop, be quiet, everyone, please be quiet for a moment! Everyone, please listen to what I have to say."

Zhou Ming grabbed the woman, raised his hand, and signaled for everyone to be quiet, then walked up to Su Qingrong, and said to him, "Uncle, let me confirm three conditions: first, there is a house and a car; The second one is a deposit of 5 million; the third one is to be admitted to a graduate school within two months, and it will be in your name, and then to get a PhD in biology, are these three things correct?"

"Yes, that's right! Those are the three for now."

Su Qingrong sat back, crossed her legs and said.


Zhou Ming nodded and said: "These three things are not a problem, as long as you can give me time, two months, these two months, everyone don't have to make noise, just quietly watch me struggle, watch me achieve one by one These goals...two months are enough for me, I thank my uncle for giving me this opportunity, for giving me a chance to prove myself, fully worthy of Yuxiang!"

"Zhou Ming, my dad is crazy, are you crazy too?"

Su Yuxiang screamed at him, feeling that this man had turned into an idiot again. How dare you agree to such harsh conditions?

"Young man, Yuxiang's father drank too much. Don't take it seriously. Just wait until he wakes up tomorrow and forget everything."

Song Yaqin persuaded Zhou Ming, and her husband's voice came from next to her ear: "Honey, I'm awake! Look at what this is? A mobile phone recording. I recorded all those words just now. Your husband is smart, hahaha..."

Song Feifei, who just took out the "Baby Feifei" to play with, stopped playing with puppets now, looked at Zhou Ming with sympathy, and said in her heart: "Brother, hell mode, you can do it yourself."

The author didn't originally intend to write this chapter like this, but as he wrote it, his brain simulated this scene...

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