Urban Sims

Chapter 220 Anger

Gangjing City.

Hundreds of years ago, this city was a huge steel-making city. The steel-making plants all over the city could turn hundreds of millions of ores into hundreds of millions of tons of steel every year.

Even now, with a large number of non-metallic materials and nanomaterials generally replacing steel, Gangjing City's steel output (mostly high-strength special steel) is still around 5 million tons per year.

Not only that, in addition to the traditional steelmaking industry, Gangjing City is also the city with the largest underground weapons production in the entire Area 52.

It can be said that 80% of illegal pistols, rifles, and grenades that use chemical energy are produced from thousands of underground handicraft workshops in Gangjing City. They are not only of excellent quality, but also have a high reputation among users.

Weapons such as guns and ammunition have always been strictly prohibited by the laws of various cities in Area 52. Except for security officers, ordinary citizens are not allowed to own guns. Once discovered, they will be subject to high fines and detention for education.

The problem is that this prosperous city, which originally relied on the steel-making industry, has suffered from a very high unemployment rate after the steel-making industry declined. If we don't make some weapons privately and sell them, we may have to starve and drink from the northwest wind.

After riding the train for several hours, Zhou Ming led his men to the west of the city. After distributing the photos according to the designated residential area, more than a dozen people spread out and searched carefully.

I have been searching for three days, but I still haven't found it yet.

The reason is that the residential houses in this community were built on the basis of the buildings of an abandoned steel factory. It is better to say that they are residential houses, but they are simple houses piled together with giant containers one after another. I dare to say that they are simple houses. The conditions and environment of the "mid-range residential community" are even worse than those of the slums in Yaoxing City.

However, if compared to other areas of the city, those container houses are not placed in steel plants, but are scattered and randomly placed in the muddy ground. The houses in these abandoned factory areas can really be said to be "mid-range" .

After all, these box houses (as the locals call them) in the factory area all have water and electricity and are in good condition.

Zhou Ming is a little shocked that Gangjing City is so poor. This should be one of the poorest and most backward cities in District 52. It may not even be better than some places in the lower-class districts. It completely subverts people's understanding of " Paradise Zone” perception.

In heaven, there are also poor people.

The reason for the backwardness is also simple. On the one hand, it is the serious decline of heavy industry. On the other hand, after relying on the solid steel fortress to easily survive the nuclear attack, the population of Gangjing City is as much as three million.

As people get poorer and poorer, the population continues to expand, and with thousands of underground workshops, this city has always been synonymous with chaos.

In addition, Gangjing City also has a nickname called "Hometown of Zero Returners". There are countless Zero Returners in this city. Not only are the Zero Returners unable to catch them, but they also don't dare to catch them because this city Guns are rampant, and Zero Zeros are afraid of being caught. After coming to this city from all over the country, they buy a gun when they save up their credit points. If Zero Zeroes chase him, he will do it with a gun, and even a group of Zero Zeros will follow him in a group!

No matter how powerful the Clearers are, they can't move freely in the hail of bullets and catch whoever they want.

If this trend continues, Gangjing City in Area 52 will sooner or later become a spark of rebellion, bringing endless turmoil and hidden dangers to the entire peaceful Area 52.

It turned out to be the case later. Zhou Ming remembered that in about 20 years, a charismatic leader would stand up in Gangjing City, issue revolutionary slogans, lead millions of people, prepare a large number of weapons, and launch a campaign. A vast rebellion.

As a result, this rebellion was completely wiped out in less than a month due to the attack of some mysterious virus and large-scale comatose gas.

Millions of people, all of whom were high-ranking people, were sentenced to death. Most were taken away by the liquidators. A small number were thrown into the "Super War Game" and became struggling and wailing ants and cannon fodder in the eyes of the upper-class nobles.

"Boss, I found it, I found it!"

On the fifth day, good news finally came. A subordinate who was guarding the gate of the community day and night saw a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes who was dressed as an elite. He recognized him at a glance because of his similar appearance to the boss. He came out, then quickly called the communicator and reported the situation to Zhou Ming.

Fang Zhihong!

This person's father has been found.

After seeing Fang Zhihong, Zhou Ming found that he was timid, with fear and panic flashing in his eyes. Then when he saw the group of sturdy men following Zhou Ming, his footsteps drifted, as if he wanted to run away.

"Hold him down!"

After asking a subordinate to control him, Zhou Ming walked up to Fang Zhihong and asked, "Where are my mother and sister? Take me to see them."

"Don't even think about it!"

Fang Zhihong gritted his teeth and stared at him.

"Hmph! Do you think you can resist me?"

Zhou Ming, who had an extra shot of P10 Veritaserum in his hand, asked his men to drag him to a place where no one was around. After holding him still, he injected the drug and quickly asked him everything he wanted to know.

On the outskirts of the factory complex, in front of a "box house" wrapped with three iron chain locks, Zhou Ming got the key from Fang Zhihong, opened the door, and walked in. The scene inside the house surprised Zhou Ming.

There is joy and anger.

Fortunately, my mother Yuan Jiali and sister Fang Xiaojing are both here.

Not only were they both present, but the mother also had an additional baby on her hands.

What makes him angry is that the appearance of his mother and sister have changed so much that he can hardly recognize them.

There were heavy shackles on the feet of my mother and sister.

His hands were also tied with iron chains, and they were tied near the bed and toilet. The maximum range of movement was no more than three meters.

The biggest change is the huge change in my mother's appearance.

His hair was half gray, his face was haggard and skinny, his expression was dazed and dazed, he was holding the baby in his arms and kept mumbling something. Outsiders walked in without looking up.

It gives the impression that the person has gone crazy after being greatly stimulated and tortured.

Her sister Fang Xiaojing's performance was slightly better. After hearing the footsteps, her face panicked and she subconsciously wanted to find a place to hide. However, she saw that the person coming was not the demon, but that she often dreamed and could only see her in her dreams. Behind the man, her face showed ecstasy, she cried loudly, and flew towards him:

"Brother! Is it you! Is it really you?"

Then came the piercing wails.

"It's me, it's me, don't cry, don't cry."

He patted his sister's skinny back, held her in his arms and comforted her for a while, and then personally unshackled her sister and mother and removed the iron chains. After Zhou Ming asked in detail, they came to this place in Area 52. What have you experienced in these two years?

Fang Xiaojing cried and devoured the food on her hands, while telling her brother the cause and effect of the incident.

It turns out that when the three first came to Area 52, everything in Area 52 was indeed like "paradise" in their eyes, making them full of longing and unlimited expectations for their new life in the future.

The mining company also arranged a job for Fang Zhihong: go to Gangjing City, thousands of miles away, and work as a lifelong professional caregiver in a pension company in a beautiful countryside affiliated to this city. .

There are tens of thousands of so-called pension companies in the entire District 52. Because the average life expectancy of people in District 52 is relatively long, many elderly people over 70 and 80 years old, as well as some middle- and high-income earners who have completed mid-term life extension, will basically spend the rest of their lives. They all spent their time in various elderly care institutions.

Most of the nursing homes established by senior care companies are generally built in countryside with beautiful mountains and rivers and beautiful environment. They have good conditions and also have fish ponds, flower gardens, farms and fitness facilities, as well as intelligent robot caregivers. Of course, the fees are relatively high.

The poor condition is a large building with a courtyard inside and a small playground for basking in the sun. In terms of life, it provides three big meals a day, listens to the radio, and hires two strong caregivers for those with limited mobility. Old man, just provide some help.

The pension company where Fang Zhihong worked was naturally not a company with good conditions. While he was required to take care of more than 50 elderly people over 90 years old by himself, his monthly salary was only 1,500 credit points.

With this salary, in addition to his own expenses, he also has to support his wife and daughter.

What made him even more unbearable was that he, a big shot who was used to being served by dozens and hundreds of people, was now asked to serve dozens of old people?

The beautiful fantasy in Fang Zhihong's heart was shattered in an instant. He felt deceived and found that the little devil was right: this is not paradise. Apart from blue sky and white clouds, green plants and clear rivers, everything else is hell!

The huge gap made him feel that instead of living this kind of life, it would be better to stay in Area 51 and continue to be his area manager.

At least he is inferior to one person and superior to tens of thousands of people.

Here, not only do I have nothing, but I also have to be ordered around by dozens of old men.

Quit and leave!

His wife Yuan Jiali stopped him and told him to work for a while and not to resign in a hurry. If that didn't work, she would also go to the city to find a job to make more money.

She still has two free coins in her hand, so it should be no problem to buy a job with a monthly income of 5,000 credits.

He rejected his wife's suggestion without hesitation. When did he fall to the point where he had to rely on women to support him? Don't go looking for a job until I get some money first!

So, Fang Zhihong started to use his brain, and soon he came up with several ways to make money.

The first is to deduct food expenses. For 50 elderly people, one elderly person will be deducted 3 credit points for food expenses, which is 150 points a day and 4,500 points a month. With the minimum salary, he is a high-income earner with a monthly income of 6,000 points.

After doing this for three months, Fang Zhihong indeed made a small amount of money. Of course, the average weight of those old people also lost three or four pounds.

The second is to withhold medical expenses. Most of these old people are old and have various health problems. They often need to take various medicines. However, because these medicines are bought and fed by the nurses, there is no chance for him to take action. a lot of.

The money he earned from withholding medical expenses was much more than the food expenses. In the fourth month, Fang Zhihong directly earned over 10,000 yuan a month, and in the fifth month, he almost reached 20,000 yuan.

In the sixth month, Fang Zhihong was fired and discovered by the company. Do you think three old people died in a row in a month without being discovered?

After being caught, Fang Zhihong was a little confused. His third step was to focus on the inheritance of the deceased old people. In this way, he would earn more, and he might even get the money of those old people. .

As a result, he was fired, lost all the money he had earned, and was sued by a family member of the deceased to court to compensate the family of the deceased.

Logically speaking, he should have been taken away by the liquidators at this time, but his wife Yuan Jiali took out a piece of money, and at the last moment, she gave him a hand and said to him:

"We only have the last piece of money left. Can we find a stable job, work hard, and stop doing things that are harmful to nature?"

Fang Zhihong lowered his head and said nothing. After the family of three went to the city to try their luck, they saw on the information panel of the job exchange that most of the jobs that could be bought with 1 money had a monthly salary of only 3000-3500 credits. At that time, Fang Zhihong's eyes were deeply attracted by a position that required 3 coins to purchase:

Position: Production manager of a steel plant; Purchase price: 3 gold; Salary: 10,000 credits/month; Description: Manage 20 workers. For those with management experience, the salary can be increased by 10%-20%

This position, with high salary and ability to manage people, is very suitable for him.

Moreover, he had exactly 3 pieces of money in his hand.

"We don't have three pieces of money. We can only take out one at most." His wife Yuan Jiali said in confusion.

"Including the two on you and Xiaojing, wouldn't it be exactly three?"

Fang Zhihong's signature devilish smile appeared on his lips again.

So, starting from this day, a nightmare came for Yuan Jiali and Fang Xiaojing.


After listening to his sister's story, Zhou Ming slammed his fist on the bed.

It was hard for him to imagine that there could be such a person: in order to prevent his wife and daughter from being taken away by the liquidators, he kept them at home all day long and prohibited them from going out.

Later, they were locked up for a long time to prevent them from crying out for help. They also used shackles and iron chains to tie up their hands and feet, further restricting their movements. When they saw that stuffing towels in their mouths had no effect, they simply refused to feed them. They were so hungry that they had no strength to shout.

It is estimated that in the next step, in order to eradicate future troubles, he may have no other way to better solve this trouble except killing people and silencing them.

"Da Biao, kill this beast for me, chop the body into pieces, and throw it outside to feed the dogs!"

Zhou Ming had murderous intentions, and he was filled with rage that only someone's life and blood could completely extinguish.

Hearing this, Fang Zhihong was so frightened that he peed his pants. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly, slapped himself on the ear, apologized and admitted his mistake, and begged: "Xiaoyuan, I am your father, you can't do this to me!"

"Stop his mouth and kill him quickly!"

Zhou Ming didn't want to hear it anymore, and his heart was as stone. Even in so many games, he had ordered his son to be executed, and this was the first time he had attacked his biological father.

But some damn harmful people have to be judged, right? What's more, there is no such thing as "filial piety" in this world. He will not be blamed for standing up for his mother and sister and killing anyone.

"no, do not want……"

A voice came over, but it was a hand like dry wood, pulling him. It turned out to be his mother who was more conscious and spoke to stop him.

"Mom, what is this kind of garbage beast doing in the world?"


The mother took the baby in her arms and put it in front of Zhou Ming. After saying a few syllables, Zhou Ming's body was shocked. He looked at the baby boy for a few seconds and finally said helplessly to his subordinates: "Forget it. Spare his life!"

Indeed, Fang Zhihong deserves to die, but for this newborn baby, who is also his younger brother, his father can die at the hands of anyone, but his older brother cannot be his father-killing enemy.

This is a moral and ethical dilemma, as well as a struggle between human nature and conscience.

On the same day, Zhou Ming took his rescued mother, sister, three-month-old brother, and a group of men on the maglev train and left Gangjing City.

As for Fang Zhihong, let him fend for himself!

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