Urban Sims

Chapter 319 Yaguang Flight

Before setting off again, Yun Xinghe and the others spent about two years renovating the Feitian from top to bottom.

Mainly taking advantage of the "weight-reducing" characteristics of the floating stone element, a large number of miniature "floating balls" are installed inside the Feitian. One floating ball can eliminate the mass of 10 cubic meters of space, and the interior of the Feitian is evenly distributed. 10,000 units were installed, achieving an 85% weight reduction.

Only the power cabin and crew living cabin are not covered by the "gravity reduction field" because they cannot be without mass.

However, when the Feitian reaches its maximum speed and the entire crew enters a long dormant state, the distribution of "floating balls" inside the spacecraft will change, the area occupied by the weight-reduction field will become larger, and the spacecraft will achieve a weight reduction of 97%.

In addition, Feitian's defense system, under the condition of ultra-high flight speed, the force alloy on the surface of the spacecraft was originally difficult to withstand the impact of large-density materials, but the "neutral field" of the floating ball was incompatible with the electromagnetic field of the force alloy. After overlapping, even if the Feitian is sailing at a speed close to the speed of light, it is not afraid of being hit by some low-density matter.

Because when something without mass collides, it will be like a photon bouncing off a glass mirror. There is no momentum balance, and high-speed particles will only be directly bounced by a high-strength field at the moment they are about to approach the surface of the Feitian.

Therefore, when the Feitian sails at a faster speed, as long as it does not encounter a large meteorite, there is no need to worry about particle collisions.

Even if you break into a huge stormy nebula, you won't be afraid of being blown around.

Even if you are close to some massive black holes, you will not worry about being sucked in and unable to get out.

Gravity is the source of all interstellar disasters. Without gravity, everything is beautiful.

After the transformation of the Feitian was completed and a large amount of supplies were replenished, it set sail again on the 22nd!

The target this time is 55 light-years away, in a dark corner without any light, an unknown galaxy where the stars are obscured.

Yun Xinghe calls it a "hidden civilization".

The other crew members felt very strange. How could the captain be so sure that there must be a hidden civilization in that dark and mysterious corner?

What if there was a black hole there, or an extinguished star?

You know, to cover all the light and heat radiated by an entire star is a technology that even the Blue Star Federation has not fully mastered. In other words, it is not impossible, but with such a huge energy, the Federation has not yet mastered it. Know how to take advantage.

Yun Xing He Dao: "The Milky Way is a rotating body. On the six huge cantilevers, the distribution of stars is quite even. Generally, there must be a star system every four or five light years, and the stars in this place have disappeared too much. Abrupt, like a pit suddenly appearing on the flat ground.”

"In addition, based on the offset of the gravitational fluctuation data and starlight, there must be something here. If it's not a black hole, it must be a hidden civilization!"

Belekov also nodded and said: "I have calculated that there should indeed be a star, uh, or a black hole in this place."

"It's okay if it's a black hole. Federation scientists haven't done much research on black holes. We can go over and help with some scientific experiments."

"But if it's a hidden civilization..."

"A civilization that can cover stars to the point of not revealing a single ray of light. Their technological level may not be higher than that of the Federation, but it will never be any worse. If we get close to them, they will treat us as enemies..."

Lan Xiulong said with some worry on his face: "We have to be prepared to run away at any time."

"We are just interstellar explorers, not federal diplomats. If there really is an advanced civilization there, a Feitian ship, we might not be able to deal with it."

Sugaru said and made a suggestion: "It's better to change the target and go to those uninhabited galaxies."


Yun Xinghe shook his head: "To a certain extent, we are both interstellar pioneers and civilized diplomats. If we don't try to deal with various civilizations and try our best to eliminate their doubts, our subsequent pioneering activities will , will definitely be disturbed, and even leave huge hidden dangers... We must ensure that the places we walk through are safe places. If it is not safe, we have to make the road smooth and safe. This is also what we In addition to finding habitable planets, another duty mission.”

"As interstellar pioneers, we will encounter alien civilizations sooner or later. It is impossible to ignore them and we must learn to deal with them."

Everyone nodded.

Yun Xinghe smiled slightly. This great truth was actually what he learned from the "Cosmic Diplomacy" course at the Aerospace Academy. He just followed the script.

In fact, dealing with advanced civilizations without knowing the moral standards and good and evil of the other party is an unknown matter. Cosmic dark scientists have put forward a point of view: when dealing with strange civilizations, the first thing to do is , you must hide yourself and expose less information about yourself. The more you expose, the closer you are to danger.

"This is actually a statement of persecuted paranoia, which is somewhat similar to the so-called chain of suspicion, that is, viewing everything around you as malicious, unfriendly, and unable to communicate. In fact, if all civilizations follow these dark According to the law, the first planet to be promoted to a higher civilization would have already ruled the entire galaxy."

"These theories are logically correct, but there is a fatal flaw: they only see external competition, but ignore internal self-competition. If the interior of civilization also follows these dark logics, more than 90% of civilizations will Before destroying other civilizations, destroy yourself first, because these logics also apply to your own companions to a certain extent. Just like the world wars that have occurred many times in history, resources are limited. If you want to master them all, you have to Let’s eliminate those malicious ones first.”

"But if a civilization wants to go interstellar, it must first put aside conflicts and differences internally, negotiate to solve problems, give up destructive wars, and use resources in a unified way..."

"For the same reason, why can't they trust other civilizations just like they trust their companions, and try to get along with them on friendly terms?"

"The universe is very big. If you can't expand your horizons to the same size, these people will die of their own narrowness sooner or later."

The words of the "Cosmic Diplomacy" teacher still remain in Yun Xinghe's memory.

In addition, the grandfather in his mind also introduced him to a hidden civilization 55 light-years away. In this civilization, science and technology have indeed developed to an astonishing level.

After the exploration spacecraft in another parallel space accidentally broke into this galaxy, the spacecraft was quickly destroyed by a group of advanced devices sent by the civilization. All the explorers on the ship were captured, and while being imprisoned by the civilization, among these explorers , that wise captain used his theory to completely defeat the other party's "Dark Forest" theory during the negotiation process with the higher-ups of this civilization, making the other party fully enlightened and free them. Not to mention, this civilization also had a relationship with Blue Star. Federation, established formal diplomatic relations.

And this has become a very classic case in the history of interstellar diplomacy of the Blue Star Federation. Although the wise captain did not find a few livable galaxies for mankind, he also became one of the top ten in the Federation's 2500-year history of interstellar development. One of the outstanding pioneers, he will go down in history forever.

With the Feitian's current defense and high-speed escape capabilities, it is not afraid of the opponent's advanced equipment.

This is the reason why Yun Xinghe insists on going to this hidden galaxy.

everything's ready!

"Increase the power of the material reactor!"

"Main engine start!"

"Start accelerating!"

The azure blue flame of the Feitian's tail engine was extremely dazzling. In fact, only one of the three main engines was started at full power.

Even if there is only one, under the huge thrust, the Feitian, which is as light as a feather, continues to accelerate at an acceleration of close to 10G, and it lasts for hundreds of hours with little interruption.

0.1C, 0.2C, 0.3C……

Ignoring the impact of matter, the Feitian's speed accelerated to 0.85C within the influence of the star system.

Then the main engine was shut down and entered the interstellar roaming stage.

Bridge control hall.

"The current speed of the spacecraft is 0.85C, and time has expanded by 1.898 times. It will take us about 64 years to reach our destination. In fact, we only need to stay on the spacecraft for 34 years to reach the shielding galaxy." Lan Xiulong said.

"It's been more than thirty years. We shouldn't have to go into the dormant chamber anymore, right? It will be over soon." Sugaru said, the experience of lying in the dormant chamber for 160 years last time, the feeling of just coming out of dormant state, It made him think that it would be better not to sleep.

"What can we do without sleeping? Play cards, watch movies, or play games?" Yun Qiaoqiao said, holding her cheek.

"I prefer playing games, shooting games." Gu Fan said, holding his hands.

"It's a pity that we can't observe the starry sky outside the spaceship. Otherwise, we could observe some magical astronomical phenomena." said Mikoto Kogarashi, who likes astronomy very much.

Feitian is flying at sub-light speed. At this speed, even though the spacecraft can receive some starlight, because the speed is too fast, these starlights are in a strange elongated state, just like running on a highway made of light. If the speed of the spacecraft were any faster, it is estimated that none of the surrounding stars would be visible, and only countless lights could be seen flying or regressing. The spacecraft also seemed to be moving forward rapidly in a channel of light.

"Everyone should go to the dormant warehouse and hibernate for 30 years. 30 years is long enough. Don't spend it in boring fun."

In Yunxing River, sleeping is not good for the body, but if you don't sleep, your life will be super boring, and there will be no benefits.


Everyone weakly responded and reluctantly walked towards the sleeping room.

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