Urban Sims

Chapter 352 Massive Energy Core

The speed of the water droplets was very fast. In less than three hours, they arrived at the swarm of insects that gradually converged into a swarm thousands of kilometers long in space, like a slender awl.


It was a massacre.

The massacre of the Zerg by the water droplets.

Three water droplets with a speed of 0.1 times the speed of light collided head-on without losing any speed.

It's like playing billiards, hitting the ball from head to tail.

Penetration directly penetrated the long conical worm belt, bringing out countless gray stumps and blue blood. Some bugs were even smashed into pieces because of the relative speed.


The formation of the insect swarm was completely disrupted, and because some insects with similar "commander" roles were killed, the formation of many parts completely collapsed.

But this is not over yet. The mission of these water droplets is not completed until they play seven in and seven out in the insect swarm.

And compared to small water droplets, giant water droplets carry more fuel inside, have stronger endurance, better acceleration performance, and faster maximum speed.


Acceleration, impact.

Turn around, speed up, and hit again.

This attack cycle, the giant water droplet lasted for more than twenty hours.

Before the energy was almost exhausted, the three water droplets took away the lives of at least 1 billion Zerg creatures.

The space is filled with the corpses of Zerg creatures, like a messy garbage dump.

This is approximately equivalent to 1/20 of the total strength of the Zerg.

Although they could not all be killed, the purpose of delaying the Zerg army with water droplets was achieved, because the formation was completely disrupted and a large number of "commanders" were killed. The remaining Zerg are expected to arrive at Planet 5 in 70 hours.

But by then, the Feitian, which had completed its supplies, had already fled.

But will Feitian escape?

Do you need to escape?

There is no need at all.

Yun Xinghe also wanted to know how these Zerg creatures achieved space flight and how they reproduced.

So Feitian stayed in this star system for a whole year.

Formulate a plan and strategy to wipe out the Zerg in the entire galaxy.

Since the giant water droplets were not enough, there were only three on the Feitian, which was insufficient, so the Feitian approached the central star. The Three-Eyed Man used a special method to obtain a batch of raw materials from the star, and then created seven more giant water droplets. Come out - Zhinao Xiaokong has stored a complete set of information on making giant water droplets.

The number of giant water droplets has been increased to 10.

The Feitian first annihilated the Zerg army in space, and then approached Planet No. 4. It sent out sophons to explore every move inside the planet. As expected, it was discovered that the interior of the planet was almost hollowed out, and there were larvae everywhere. Breeding factory, adult evolution pool, and soldier training center.

There is also a "mother worm" with a body length of more than 300 kilometers, a diameter of more than 1 kilometer, a mass of more than 10 billion tons, and a shape like a giant silkworm baby.

This female worm can produce tens of millions of eggs every day, and can produce hundreds of millions in an outbreak.

Not only that, the mother worm is also the "energy center" of the entire Zerg race. It can synthesize an energy core in its body. The energy density of this energy core is very high, equivalent to the Federation's Type III energy block.

This greatly surprised Yun Xinghe and the others. It must be known that the synthesis of energy blocks is very difficult and requires the use of a large number of particle accelerators. The Feitian is too small to accommodate such particle accelerators, so the fuel currently used has always been very energy dense. Although hydrogen fuel is low, those Zerg creatures can use energy cores equivalent to Type III energy blocks.

The energy used by Feitian is not as good as these Zerg creatures.

This is intolerable!

Kill that female worm and grab all the energy cores!

Therefore, after detecting the precise location of the female insect, the 10 giant water droplets accelerated to 0.3 times the speed of light.

Then, with the inertia that penetrated the entire planet, it penetrated the 20 kilometers thick crust at high speed, and then penetrated the brain of the mother worm!

boom! boom! boom!

After a loud noise, ten astonishingly large holes suddenly appeared in the head of the female worm.

"Ang ang ang~"

The mother insect let out a shrill scream, twisted its body, rolled violently, and emitted strong brain waves that caused all insect creatures to suffer from splitting headaches.


The whole planet seemed to be shaking.

However, the giant female insect seemed not to be dead yet. Through the deep hole dug by the water droplets, Feitian launched multiple nuclear missiles into it.



The head of the female insect finally exploded, and violent chain explosions occurred in some parts of the body - including the energy nucleosynthesis furnace similar to a "particle accelerator".

As a life with a unified collective consciousness (three-eyed people can also be considered as a life with collective consciousness, but each individual can be independent of each other), once the female insect dies, the entire population falls into chaos and violence, and is soon destroyed.

Yun Xinghe immediately sent out a group of robots to search for traces of energy cores, hoping that the big explosion would not affect the energy cores.

"The energy core storage cave has been found. It is basically undamaged and there are too many to count." Gu Fan made an excited voice when he went down underground.

"Bring all the energy cores up!" Yunxing River sent a large number of transport planes.

Three days later.

The transfer of energy core is completed.

Because there were too many, Yun Xinghe had to take the crew and add two "storage warehouses" with a capacity of 100,000 cubic meters (somewhat similar to containers) under the flat belly of the Feitian - this made the original Feitianhao, with its smooth and beautiful lines, now looks like a beautifully and elegantly dressed person with two big apples stuffed in his trouser pockets... becoming very awkward and ugly.

But there is no way, a full 200,000 cubic meters of energy core, this wealth is really difficult to give up.

And these energy cores are enough for the Feitian to last a thousand years.

"While producing insect eggs, they are also producing energy cores... I am sure that the purpose of these insect races is not just to reproduce and survive in this galaxy, but to prepare for a war!"

Lan Xiulong analyzed, pointing to the star 2 light-years away from our galaxy on the star map: "Their target should be this star."

Luo Xin also nodded and said: "This star, the astronomical telescope has discovered the existence of intelligent civilization. If the Zerg launches an attack, this star will indeed bear the brunt."

In addition, the technology of this intelligent civilization discovered by the telescope does not seem to be particularly developed. There are no large spaceports or interstellar fleets around the habitable planet. The cities on the planet are very small and not particularly developed.

"The next goal is to go to this galaxy. If possible, maybe we can make a deal with this civilization."

Yun Xinghe said that the Feitian's hull was so small that he couldn't tolerate it! If possible, he hopes to meet a civilization with a good industrial level, trade with this civilization, and then the main materials will be provided by Feitian, and let it help produce a large spaceship hull, and then use the hull based on the , perform internal modifications...

Yes, Yun Xinghe needs a brand new ship.

A spaceship with larger internal space, stronger endurance, and better facilities.

Some people may ask: Why don't Yun Xinghe and the others build a larger spaceship themselves to improve navigation and living conditions? Is it necessary to seek help from other civilizations?

This necessity exists. A material printer is not really equivalent to a complete industrial system. Many large parts and equipment cannot be printed by a small material printer. Of course, a segmented splicing structure is also acceptable, but The hull won't be very strong and the performance won't be very good.

And doing that will also consume a lot of time.

According to the observation of instruments, within the second spiral arm, there are a large number of intelligent civilizations, and even some galaxies that are not worthy of development can still see the existence of space cities and artificial planets.

Within a 10-light-year radius of the Feitian alone, at least hundreds of star systems with intelligent life have been observed.

In fact, seven of the ten star systems closest to the Feitian have intelligent civilizations.

The second spiral arm is a densely populated area of ​​civilization, an "owned land" with no room for development.

Under this situation, how could the Feitian survive in this spiral arm without carrying some "currency" with purchasing power?

How to change to a larger spaceship?

Two days later.

The Feitian set off again.

The target is the star system named "2K01" 2 light years away.

After arriving in this galaxy in just over a year, Yun Xinghe and others were surprised.

This galaxy is a war galaxy in a war zone.

It is the "resources" and "territory" that two civilizations are fiercely competing for.

One of these civilizations was undoubtedly the "Zerg" that Yun Xinghe had seen before.

The intelligent life of another civilization is a creature that walks upright on two legs, with hands and feet, copper-red skin, a high forehead, and ears with only a few small holes exposed on both sides of the head - they call themselves "Jialai people".

These Jialai people are mostly soldiers stationed in this galaxy, numbering in the millions.

Their enemies - various types of Zerg creatures, numbering in excess of hundreds of millions.

Therefore, on the habitable planet No. 5 in this galaxy, the Jialai people only occupy a few dozen fortresses, while the Zerg occupy 90% of the planet's surface area.

this day.

A border fortress of the Jialai people encountered a massive attack by tens of millions of Zerg. The Jialai people resisted with difficulty, but the absolute disadvantage in numbers put the fortress on the verge of collapse.

Just in time, the Feitian arrived over the fortress.

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