Urban Sims

Chapter 443 National: Wancheng Kingdom

Three months later.

Under the spotlight, a brand new country was established.

Capital City (a newly established city located at the center of the Hundred Cities Alliance and the future political center).

Country name: Wancheng Country.

The name of the country was chosen through voting and received the highest number of votes. Zhou Ming also came up with it. In fact, he didn't know what a nice name to choose, but others asked him to choose it, so he casually said the word "Wan Cheng".

"Cheng" means car, and Wancheng means ten thousand cars. In the history of city-states in the past, when productivity was underdeveloped, having tens of thousands of cars would definitely make a city rich and powerful.

Of course, the current Wancheng country has all kinds of vehicles, not to mention 10,000, but 100,000 or millions of vehicles. It can be called a "Wancheng" rich country.

However, compared to the Wancheng Kingdom, the productivity development level of city-states in other places is still significantly behind. When you hear the name "Wancheng Kingdom", you will definitely have beautiful associations and deep yearning in your mind.

Just like the paradise in Zhou Ming's world, people will feel beautiful when they hear that name.

Wancheng Kingdom was founded on November 1st, and the reign name was one year after the founding of the country. As long as Wancheng Kingdom is not destroyed, this reign name will continue to be used.

The first batch of city-states to join the Wancheng Kingdom was 55, which accounted for exactly half of the total number of city-states, fully meeting Zhou Ming's requirements for the number of people to join.

Taken together, the data values ​​of these 55 city-states are still very impressive.

Such as total land area: 13.5 million square kilometers.

Total population: 230 million.

Total GDP: 38.7 billion spiritual coins.

These data account for more than 50% of the Hundred Cities Alliance, especially the total GDP, which accounts for 61% of the entire Hundred Cities Alliance.

In the next three years, other indicators will not be counted and will only be calculated based on GDP. Zhou Ming, who was elected as the first "head of state" of Wancheng Kingdom, plans to make the total GDP of the regions joined by Wancheng Kingdom account for It accounts for more than 75% of the total GDP of the entire Hundred Cities Alliance.

In other words, in three years, within the Hundred Cities Alliance, he plans to increase the proportion of GDP of the city-states in the Wanchengguo franchise area by 5% per year.

This proves the superiority of the national system.

When he announced this "bold statement" in the newspaper, everyone thought he was crazy.

"A 15% increase in three years, are you kidding me? Impossible!"

"The national system is good, but it cannot be so exaggerated. It would be good to cancel road taxes, unify the military, and increase economic vitality by 5 percentage points. 15%? Who believes it?"

"I'm not afraid of the strong wind flashing my tongue. Your Wancheng Kingdom is developing, but we, independent city-states, won't develop as well? Will we watch you run so fast?"

"The so-called country, the country has concentrated some power in front of the family, and it has such a miraculous effect? ​​I don't believe it."

"It is possible to increase the proportion by 10% to 15%. The leader of the country is really too..."

"I'm too confident. Hey, 15% in three years is too high. It's still possible in five years."

Not to mention some opponents mocking him behind his back, even the people on his own side rarely have enough confidence.

But three years later, the number of city-states that joined the Wancheng Kingdom reached 85. That is to say, the 30 city-states that joined later were excluded, and their latest economic data were included in the camp of city-states that had not joined. The Wancheng Kingdom Franchise Area The proportion of GDP in the entire Hundred Cities Alliance has increased from 61% to 77%!

An increase of 16 percentage points.

16% in three years!

It was 15% more than the reservation.

Everyone was shocked and felt unbelievable!

How did you do it?

Is this done?

Zhou Ming smiled slightly.

Three moves.

He released three ultimate moves.

The first move is to establish a national infrastructure construction bank (equivalent to a bank), inject 2 billion spiritual coins into it, and use sufficient funds to invest in the infrastructure construction of various domestic city-states.

For example, water conservancy facilities, roads, railways, airports, industrial zones, mining area development, etc., as long as there is a big financial prospect, the National Infrastructure Bank can provide the funds that are urgently needed by the other party, or provide low-interest loans, or exchange funds for stock options. .

After the project is completed and begins to generate benefits, the National Infrastructure Bank can not only speed up the efficiency of infrastructure construction, but also earn spiritual coins from it.

Both the central government and lower-level city-states can benefit and achieve a win-win situation.

During the past three years, since the establishment of the Infrastructure Construction Bank, a total of 158 payments totaling 1.8 billion spiritual coins have been approved.

The effect is very significant. With these funds, 18,000 kilometers of new roads and 12,000 kilometers of metal tracks have been built in China. 7 industrial zones, 5 reservoirs, 19 airports, 22 mines... have not yet been completed. More projects.

The second big move is to expand exports.

Foreign trade exports to Dongyuanzhou.

Within three years, the total annual export trade volume of the Wanchengguo franchise area to Dongyuanzhou increased sharply from 3.3 billion spiritual coins three years ago to 23 billion spiritual coins.

In three years, it has increased sevenfold.

It has grown so many times. How did Zhou Ming do it?

This has something to do with Jiang Ruonan's Xiaoyao Palace.

Today, Xiaoyao Palace has become the number one sect in Dongyuan Continent. Four of the original nine sects have been destroyed by her, and the remaining five are tightly hugging each other. It will take a lot of effort to destroy them. .

The main reason is that the number of monks in Xiaoyao Palace is too small. In the past few years, Zhou Ming has sent 70 Lingyuan battleships to Xiaoyao Palace, but only half of the Lingyuan battleships are fully equipped, and the remaining half are actually We can't find enough monks to control it - even if we can find someone, it's not reliable enough. It must be controlled by a disciple of Xiaoyao Palace.

Therefore, Jiang Ruonan did not dare to take any big action. The remaining five major sects would have to wait a few years before annihilating them all in one fell swoop.

But for the mortal cities, her instructions to her subordinates were: capture as many mortal cities as you can.

Therefore, in the past few years, the number of mortal cities controlled by Xiaoyao Palace has exceeded 1,000.

During this process of conquest, billions of people, trillions of wealth, and everything on hundreds of millions of square kilometers of land fell into Jiang Ruonan's pocket.

And this woman, keen on enjoyment, is recruiting tens of millions of people to build her a gorgeous palace; she is collecting rare treasures to put into her personal treasury; she is racking her brains to come up with various ideas... to satisfy her material and spiritual needs.

These projects all cost money, a lot of money - but she had plenty of money.

So she became Zhou Ming's biggest customer.

Not only can each export-oriented Lingyuan battleship earn nearly 1 billion spirit coins from her, but the ceramic tile order for her palace project alone is worth 100 million, with each piece selling for 20 spirit coins.

Can this kind of consumption that satisfies personal desires continue for a long time?

It is definitely not possible, but in the entire Dongyuan Continent, there are 5,000 mortal cities, with a population of nearly 10 billion, and countless wealth for Jiang Ruonan to squander. No matter how extravagant he is, he will squander it all in thousands of years.

He doesn't have to worry about the business failing.

The third big move is to fully implement the industrial revolution based on "psychic machines".

The psionic machine represents "efficiency", speed, and the most advanced productivity.

In the past, what limited the large-scale promotion of psionic machines was the number of monks. However, in the Wancheng Kingdom, the population base of the monks has already exceeded 100,000. There is no problem in launching a "psionic revolution", but soul stones are extremely expensive. , making the cost of launching such a revolution extremely high.

Fortunately, from the huge soul stone mine in Dongyuan Continent, after the soul stones were continuously mined and transported to Wancheng Kingdom, the last obstacle limiting the "psionic revolution" was gone. The cheap soul stones allowed During these three years, all the 100,000 monks in Wancheng Kingdom had jobs that were most suitable for them.

The number of psychic locomotives has increased to three digits, the number of propeller-driven cargo aircraft has increased fivefold, and a large number of psychic factories can operate for a long time.

Production and transportation efficiency have been greatly improved. How can economic vitality not be greatly improved?

If these three major measures are implemented, the GDP ratio will increase by 16 percentage points in three years, which is completely reasonable.

This is why in the past three years, we have seen the rapid development of Wancheng Kingdom, and 30 more city-states have joined the national system.

After all, in the face of profit, it is very important to seize the opportunity. If you end up late, the meat will be robbed, and if you join in again, there will not be many benefits left, and you may also attract ridicule.

However, after joining the national system, the benefits gained are indeed significantly greater than the losses. If you do not join, your interests will be harmed and your competitiveness will become weaker and weaker.

Don't talk about any benefits at that time. If you lose the support of the country, you will continue to weaken and gradually have nothing.

So after seeing this trend, in the past three years, the city-states that could join the national system finally applied to join - even if they felt very helpless.

But there were still 30 city-states that persisted until the end and succeeded in becoming what Zhou Ming regarded as a "stubborn force".

In the coming time, these 30 city-states will feel what the power of the country is.

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