Urban Sims

Chapter 455 Visit

Should I join the Wancheng Kingdom?

After hearing the benefits mentioned by Chen Quan, everyone had mixed emotions and murmured softly.

Some elders were moved and felt that joining the Wancheng Kingdom was indeed a better choice...at least it was much better than moving the sect or merging with other sects.

But there are also some elders who are unmoved. For the sworn enemy of Wancheng Kingdom, there is no reconciliation, only win or lose, only life and death.

The difference is: some elders focus on the future, while others are obsessed with the past.

As for Daozu Hongyan and Patriarch Yinkui, as the core controllers of Chixing Mountain, if they were too obsessed with the past, Chixing Mountain would have ceased to exist long ago.

On the contrary, they worked hard and tried every means to bring Chixing Mountain out of the predicament... Even if some methods required abandoning a lot of things, they were willing to consider them as long as they could continue the Taoist tradition.

There is nothing wrong with letting go of grudges and hatred.


"You, Wan Chengguo, are cunning and treacherous. How can I, Chixing Mountain, trust you and believe that this is not your treacherous plan?"

Daozu Hongyan asked, "Chixingshan has experienced the treachery of those mortals many times. The damage was heavy and heart-wrenching. Apart from suffering losses in many confrontations, they never took any advantage."

Therefore, few people in Wancheng Kingdom and up and down Chixing Mountain believed in those mortals.

They all doubted Wan Chengguo's every move and whether there was some treacherous plot.

"If you don't believe it, how about your sect leader, ancestors and elders, please follow me to Feiyun Mountain to observe it on the spot, examine the achievements Feiyun Mountain has achieved over the years, compare it with your own, and then make a decision?"

Chen Quan made a suggestion and invited everyone in the palace to inspect Feiyun Mountain.

Some people immediately refused reflexively.

"If you don't go, there must be a trap in this! Wan Chengguo wants to catch us all in one fell swoop!"

"Chen Quan, do you think we are fools?"

"Haha, will we fall for Wan Chengguo's childish scheme?"

Chen Quan shook his head helplessly and looked at them: "To deal with you, there is no need to use tactics. Have you forgotten how the ancestor Jinyang died? Weakness is not terrible, what is terrible is ignorance."


The elders suddenly turned red with anger, pointed at him and were speechless.


Do you dare to say that we are ignorant?

I think you want to die!

There were two elders who had a strong desire to kill him!

"Since Chixing Mountain is weak, why didn't your Wancheng Kingdom come and destroy it earlier? Why did you ask us to join?"

Daozu Hongyan asked expressionlessly, Wanchengguo is always so contradictory. Although it has great strength and can conquer its opponents with powerful force, it always uses non-military means to force others to surrender.

"Without him, the Immortal Scarlet Star Mountain has brought greater benefits to Wancheng Country, that's all."

"Haha, after all, you Wan Chengguo still want to take advantage of us." Daozu Hongyan sneered.

"Yes, if there is no use value, can Chixing Mountain be safely preserved to this day?"

Chen Quan's straightforward answer left Daozu Hongyan speechless.

And added: "What's more, the Wancheng Kingdom is more valuable to Chixing Mountain. For example, Feiyun Mountain has only been in alliance with the Wancheng Kingdom for eight years, but it has added twelve immortals and thousands of elite disciples, and its strength is no longer there. Under Chixing Mountain, in two years’ time, we will have the strength to rival Chixing Mountain.”

"If you don't believe it, I can take you to Feiyun Mountain to visit."

Seeing the disbelief and doubt on the faces of Hongyan Daozu and others, Shen Quan said.

In eight years, twelve more immortals were added.

In ten years, the strength was comparable to that of Chixing Mountain.

After receiving this information, everyone in the palace certainly did not believe it.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although Chixing Mountain has suffered repeated heavy losses, the rich wealth accumulated over thousands of years is still there, and the remaining strength cannot be underestimated.

There are at least a dozen immortals, thousands of elite disciples, and four to five thousand outer disciples, which can still be considered a large sect.

But Chen Quan said that in two years, Feiyun Mountain, which has always been the weakest at the bottom, will surpass Chixing Mountain. How is this possible?

If you don’t believe what we say, go and see for yourself!

It’s not too late to see the current appearance of Feiyun Mountain and refresh your mind’s knowledge!

As soon as Shen Quan said this passionately, several elders immediately expressed their intention to go and see if Feiyun Mountain really wanted to make a comeback.

Ancestor Hongyan and Ancestor Yinkui also nodded and agreed to visit Feiyun Mountain together.

This surprised Shen Quan.

Why did you nod your head so easily?

Aren't you afraid of traps?

Of course, the trap is still a little scary, but when they heard that Chixing Mountain would be weaker than Feiyun Mountain, everyone in the hall couldn't believe it and couldn't accept it!

Feiyun Mountain, which has been suppressed for thousands of years, is about to climb to the top of Chixing Mountain. Who can remain calm? Who can live sitting and standing?

You must go to Feiyun Mountain to see it with your own eyes!

the next day.

A medium-sized Royal Airliner landed slowly, the door opened and the ramp was lowered.

In addition to the two elders who were left to guard the mountain gate, a total of more than ten people from Chixing Mountain's top brass, including Taoist Hongyan and Patriarch Yinkui, boarded the luxury passenger plane.

Chen Quan also boarded the passenger plane as a "tour guide" and "hostage", responsible for guiding and entertaining.

It is impossible to say that they are not worried. In their hearts, Hongyan Daozu and the others are also afraid that this is a trap, and they are also afraid that there will be no return, and they can only pull Shen Quan as a backer. But if you think about it carefully, in the past ten years, , Wan Chengguo did not kill a few people from Chixing Mountain, but captured dozens of them, and later released most of them intact, without enforcing a very strict blockade, which is incomprehensible.

However, the impression that Wan Chengguo was "reasonable and law-abiding" and "not killing people indiscriminately" was successfully established in their minds.

As long as they are not enemies of Wancheng Kingdom, Wancheng Kingdom will not take the initiative to target others.

Five days later.

The Royal Airliner returned to Chixing Mountain.

Even after stepping off the passenger plane, Daozu Hongyan and others still looked dull and dejected, as if they had lost their center of gravity and staggered when they walked.


Heavy blow!

Deep worry.

Deep despair.

And the unforgettable images linger in my mind and play on a loop.

What did Hongyan Daozu and others see in these five days?

The multiplicity of geniuses.

Economic affluence.

The strength is great.

Geniuses, there are geniuses everywhere on Feiyun Mountain, especially in the field of cultivation. If you grab one at random and interview and discuss it, he/she will be able to answer questions fluently and put forward many refreshing viewpoints. Some professional terms, such as Hongyan Daozu, etc. People can't even understand what they're saying, and they feel very embarrassed.

These geniuses are not only proficient in theory, but also proficient in actual fighting skills. The moves they release have extremely powerful attack power. Many geniuses can become invincible against elite disciples of other sects at the same level, and at the same level ( If you are in the Qi refining, liquid condensation or elixir solidification stage), you can "leap-level challenge".

There are even a few Feiyun Mountain disciples who have created new cultivation theories, or created their own "new exercises" and "new tricks" that are very easy to use and practical and can be called "geniuses among geniuses". Hong Yan Daozu and others even had the idea from the bottom of their hearts whether to nip it in the cradle.

But this idea of ​​killing gradually turned into despair in the round after round of genius attacks.

There are so many geniuses here, and they come up the mountain one after another every year. How can we kill them all and kill them all?

However, Daozu Hongyan and others also discovered that most of these geniuses were "study abroad disciples" sent by Wancheng Kingdom, and their average performance was far better than that of the "personal disciples" recruited by Feiying Sect themselves. This is a more obvious fact. "hidden danger".

After all, students studying abroad are studying abroad and cannot stay in Feiyun Mountain forever. Once they break through to the solid core stage and become an immortal, they will also face a choice. What should they do to not be dependent on others?

And make sure to keep breaking through.

And the concentration of spiritual energy in the mortal world is very thin.

Therefore, there are two choices before the "immortal studying abroad": one is to find spiritual veins on one's own, or to venture to other continents in order to establish a sect.

The second one is to serve the Wancheng Kingdom, work hard to make money, strive to save one billion spiritual coins, build a "Spirit Gathering Tower" for personal use, and then become independent.

However, the spiritual veins on the ground are limited, and most of them already have owners, making it difficult to fight for them. Therefore, most of the "immortals studying abroad" choose the second path: build their own spiritual gathering towers.

With the immortal's ability, it is not only easy for them to earn a billion spiritual coins, but with a wave of their hands, there are countless people willing to pay for sponsorship. Money banks can also provide low-interest loans, so there is no need to worry at all.

In this way, all parties are relieved and join the sects of Wancheng Kingdom, and they don't have to worry about the "disciples studying abroad" occupying the magpie's nest and taking away their inheritance.

The other thing is the economy.

This is the most heart-wrenching place for Daozu Hongyan and others.


So rich!

How rich are you?

Not to mention the top-notch food and clothing, accommodation, warm in winter and cool in summer, constant temperature, reasonable humidity control, indoor flowers blooming, high-end furniture, ceramic floor tiles, and various psychic tools bring endless convenience.

Even when you go to the toilet or take a hot bath, you can feel what taste and luxury are.

Traveling is no longer about riding on a flying sword and slowly driving forward, but about a "Royal Airliner" that costs tens of millions of spirit coins and can fly ten times the speed of sound. I bought a total of thirteen of them and placed them in the hangar. , blind people's eyes.

The most annoying thing is those caves used for daily practice. I don’t know who, in order to increase the concentration of spiritual energy in the caves, actually laid a layer of "spirit gathering bricks" on the inner wall of the caves. After this kind of bricks are spread all over the caves, they emit The crystal white light can not only make the cave as bright as day, but also prevent the spiritual energy from overflowing and increase the concentration of spiritual energy.

After laying the "Spirit Gathering Bricks", generally, those caves whose original spiritual energy concentration is only 20 times can be increased to more than 100 times.

There are more than a hundred of these caves, which are called "rich caves" in Feiyun Mountain. The cost of building each rich cave is at least tens of millions of spiritual coins.

The most expensive "tycoon cave" is naturally the cave used by Feiyun Mountain Sect Master Ying Shiyu for his own cultivation. It cost more than 200 million spiritual coins, and the spiritual energy was so rich that it almost reached the level of liquefaction.

So here comes the question, this is a private Royal Airliner and it belongs to a rich man. It cost a huge amount, Feiyun Mountain, where did you get so much money?

We must know that the financial subsidy allocated by Wancheng Kingdom every year is only more than 50 million spiritual coins. How can we cope with such extravagance?

make money.

Most of it is money earned by Feiyunshan himself.

And the amount of money earned is far more than the financial subsidy of Wan Chengguo.

For example, the elixir cultivation industry can earn 50 million yuan per year by cultivating herbs that grow under high spiritual energy concentrations.

The exotic animal breeding industry can earn tens of millions every year.

In addition, because it is close to the spiritual veins, Feiyun Mountain is thousands of miles away and has a variety of mineral resources. There are three high-grade spiritual stone mines alone... By mining, hundreds of millions can be earned every year.

There is another input that cannot be ignored, which is that every year Feiying Sect sends its direct disciples to "work" in the spiritual energy factory in the mortal world, or to "serve" in the Lingyuan fleet, and Feiying Sect can take 50% of the share. ...This income exceeds 50 million every year.

Of course, for the direct disciples, half of their personal income must be handed over to the sect, which can only mean that they are helpless. After all, the interests of the sect are great... They are not "students studying abroad" with no roots and no feet. They have people who love and protect them. Master and Master.

But in my heart, why do I envy the disciples studying abroad who can get 100% of their part-time income? Why do I envy them that after they become immortals, they can travel around the world and start their own businesses?

But in short, taking all aspects together, Feiyun Mountain's annual economic benefits are more than 200 million spiritual coins.

It’s not scary to have money.

The most frightening thing is that the strength of Feiyun Mountain is really close to surpassing that of Chixing Mountain.

Why this conclusion was reached.

Just look at the equipment worn by the Feiyun Mountain disciples.

Sky control suit, one set for each person.

There are three sets of magic weapons, one set for everyone.

There are hundreds of small shoulder-mounted spiritual cannons not sold to the outside world.

Due to the existence of the Fusion Spirit Pill and the "Local Rich Cave", the cultivation speed is generally very fast. There are currently twelve, no, thirteen immortals.

During the visit of Daozu Hongyan and others, there happened to be a disciple who was studying abroad under the age of thirty and successfully made a breakthrough.

In the end, what worried and frightened Daozu Hongyan and others was what Ying Shiyu, the master of Feiyun Mountain who entertained them, said to them bluntly after having a few more drinks at the banquet:

"I suggest that you Chixingshan do not need to join the Wancheng Kingdom, just wait for its demise."

"Feiyun Mountain is too small. In recent years, the spiritual energy in the spiritual veins has become increasingly insufficient. I need to find a better place to practice."

"Chixing Mountain is a good place with abundant spiritual energy. I have taken a liking to the place and plan to wait for another two years to destroy Chixing Mountain and make it the new gate of Feiying Sect."

"Don't worry, we won't use weapons like the Lingyuan Battleship. The Lingyuan Battleship is too powerful and we are afraid of damaging the spiritual veins of Chixing Mountain."

"We will attack you openly and destroy you. After capturing Chixing Mountain, we will develop and utilize it properly to avoid wasting resources."

These contemptuous words, combined with his arrogant and arrogant face, made Daozu Hongyan and others want to overturn the table on the spot and slap him to death with one palm!


In the end no one took action.

After the banquet, they returned to Chixing Mountain with gloomy faces.

The mood is extremely heavy.

A voice kept asking in his mind: Chixing Mountain, do you want to join the Wancheng Kingdom?

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