Urban Sims

Chapter 704 Money and Faith


Inhaling the scent, Frederick swallowed and entered an extremely difficult state.

Everyone was shocked by this scene in the camera!

"There is hope, there is hope!"

Xivenis clapped her hands, her face very excited.

"This...how could it be so easy to compromise?" Nabe looked in disbelief.

In front of the projection screen, tens of millions of people from the Yadud Kingdom were all heartbroken at this moment, staring intently at Frederick on the screen to see what his next performance would be.


Frederick was hesitating, and his stomach was growling.

"Fred, you can't give up!"

A voice came from behind!

"How could you betray the God you have believed in all your life for a few delicious dishes?"

"If you dare to do this, we will definitely kill you!"

"Yes, Fred, if you dare to betray God and eat the food cooked by the blasphemer, you will be dead!"

"Fred, hold on!"

Various threatening warnings or encouraging voices came.

Frederick smiled bitterly!

Persistence, how could he not want to persevere?

But... he couldn't eat those sour bread, black and smelly vegetable soup and all kinds of dark dishes. He really couldn't eat a single bite!

Keep at it...


He will definitely die!

In fact, Frederick was not so afraid of death, and he was prepared to die.

However, he was only in his early 40s, he was young, and he had many beloved family members, and he was a little reluctant to die like this.

Moreover, he really likes food and is a true foodie. In order to eat all over the world, he has traveled to dozens of kingdoms and tasted thousands of kinds of delicacies. He knows every kind of food very well and can chat with the foodies. And when it comes to some delicacies, he even never forgets them. In order to taste them many times, he often stays in a certain place for a longer time.

He also asked himself: Which one is more pious, food or belief in God?

Faced with this problem, Frederick must have said "faith in God", and "faith in God" is the most important. In the face of this kind of faith, even if he loses delicious food, he will not hesitate.

However, when he really faced this problem that changed from hypothesis to reality.

He lasted seven days.

After seven days, his body gradually became more honest, and the saliva in his mouth was almost running out, telling him: food is also important.

Even like faith, it is indispensable to him.

However, under the threat and intimidation of his companions behind him, he still said to Zhou Ming: "Believe...faith."

"Faith in God or faith in food?" Zhou Ming asked.

"Of course it is faith in God!" said Frederick.

On the eighth day, a similar conversation happened again.

On the ninth day, when a plate of peerless delicacies was placed in front of the dying Frederick, and when he was asked about his faith in his ear, Frederick finally said those two words:

"gourmet food."


"I want to live!"

Fell, under Zhou Ming's food offensive, as well as his desire and attachment for life, Frederick finally fell.

He ultimately chose good food.

As a result, his rope of faith was instantly broken, because after enjoying an unforgettable meal, he said to the remaining 300 sample subjects: "I know that I will definitely die, and I know that my sin is unforgivable, but …Yum, they really are delicious! Blasphemer’s dishes make me give up everything!”

"Including my faith, my life!"

"That's enough. Being able to eat such delicious food in this life is really enough. It's completely enough!"

Frederick wiped the oil from the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief and said with a satisfied look on his face.

There was an uproar immediately below!

All kinds of shouts rang out!

"Those who rebel against God, die!"

"Kill him, be sure to kill him!"

"Damn rebel, God will definitely punish you!"

"I really want to eat your flesh!"

Countless gnashing teeth and ferocious faces glared at Frederick at the dinner table.

After taking Frederick and conquering the first fortress.

In the next 20 days, the number of people sitting at the table quickly exceeded 10... and reached 18.

These people declared that they were no longer pious to God, chose to betray God, became prisoners of delicious food, and were on the must-kill list of the Holy See of Light.

At this point, the first experimental test is basically over, and relatively remarkable results have been achieved.

During the one-month experiment, among a total of 500 sample subjects, 217 died of starvation, 105 committed suicide, 160 survived, and 18 declared apostasy.

The conclusion reached is that the conversion rate of delicious food to devout believers is approximately 3.6%.

3.6%... Zhou Ming is quite satisfied with this data.

Because in his estimation, the conversion rate of food can reach 2%, which is quite good.

"3.6%... There are quite a lot of foodies in this world. They think food is more important than God. To reach this ratio is really pretty good."

Of course, there is also the bonus factor of Zhou Ming's cooking skills. If he hadn't performed superb cooking skills and successfully won over the unsteady foodies, the conversion rate of delicious food would not be 1%. Considered low.

After the experiment, Zhou Ming shook his head and said: "The food is still not very good. If you work hard, a 5% conversion rate is very good, and not everyone has my cooking skills... this set of food There is no need to consider investing too much energy in the strategy."

Since food is not that good, what would be better?


The higher the quantity, the better the money, and the conversion rate is definitely higher!

"As the saying goes, money can make all the difference. The power of money cannot be underestimated in any world!"

"Qian is said to 'connect with the gods'. As long as the money is in place, gods will serve you!"

“There is also the saying ‘Money is everything, and without money nothing is impossible’, which is enough to prove the importance of money!”

If two things, money and faith, are placed in front of the testers, for those who believe in God on the surface but actually believe in money and regard money as their faith, the probability of directly choosing money is very high!

Therefore, the first group of "food and faith" experiments were partially successful. When it reached the later stage, Zhou Ming quickly started the second group of "money and faith" experiments.

The sample subjects of this experiment are also 500 people, and most of these 500 people have the hobby of "greedy". Some people are even extremely greedy, and have collected more than tens of millions of gold coins... The Holy See of Light advocates "shared wealth and equality". "Finance" organization has clear regulations on the net worth of elders and bishops, and requires that it not exceed a certain upper limit.

Those bishops and elders who, through various means, have net worths exceeding tens of millions or hundreds of millions, have more faith in money than in God!

These bishops and elders with the attributes of "greed for money" and "greed" can definitely be easily taken down!

Zhou Ming murmured:

"The conversion rate in the second test can reach at least 50%!"

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