Urban Sims

Chapter 724 Vicious

After a tragic and bloody fortress attack and defense battle ended.

The more than 3 million main troops of the West Route Guangming Army lost two-thirds of their troops.

The most elite group of 100,000 holy knights and holy mages had suffered losses of nearly 40%.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of three waves of bombers every day, the offensive momentum of the main force of the Light Legion, which was originally vigorous and advancing rapidly, immediately faltered.

Not only was progress slow, but the march was as fast as a snail.

There were a large number of deserters who were afraid of the war.

There is a huge gloom hanging over our heads, and a pessimism lingering in everyone's mind.


Yes, it is indeed pessimistic.

Everyone, including Archbishop Aubalh and frontline commander Hilbert and other senior officials, was extremely pessimistic.

There is no hope of victory at all!

Because Archbishop Obalh and others discovered that the human advantage that they had always been proud of and that the Holy See of Light had repeatedly worked for, seemed to not be very effective in front of the "Godless Alliance" for the first time.

Facing an army of millions, the Godless Alliance's firearms legion can simply and easily harvest with rapid-fire firearms.

For example, the large-caliber sniper rifle used by the opponent, a Paladin or Holy Mage with a strength below level eight, no matter what part of the body is hit by one shot, will die or be disabled!

To train a paladin, even a sixth-level knight with average strength, would cost at least 5 million gold coins and at least thirty years of time!

Nowadays a cheap sniper bullet can be reimbursed.

As for the more ordinary soldiers, farmers and strong men, bombers and rocket launchers will carry out a round of land clearing. If the population density is large, thousands or tens of thousands can be taken away in large numbers.

Only paladins and holy mages of level eight or nine can barely parry.

The problem is that it is difficult to train eighth-level and ninth-level paladins and holy mages, and their numbers are very rare. It is impossible to treat these high-level weapons as cannon fodder and send them away in tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands... Even the Holy See of Light does not have this condition. !

And what about the Godless Alliance?

Firearms ammunition is seemingly unlimited.

Iron birds flying in the sky can also be manufactured in large quantities.

Moreover, the operation of these weapons does not require the use of high-level force, and it seems that ordinary people can control it.

In other words, through the use of artifacts, the Godless Alliance has countless high-level combat capabilities that can defeat a thousand.

Such a comparison is equivalent to the hundreds of thousands of high-level forces of the Holy See of Light fighting against the high-level combat power of several million of the Godless Alliance.

As for the tens of millions of other soldiers in the Legion of Light, they may not even be called "cannon fodder" at this moment.

A human shield that can only be called "consuming the opponent's ammunition", a waste that brings a huge disparity in battle damage exchange ratio... there is no hope at all.

The problem is that the remaining tens of thousands of holy mages and paladins alone cannot take over the entire Kingdom of Yadud!

The situation has reached this embarrassing point, I'm afraid someone is going to ask questions.

Why doesn’t the Holy See develop technology?

Why didn't the Holy See order people to start researching firearms and build a firearms army to use firearms against firearms to sweep across the Yadud Kingdom?

In fact, with the Holy See's organizational capabilities and resources, coupled with various means, there is no problem in researching and developing a complete set of thermal weapons... as long as you make a decision!

With a little more time, the Holy See can completely close the gap in military technology.

Even if the gap cannot be erased, at least it will not widen such a big generation gap.

But the Holy See has no plans to develop technology.

Even among the higher-ups, no one talks about this matter... Discussing the topic of developing science and technology has become a taboo among the higher-ups of the Holy See.

Of course, among the middle- and lower-level clergy, there will definitely be some ambitious people who want to get involved in the field of "technology" by writing letters to the higher-ups to apply, or doing private research.


Most of these letters from people with lofty ideals suggesting research and development of science and technology have gone unanswered without any reply.

If someone among the clergy goes to study "technology" in private out of curiosity, some will receive a stern warning, some will be forcefully stopped, and some may suddenly disappear with their research results.

"There are some areas that only gods are allowed to enter."

"We are not against science, but the more people are curious about science, the less they believe in God... God prefers pure believers."

“God is omnipotent and does not need the help of artifacts.”

The above explanations are all warnings and admonitions given by different senior members of the Holy See and within the clergy to certain people who are particularly curious, and are used to prevent them from entering areas they should not enter.

These warnings and exhortations have had significant effects over tens of thousands of years, resulting in a phenomenon: the productivity levels of all classes of people living in the Holy Kingdom of Light are relatively backward and low.

"Could it be that... even the Holy See of Light, which has the true God, has an 'anti-scientific' character?"

Zhou Ming, who had studied the technological development of the Holy See, once murmured that he found it interesting and a bit surprising.

I think this is reasonable.

Because to a certain extent: studying science is doing what God does. The end of the road to science is the answer to why God is God.

If humble and puny mortals have these answers, what use would they have to God?

God is just a more powerful scientist, so why should we believe in God?

Even after mastering these answers, many things that gods can do can also be done by mortals, and mortals are also gods!

Naturally, there is no need to believe in God.

This is the fundamental reason why the Holy See of Light does not allow clergy to conduct any scientific research.

Of course, the obvious consequence is that when the Holy See of Light wants to "purify" a country like the Kingdom of Yadud that values ​​technological development, even if it has an absolute advantage in manpower, the results on the battlefield are really surprising and embarrassing.

In the short term, there is no hope of completely wiping out the Yadud Kingdom.

what to do?

How should the Holy See of Light respond now?

After several days of discussion.

Archbishop Obalh and others discussed a strategy.

An extremely vicious strategy!


Still kill!

Obalhe and the others plan to break up the less than one million troops on hand into pieces and turn them into mopping up teams. They will spread out to sweep around and kill everyone within the territory of the Godless Alliance!

good! Kill everything!

Whether it is an eighty-year-old man, an infant who is still in his infancy, an innocent girl, or a simple and simple boy... In short, the population living within the scope of the Godless Alliance will fully implement the killing policy!

Also kill all the cattle and horses used for work, guard dogs, and various domesticated animals!

Kill all the people and leave no chickens or dogs behind!

The vicious idea of ​​Archbishop Obalh and other senior members of the Holy See is: "Since your weapons can defeat a thousand, your firearms are unlimited, and your ammunition is unlimited, but the population is not unlimited!"

"You only have 13 kingdoms in total, but the Holy Kingdom here is dozens or hundreds of times more than yours! Our population is unlimited!"

"Let's break them into pieces and kill your civilians first. Kill them all! Then you will have no food, no ore, and no enough craftsmen!"

"We can't even provide enough soldiers!"

"The civilian class has been completely wiped out. How can you fight the war?"

"In short, victory in this war must belong to the God of Light!"

Archbishop Obalh and others want to destroy the "Godless Alliance" by destroying its war potential and eliminating the "working and peasant class"!


This strategy of the higher-ups of the Holy See cannot be described as cruel!

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