Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1007: Invincible

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[The Dark Night in the Void] is the latest research achievement of Yehong’s latest Wuwu Zhendian.

Prior to this, Yehong combined the techniques of the Hundred Schools to create the [Dark Night Meteor Palm] and [Yinyin Cross Kill].

The power of these two moves, Xue Jianing has experimented on Leng Raksha.

Ye Hong has always wanted to develop his own unique ancient martial arts.

Fang Cai’s trick [The Dark Night in the Void] is the vigorous palm technique created by Ye Hong based on his breath perception, martial arts perception, martial arts experience and so on.

This trick is absolutely impossible for those who do not practice the Yewu Zhendian!

After returning from Kyoto, Ye Hong learned that the ancient warrior's method was also experimented in Ye Ren.

In the end, he succeeded in spawning a group of ancient warriors who could feel Qi.

The three people brought this time are exactly three of them.

The three of them naturally learned the "Night in the Void" taught by Ye Hong.

In other words, these three people are not only wearing the equipment of the warriors, but also the ancient warriors!

During this period, in order to solve the problem of the conflict between the warrior’s equipment and their breath, Yehong racked his brains and thought for a long time to improve the technology of the breathless net and the gas-proof clothing, so that the two no longer conflict.

what does this mean?

It means that these three members of the night blade combined the dual status of ancient gas warrior and warrior, only two words are worthy of them.

That is-invincible!

Of course, it is just invincible.

Like Yehong, whose strength far exceeds their existence, they have no way to take Yehong.

But even so, Ye Hong was already very satisfied.

Just looking at the battle results of the three men this time proves that they and the enemies who are one step above themselves are also capable of fighting.

So tough, it can already cope with most situations.

At this time, the person on the opposite side also figured out this middle joint, and suddenly pulled his head deaf, with no intention of war.

Grandma's, isn't this bullying? !

And fart!

Shangguan Feiying saw Ye Hong lifted his steps and walked towards himself, suddenly he felt a sigh in his heart.

"You, don't mess up!"

"I, I, I am the master of the Shangguan family, if you dare, dare to chaos, our Shangguan family will not easily spare you!"

Because of the real fear, Shangguan Feiying's lips shuddered, and the words were unfavorable.

Ye Hong knew in his heart that it was the grandfather and grandfather of the family. No wonder the Shangguan family hurt him so much.

"Oh! Have you heard my nickname of Ye Hong?"

Yehong's footsteps are getting closer and closer, and the chill in his eyes makes Shangguan Feiying more afraid.

"Which nickname?"

The corner of Yehong's mouth slightly ticked: "[Master Young Master Killer]."

When the pupil of Shangguan Feiying shrank, he saw a fist getting closer and closer to him, scaring him to close his eyes!


A loud trembling noise.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Master Ben is dead!"

Shangguan Feiying danced with his hands and feet, his eyes closed, his face pale, and his mouth kept screaming.

Ye Hong's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help it. He slapped and awakened Shangguan Feiying with a slap!

"Hey! I haven't done it to you yet!"

Shangguan Feiying opened his eyes in disbelief, and looked to the side with a swollen face.

A huge depression cracked in the ground.

It turned out that Fang Cai Yehong didn't hit Shangguan Feiying, but hit the ground.

After Shangying Feiying robbed him for the rest of his life, he patted the chest with a trembling heart and let out a breath.

"However... if you don't respond well, the end will be the same as this land!"

The murderousness in Yehong's eyes made Shangguan Feiying suddenly chrysanthemum tight!

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