Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1021: Radish Baita

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In other words, the next time Ye Hong wanted to use Liu Yijin's knife work, he had to run the exercises into Liu Yijin's body.

This is far inferior to Ye Hong's own permanent copying ability.

It can only be said that each has its own advantages.

But at this moment, Liu Yijin beside him was slightly moving his ears, faintly heard a familiar sound of falling knife.

He looked down the sound source, his eyes almost glaring out.

I saw Ye Hong's thin radish shreds on the plate, and the knife above made Liu Yijin feel very familiar.

Look at Ye Hong's sword-dropping posture, which is exactly the same as the gold knife stunt that he is famous for. Isn't this special "Little Gold Knife Chef King"? !

This sudden discovery shocked Liu Yijin's pupils, and one accidentally cut his finger.

In the presence, there was another person who was more shocked than Liu Yijin.

That's when Xiu eyes stared at Yehong's fifth Qinglan!

No one knows the mysterious mystery of all beings better than she does.

Therefore, when Ye Honggang started the exercise, Fifth Qinglan quickly felt it.

She was shocked and her eyes widened, and she looked at the teenager in the distance with disbelief!

"He, how can he..."

But this performance was misunderstood by many people watching the battle.

"Huh? Why did Fifth Qinglan stare at Ye Hong all the time? Could it be that he fell in love with others?"

"It's normal, young and talented, and handsome, naturally easy to capture the beauty of the beauty."

"Alas, if my mother gave me half as handsome as Ye Hong, I'll chase the fifth Qinglan!"

"Little brother standing by the side, how could Fifth Qinglan look at you shit?"

"Who said shit?"

"Just why don't you agree?"


So, these two people wrestled because of a trivial matter.

Looking back at the competition seat, just when Liu Yijin and Fifth Qinglan felt a big shock because of Yehong, Fang Yaoting's voice came from his ear: "Please note that there are five minutes before the end of the game!"

Liu Yijin and Fifth Qinglan looked awkward, temporarily let go of Yehong's business and concentrated on making food.

The rest of the players also entered the finishing work.

On the stage, Fang Yaoting looked at Yehong with a worried expression.

The rest of the people have already started to put out the pan, but Ye Hong is still tossing his white radish.

"I'm going. Are a few radishes so fun? What the **** are you thinking?"

Fang Yaoting was anxious. As the end time was getting closer, he hadn't seen anything related to the face from Ye Hong's table.

If this continues, Ye Hong is afraid that he will not be able to survive the first round, and he will soon become the second contestant after Ji San!

The time lapsed from second to second, and the remaining eight contestants had almost finished the work, so they looked at Yehong with great leisure.

And Ye Hong's works finally slowly reveal the whole picture.

A bunch of white radishes stand on the table as a sky-like shape, and the radishes are carved with an eye-catching shape.

"This is... City Hall White Pagoda Group?!"

Someone found the mystery in it and could not help exclaiming.

I saw the appearance of those radishes, which was imitation of the appearance of the white pagodas in the city hall.

From a distance, it looks like a small 3D city hall model.


After the consternation, the people shook their heads, and their faces were almost covered with sarcasm and ridicule.

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