Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1028: Lucky Zhang Yuchen

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But even so, no one could taste what Ye Hong did to the silver moon cod.

Even Jiang Guchan could only vaguely perceive that the fish was of great benefit to the heart, so he courageously recommended Mo Tianlin to Ye Hong to deal with Liu Yijin's illness.

Looking around, Ye Hong revealed the ultimate secret of the dish [Bailong Tuwu] gently.

It turned out that the Yinyue cod in this dish was soaked by dozens of rare medicinal herbs, but it was only that everyone's attention was on the other contestants, and no one noticed his action.

Coincidentally, these herbs are all good for the heart.

Therefore, under the care of the **** of luck, Liu Yijin was able to retrieve an old life.

Of course, if the value is calculated, the sum of these herbs must be far beyond Liu Yijin's enhanced version of the nine treasures and eight immortals.

Therefore, if Liu Yijin questioned Ye Hong's lack of attention to materials before, it became a joke.

Hearing Ye Hong's explanation, Liu Yijin, who had just recovered, sighed heavily.

He struggled to get up, and bowed deeply in front of Yehong regardless of the obstruction, and sighed: "The old man will apologize to you for the narrow mind.

In any respect, you are better than me.

After the Yangtze River waves back, the old man, the name of the Golden Sword Chef King, is also the time to abdicate. "

He also pointed at Mo Tianlin weakly: "Mo Lao, I voluntarily quit this culinary contest.

I hope you can understand the previous disrespect for you. "

Everyone present was surprised. Was this the old man Liu Yijin who couldn't pull back from the nine-headed donkey?

It seems that after taking a trip between life and death, Liu Yijin's character changed a lot.

Mo Tianlin nodded and commanded: "Come here, take Chef Liu to take a good rest!"

Naturally, someone led Liu Yijin away from the scene.

At this point, no one dared to question Ye Hong's level of the white dragon vomiting fog.

All of these can be used to save lives and help the wounded, and then doubt the level of this dish, it is all right to find something.

The Bailong spitting fog also truly surpassed the five realms of color, fragrance and form, with such a wonderful attribute of medicinal diet.

In the group of 100 people, many people have already moved their index fingers and are eager to try.

Ready to wait for the second round of selection at any time, and immediately rushed forward to taste the white dragon vomiting fog!

With the voluntary withdrawal of Liu Yijin, eight candidates for the second round have been automatically generated.

They are Ye Hong, Shao Gang, Zhang Yuchen and other three restaurant association contestants, as well as Fifth Qinglan, Dongfang Luyong, Qi Qiqi and other five people who simply participated in the Kitchen God Competition.

Among them, Zhang Yuchen was most overjoyed.

After Ye Hong's dishes achieved a consistent high score, Zhang Yuchen, who thought that the level was not enough, was ready to be eliminated.

But he never expected that there would be an episode of Liu Yijin, which indirectly led Zhang Yuchen out of the danger of being eliminated.

When Ji San and Liu Yijin abstained in succession, Zhang Yuchen followed the remaining seven people to automatically enter the second round.

So at this time, he scratched his head for a while, smirking.

And Fang Yaoting also stood on the stage in a timely manner and smiled: "The next is the selection of the most thrilling jury.

You guys can't wait anymore? "

"Nonsense! Hurry!"

"Don't be wordy, hurry down!"

Fang Yaoting couldn't help smiling when he watched the 100-person jury that was almost all gathered near Ye Hong's table and kept slobbering.

Can you show it more clearly? !

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