Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1059: President Su

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"Cough, the night party is really a young talent, I did not expect to solve this matter so quickly."

Pan Jingyuan coughed twice to cover his embarrassment.

"In this case, I of course Pan Jingyuan will say what I will do, and I will never ask about the restaurant association again."

Hearing this, Liu Yijin and Zhang Yuchen's worship of Ye Hong rose a bit.

Pan Jingyuan actually became soft. It can be seen that Yehong has already overwhelmed Pan Jingyuan's momentum to some extent.

With such a strong leadership, they will surely have a more comfortable life in the future.

Pan Jingyuan immediately exaggerated Yehong's words abruptly and suddenly changed the subject: "So, let's move on to today's second issue."

He regained his spirit and spoke slowly: "As everyone knows, any organization needs a certain amount of money to keep it running, and the catering association is certainly no exception."

Everyone nodded in agreement, they had already guessed what Pan Jingyuan was about to say.

As expected, Pan Jingyuan continued: "As a private institution of the catering tower, our catering tower should have provided you with financial support.

But you also know that the catering tower has already spent a lot of money in order to host the Kitchen God Competition.

In addition to the recent incident in the listing hall, the damaged building also requires a lot of resources to repair.

So I regret to tell you that your funds may have to find a way out. "

"How could this be?!"

The young and energetic Zhang Yuchen suddenly stood up in a frightened expression.

"Where do we go to find funds? Do we use the income from our store?"

Pan Jingyuan smiled strangely: "It's not impossible."


Zhang Yuchen was so angry that he punched Pan Jingyuan's nose, but was pulled by a hand reaching under the table.

After Liu Yijin stopped Zhang Yuchen's violent actions, he frowned at Pan Jingyuan and said: "Vice President Pan, if all the funds are to be gathered by a few of us, it would be too difficult for the strong.

Can you help there? "

Liu Yijin's humble attitude made Pan Jingyuan's face look useful.

He waved his hand: "Old Liu doesn't have to worry, Pan is different from someone, and he is thinking about the overall situation."

With that, he glanced vaguely about Yehong.

Regarding this, Ye Hong was still a light and breezy look, actually narrowing his eyes comfortably, as if he was about to fall asleep.

The performance was unappreciated, and Pan Jingyuan suddenly bit his teeth.

But even so, he still has to carry out his plan.

Pan Jingyuan faced the humanity of Yigan Catering Association: "Pan Mou has a wonderful investment promotion plan here..."

Pan Jingyuan said while clapping his hands at the door.

Soon, a middle-aged man with a small face and a small goatee rushed in excitedly, nodding and bowing to the crowd for a while.

"I have seen all the leaders, the despise Su Zhusheng, is the general manager of [Yesu Investment Company]."

Everyone looked at the man curiously, and didn't notice that Ye Hong's mouth suddenly evoked a strange arc.

"Introduce to you, Mr. Su just came to our city of Egret, and was very interested in the various projects of Egret.

This time, Panmou pulled down his old face, and finally got the investment of President Su.

He agreed to invest a certain amount of funds in the Food and Beverage Association, but asked him to create a new director position in exchange for it.

I don’t know what you think? "

Pan Jingyuan looked at the conference table with a smile, especially staring closely at Ye Hong's reaction.

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