Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1063: It’s so fragrant!

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Feeling guilty, coupled with the fact that he seems to have nothing to do lately, Ye Hong agreed.

He thought it was a very easy thing, but when he came to Yao Qianshu's house the next day, he suddenly fell silent.

Yehong and Yao Qianshu are now in front of a manor in the western suburbs of Bailu.

This manor is old-fashioned and old-fashioned, with the characteristics of ancient Jiangnan architecture.

The wide outer wall can't be seen at a glance, and it is hundreds of meters long.

The three pairs of stone lions in front of the gate add some wealth and majesty to the manor.

At this time, the red lanterns hung in front of the door, and the inside and outside of the manor was festive, obviously

Such a conspicuous manor cannot be unimpressed by Yehong in Bailu City for so long.

Combined with the memory in his brain, Ye Hong immediately twitched his mouth, grabbed Yao Qianshu's collar, and lifted him up, gritted his teeth and said: "So your kid is from the Yao family?!"

The Yao family in Yehongkou is of course not an ordinary Yao family, but one of the three ancient families of Bailu City!

Since ancient times, the three ancient families of Egret have had great influence.

The Ji family of the ancient Wu family shocked the whole process with a one-handed fist.

The Jiang family of the ancient medical family is good at ancient medical techniques and is very popular among the civilians.

The most mysterious is the Yao family of the Gule family.

According to legend, this family rarely marries with foreigners, the reason is to maintain the purity of blood.

Of course, this view of close relatives getting married is outdated and scolded.

But the most amazing thing is that the Yao family not only did not feel ashamed, but chose the closed race in anger. They lived in this Xijiao manor for generations and rarely communicated with the outside world.

Apart from the owner, outsiders generally do not see other people from the Yao family appear outside.

It can be said that this is a fairly "autistic" family.

Ye Hong remembered hearing people say that the younger generation of the main family of the Yao family, the inheritors of the family, chose to run away because they couldn't bear the "autism" of the family.

Until this moment when he came to the Yao family, Ye Hong finally knew who the master was!

Who is not Yao Qianshu who is far in front of the horizon! ?

No wonder this kid is obviously a scumbag and can also be admitted to the top Jiangjiang University in Jiangnan Province.

Obviously, he is always a graduate student, and he can mix this diploma.

With this layer of identity, everything is not surprising.

"Brother, you let go first!"

Yao Qianshu was baffled by Ye Hong's horrible power and his neck was thick, and he couldn't help crying immediately.


Ye Hong shook Yao Qianshu away and turned his head with a cold face.

Yao Qianshu coughed for a long time while touching his throat, and said with a bitter smile: "Brother, I didn't mean to hide you.

It's just that I worry that after my identity is exposed, you will look at me with colored glasses.

To be honest, I've had enough of these strange looks.

Nowadays, I just want to be an ordinary person, not come back to inherit the family business.

If it weren’t for Xiao Ling’s engagement, I wouldn’t want to come back to this cage! "

Ye Hong glanced at Yao Qianshu with his eyes, and saw the sadness and anger in his eyes, and sighed silently in his heart.

"Even so, you shouldn't hide me..."

"This is indeed my fault. When I ask the steward to pick up a few pieces of home antiques and give them to the elder brother, I apologize as a gift, how?"

"Humph! Am I one of those rare pieces of antiques?"

Ye Hong glared at Yao Qianshu and shouted: "Shall you invite guests in?"

It's so fragrant!

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