Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1074: Another poison!

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"Humph! When I get married, I'll settle accounts with your kid!"

Ximen stared at Yehong fiercely and said to Yao Kuang, "My beautiful wife, hurry and call her to accompany me!"

Even Yao Kuang's good temper was blacked by Simon's words.

Yao Kuang took a few deep breaths in a row before barely suppressing his anger.

He explained helplessly: "In our Yao family, unmarried women can only wait to see their husbands on the evening of their marriage."

"What's breaking this rule?!"

Ximen broke out and scolded immediately, drooling towards Yao Kuang like a rainstorm.

No matter how he scolded, Yao Kuang was unmoved.

Perhaps this is the only protection he can do for his daughter.

Simon seemed exhausted and stopped to gasp.

"Forget it, do you have a computer? I want to play games!"

Yao Kuang also smiled and shook his head: "There are no electronic products in our family."

Ximen exhausted her face and wailed: "My mother, what a great place this is!"

He finally gave up struggling, tiredly said: "Then I want to sleep, don't tell me there is no place to sleep?!"

"This is of course there." Yao Kuang greeted with a smile: "Come here and send Master Ximen to rest."

A group of people from the Simon family immediately left the hall.

"Ah...it's an eventful day!"

Yao Kuang sighed tiredly.

Yao Zhongtian had not left yet, at this time he was smiling and comforting: "Big brother, don't worry, after the niece marries in Kyoto, our family can rise up again through the power of the Simon family!"

Yao Kuang gave Yao Zhongtian a meaningful look and sighed, "I hope so..."

Suddenly, Yao Kuang shook his body, and the whole person fell back suddenly.



Yao Kuang's shock changed the hall and caused a lot of confusion.


Yao Kuang's master bedroom, Yao Kuang lay pale on the bed.

By the bed, Ye Hong and Jiang Yu were silently observing Yao Kuang's physical condition.

And outside the door stood Yao Qianshu with a worried expression, looking in from time to time.

"What do you think?"

Ye Hong suddenly wanted to check how well Jiang Yugu had learned medicine, so he asked Yao Kuang after checking his body.

Jiang Yu frowned and raised his eyebrows, and a ray of doubt blossomed on the fair-faced melon seeds: "Physical weakness and qi deficiency should be caused by overwork and not paying attention to rest.

But there seems to be something abnormal in him, but I can't see it.

Is it because of the impact of the last poisoning incident? "

"The analysis is good, it seems that I have not been lazy recently."

Ye Hong exaggerated Jiang Yu without hesitation, and suddenly made Jiang Yu float.

After all, Ye Hong's ancient medical skills, but even her old man and Na Lanxue are very respected.

Being praised by Ye Hong, Jiang Yu was like being praised by a kindergarten teacher when he was a child, and his heart was as sweet as a honey pot.

However, Ye Hong's eyes flashed imperceptibly.

What Jiang Yu couldn't see, Ye Hong was already seeing through.

Yao Kuang still has toxin residue in his body!

And after investigation, Ye Hong found that these toxins were not the same as those released by Fifth Qinglan last time.

But this toxin still has a destructive power that cannot be ignored, constantly torturing Yao Kuang's brain nerves.

It is precisely because of this that Yao Kuang's body has not been feeling well, and a sudden fainting happened.

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