Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1076: Came outside the bathhouse

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Just as the two were fighting, they suddenly saw Yao Qianshu deaf pulling his head and came out with a bad mood.

Obviously, the impact and annoyance that Yao Qianshu brought home this time is undoubtedly huge.

On the one hand is the weak father, on the other is the younger sister who is going to marry a crooked melon.

Coupled with the aggressive four uncles, this thing will inevitably overwhelm Yao Qianshu.

"Take your time, don't take too much pressure at once, there is something that can help me come up with an idea."

Looking at the young man who was so mature at the moment, Ye Hong patted his shoulder with relief.

"Thank you brother."

Yao Qianshu barely squeezed out a little smile, and said to the two: "It's getting late. I'll take Chang Bo to rest."


The Yao family lacks everything, but it does not lack a room.

Chang Bo arranged for Ye Hong and Jiang Yu in the two adjacent courtyards.

The small courtyard where Yehong is located is elegantly decorated and full of ancient meaning.

Some flowers and plants were planted in the yard, which was now in full bloom.

The faint fragrance of flowers and herbs invigorated Ye Hong's spirit.

"Master Ye, you have a good rest, it's very quiet here, and no sound will disturb you."

Before leaving, Chang Bo vowed to promise.

But it didn't take long for Yehong to discover that this was a fart.

After taking a bath in Yehong, she was preparing to lie down on a bed to rest, but heard the conversation when someone outside was passing by.

"The engagement banquet will only officially start tomorrow, and I will invite President Zhang to take a good rest tonight..."

"Principal Li, your room is here, please follow me..."

"Dr. Fang, if you have any needs, please speak up..."

Ye Hong could hear that the guests who had come to the engagement wedding party had arrived one after another. The servants of the Yao family were planning their accommodation.

In the noisy sounds coming and going, Yehong couldn't sleep at all.

Annoyed, he got up and went out of the yard, planning to stroll around the Yao family.

After leaving the yard, Ye Hong was at a loss, not knowing where to start.

Suddenly, his ears moved slightly and he heard a subtle sound of piano.

"Ding! Trigger mastery listening ability, automatically locate the target..."

Although the sound of the piano was short-lived, it stopped sounding after only one sound.

But Ye Hong directly locates the source of the piano sound, the east of the Yao family, through his abnormal listening ability.

The boring Yehong raised his steps and went there.

What Yehong didn’t know is that most of the Yao family live in the east of the Yao family...

After a few minutes of seeding, a sound of Yingyingyanyan came from his ears, faintly accompanied by the sound of whirling water.

"Xiaomei, your skin is getting smoother and smoother. Let your sister feel it!"

"Discuss, hate, want to touch you and touch Xiaofang!"

These strange sounds made Ye Hong's face embarrassed while walking on the trail.

However, he still has the ability to listen to the sound, and he automatically fills up a picture of all the women who are not in the brain.

"I didn't expect to come near the bath house of Yao's family..."

Ye Hong shook his head fiercely, and threw some thoughts out of his head, and walked steadily towards the source of the piano sound.

Through that embarrassing area, a small stone arch bridge appeared in front of Ye Hong.

Opposite the stone arch bridge is a place surrounded by lake water.

A light blue two-story bamboo tower stands on the small lake heart island.

At this moment, the shadow on the window of the small building suddenly showed a hanging shadow!

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