Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1108: The sunset will eventually fall

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Yao Kuang is like a dream. He is so excited that he doesn't know where to put his hands and feet. He only knows how to exaggerate Ye Hong in an incoherent manner, and hopes to praise him to heaven.

"Uncle Yao, let's go back to Yao's house, don't worry them for too long."

Ye Hong smiled bitterly.

"If you can't, you can just call me Lao Yao."



Back in the car in Egret City, Mo Tianlin in the back seat asked Lian Yun in the driver's seat with a look of loneliness: "Ning Yun, am I really doing something wrong?"

Dongfang Ningyun's lips moved, and he stopped talking.

"Okay, I know the answer."

Mo Tianlin gave White Ningyun a harsh look: "Don't you have long been dissatisfied with my approach, but haven't dared to speak to me?"

Dongfang Ningyun shook his head: "I believe what you do is for the future of Yan Guo and for the sake of hundreds of millions of Yan Guo people.


"But what? Don't talk about it, hurry and say!

When did your little girl learn to appease people? "

Dongfang Ningyun pouted and said: "However, I think that the kid with the surname of Ye is weird. If he doesn't do it, he will go out of an unprecedented way."

"Well, you are an oriental condensate rhyme, it's really a girl's stay!"

Mo Tianlin exclaimed angrily: "Aren't you just turning around and boasting that he will do better than me?"

Dongfang Ningyun stopped mo Tianlin and started the car intently.

Mo Tianlin looked at the sunset and sunset in the sky and sighed silently. His eyes were full of fatigue and loneliness: "The sunset will still fall after all, even if he has once illuminated the whole land.

On a new day, a new sunrise will shed fresh light.

Repeatedly and alternately.

The rotten wave will eventually recede, and the future world belongs to young people like Ye Hong. "

"Before stepping into the end, do something for these young people."

"Ning Yun, take the [Discipline Inspection Tower] and let them investigate Ling Yan, the city leader, and report all results directly to me."

Dongfang Ningyun felt the murderous force behind him, his expression sighed, and Shen Shen responded.

The storm is coming.

At the same time, on an airplane flying to the south of Xinjiang, Lu Zheng was watching the same sunset at night, his eyes flashing with blood.

"Maybe I have no power to change the world, but I must do more for Ahong before I decay!"


Among the Yao family, the atmosphere was strange at this time.

Yao Ganshu and Yao Ling and other Yao family members looked at Yao Kuang in front of his face with nervousness and said nervously, "Are you a ghost?"

"Stinky boy, I am your father!"

Yao Kuang directly stepped forward and rewarded Yao Ganshu for a shudder.

The real pain from his head made Yao Qianshu grin for a while, but it also made him feel excited.

He hugged Yao Kuang and cried like a child.

Yao Ling also stepped up, and the family cried a lot.

As for the other Yao family, they were already stunned.

When Ye Hong and Yao Kwong gave the whole story, everyone behaved like Mo Tianlin, with a "this is all right" expression from head to toe.

A figure was planning to slowly walk out of the yard along the wall.

The four members of the Yefeng Squad jumped directly from the wall, blocking the man tightly in four directions from east to west, north and south.

The guy who was going to take advantage of the chaos was naturally Yao Zhongtian, the fourth master of the Yao family.

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