Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1141: I really am the owner of the manor!

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In front of Yao Family Manor, countless tourists looked at this scene in horror.

A seemingly delicate girl, but with the flames in her hands, burned the legs of others in half.


Zhuang Ge's painful wailing made the people present tremble.

"It's a monster! Run!"

Tourists dare to stay wherever they go, all running out.

Seeing the moment when people went to the entrance of Loukong's manor, Yehong couldn't help but smoke.

Although Huangfu laughed, she lost her memory, but she was still in an ancient style.

Ye Hong forgot that Pope Fu smiled and could not use her power outside, which led to the scene of scaring away many tourists.

Alas, I hope Yao Qianshu will not ask him to settle the bill after he knows this.

"Smile, enough."

Ye Hong hurriedly called back Huangfu with a smile, fearing that she would burn Yao Family Manor with a fire.

Hearing Ye Hong's words, the coldness on Huangfu's smiling face instantly dissipated, revealing his dazed smile.


She nodded and jumped back to Yao Ling.

If it weren't for seeing this scene in person, no one would believe that such a lovely girl would have that kind of terrifying power.

Yao Ling was also the first time to see the strength of Huangfu’s smile, but she was not afraid, but she took Huangfu’s smile and suddenly realized: "No wonder I will blow up when I teach you to use the oven. Have this ability?"

Ye Hong almost fell to the ground, vomiting in his heart: Is this the point? !

On the ground, Zhuang Ge's wailing continued.

One of his feet was already black and shocking.

Not far behind Zhuang Ge, Lei Peng also looked at this scene in horror.

He couldn't help standing up and stepping back step by step.

Ye Hong's eyes were heavy, and he had no idea of ​​catching up.

The other party has learned the lessons he deserves, but he is too lazy to see Lei Peng in general.

But the twin sisters were once again entangled with Lei Peng, and whispered anxiously in his ear: "Lei Shao, shall we not go to Yao Family Manor?"

"Leo Shao, I promised my sisters in the circle of friends. I'm going to take a few photos from the manor!"

Lei Peng was so angry that he just wanted to vomit blood and scolded in his heart: What is important about the photo or the life of Lao Tzu? !

But he glanced at Ye Hong's appearance without any movement, and he couldn't help moving again.

The stepped back step stopped, and gritted his teeth at the twin sisters: "Then take a few pictures and hurry up!"

The twin sisters happily held Lei Peng's arm, and the three were planning to circumvent Yehong and others and slip into the manor, but Yao Ling was called down again.

"The three of you stand still!"

If it was just a few minutes ago, Lei Peng will ignore this voice.

But after that incident, he was very embarrassed to Yao Ling at the moment.

No, to be precise, Ye Hong and Huang Fu laughed behind Yao Ling.

The three people were stiff in front of the door. Lei Peng turned around his neck and smiled reluctantly, "Yes, what's the command?"

Yao Ling exclaimed: "Yaojia Manor does not welcome you, please leave immediately!"

Lei Peng was stunned for a moment, then his face gloomy and gritted his teeth: "I was invited by Mr. Yao, the owner of the manor, and you are not the owner of the manor. Why should you stop me from entering?"

It’s just that I was wrong, but please don’t go too far! "

The Yao Ling, with his hands on his hips and a small, wrinkled nose, hummed, "You are right, I am really the owner of the manor!"

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