Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1155: Respawn

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In spite of the crazy roar of You Jingzhong and the two, the photos of the two of them stripped and hugged together were soon posted online.

This group of eccentric photos instantly triggered an online earthquake.

Ye Hong also specially made a dazzling title for this group of photos-[surprise! Two unscrupulous beggars entered the room to steal dog food, and were killed by evil dogs to lose their helmets and remove their armor! 】

Fiction? I can do it too!

Under the operation of Yehong, this group of photos took You Jingzhong and the two quickly became popular online.

Once the post was published, it attracted many reposts and comments.

[No lower limit! Why do you want to grab even dog food... What do dog food taste like? 】

[Go back upstairs, the dog food is delicious, don’t ask me why I know. 】

Some wonderful responses.

[This person I seem to have seen before, is a crook. 】

Someone recognized You Jingzhong's identity.

[Congratulations to Dog Food Brothers C debut. 】

All kinds of things are everywhere.

Since then, the two of You Jingzhong have made a name for themselves in the city of Egret.

Even under the rapid spread of the Internet, this "famous" has been spreading outside.

I heard that after that day, the two of them had to wear hats and masks when they went out.

Because once someone sees the faces of the two of them, they will call out to watch [Dog Food Brothers].

In desperation, the two of them shouted and fought to escape from Egret City overnight and never dared to come back.

There was even news that the two had bought air tickets to Bangbang and were prepared to go back after the facelift.

Of course, these are words.

After finishing this episode, Ye Hong went to the city library again.

However, this time she did not meet Yue Shiyin, and heard her colleague say that she went back to school.

Ye Hong remembered this. Yue Shiyin seemed to have said that she was only working part-time in the library.

In desperation, Ye Hong had to find the book himself.

This time, he held a large collection of books about prehistoric civilization.

However, this time Ye Hong did not have time to read the book well, because a series of calls came over.

The first is Leng Feng, who hasn't seen him for a long time, but he is calling from the water-saving province next door.

Since Leng Feng left Jiangnan Province and went to various places to find the traces of the Nightmare Factory, he would report the clues he found to Ye Hong from time to time.

It seems that this time there are any clues, otherwise Leng Feng will not easily disturb Ye Hong.

"Store manager, I found a company that provides help to the Nightmare Factory!"

Leng Feng at the end of the phone seemed a little excited.

The more he discovers the traces of the nightmare factory, the more he can help him find his wife's clues.

Ye Hong also asked Jiang Yuyun, but she did not know about Long Xiaoyun.

"What company?" Ye Hong asked subconsciously.

"God! Steel! Real! Karma!"

Leng Feng's word-for-word sound made Ye Hong instantly stand up from his chair.


"Manager, I found a secret warehouse in Tiangang Industry.

Here I found that Tiangang Industry will provide goods to a customer named [MY] regularly.

I didn't see what the specific cargo was, but it seemed to be related to the robot parts.

But after my investigation, I found that this customer named [MY] is the Nightmare Factory! "

After listening to Leng Feng's words, Ye Hong's eyes flickered.

If there is no deviation in Leng Feng's information, then the robot parts provided by Tiangang Industry to the Nightmare Factory should be used by the machine reformer alpha or beta!

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