Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1159: Stress psychological intervention

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Qin Hao didn't seem to notice Brother Li's anomaly, but was still in a daze.

He also tasted the good wine delivered by Brother Li. He took a sip and stopped moving.

Ye Hong sighed in silence and decided to implement Plan C.


A fishing ground under the name of Neptune Huang Ze in the southern suburb of Egret City.

"Brother Ye, I have prepared the boat and the tools for you. Just say something to me, brother."

At the port, Huang Zehao laughed loudly at Yehong Road.

After that, he glanced at Qin Hao silently beside Ye Hong.

"Thank you Brother Huang."

Ye Hong thanked sincerely.

As always, Huang Ze is so dedicated to Ye Hong's every request.

After all, Ye Hong cured his stubborn illness at the beginning, and for Huang Ze, this kind of affection is still in his life.

Ye Hong's idea was to take Qin Hao to go fishing.

The method he is trying now has a professional expression in psychology called [Stressful Psychological Intervention Method].

That is to find the key that opened Qin Hao's heart lock through actions.

Previous target shooting and drinking were just some means of behavioral intervention.

And fishing is one of them.

With Huang Ze's generous help, an original small fishing boat was drawn out of the harbour.

Seeing the fishing boat leaving the port, Qin Hao's godless eyes suddenly blinked and his mouth unconsciously murmured: "Ship..."

Ye Hong was overjoyed in his heart, and he seemed to have a drama!

The boatman jumped from the fishing boat and came to Huang Ze, said: "Mr. Huang, I got the boat you want. Would you like me to help?"

Huang Ze turned to look at Ye Hong.

"Don't bother, I will row."

Somehow, Ye Hong suddenly took a deep look at the boatman, and then replied confidently.

"In this case, Huang Mou wishes the two of you a smooth trip to the sea!"

In the presence of Huang Ze, Ye Hong and Qin Hao boarded the ship.

That being said, Ye Hong is still the first time to row a boat, and this is a very small wooden fishing boat.

But it is the more primitive things that have a greater sense of manipulation.

This is why mechanical keyboards and manual gear cars are so popular.

But when Ye Hong was ready to use it for his current study and used the boating ability he had just copied from the boatman, he saw that Qin Hao took the rowing rod himself.

With a wave of shaking, the small fishing boat wandered away from the coast. In the sight of Huang Ze and others, he went deep into the fishing ground in the sea, and soon disappeared into the sight of everyone.

But no one noticed that black shadows quietly left from under the sea surface of the port, chasing behind the small fishing boat.


On the fishing boat, Qin Hao rowed the boat on the side, and his complexion began to change.

"There is a famous lake in Kyoto called [Jianxin Lake]..."

Qin Hao slowly said.

This moved Ye Hong for a while, but this is the longest sentence Qin Hao said today!

It seems that Qin Hao's occlusion psychology is slowly opening.

"In Jianxin Lake, there are many couples rowing together.

It is rumored that as long as you row a boat on Jianxin Lake together, the couple will be in touch with each other, and love is stronger than Jin..."

Speaking of which, Qin Hao's expression began to drop, and a painful expression appeared in his eyes.

A move in Ye Hong's heart made it impossible for Qin Hao to become what he is now because of emotional problems?

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