Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1165: Don't see dusk and night!

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The turbulent sea water turned into a gentle pet at the foot of Yehong, gently supporting his body on the sea level.

This scene, like a fairy, shook the audience!

Qin Hao on the fishing boat looked at this scene in amazement, rubbing several eyes fiercely, and his face was incredible.

The young woman in a black dress fell into a trance.

Ye Hong glanced at the young woman on the submarine, returned on foot, and leapt into the small fishing boat.

Picking up the oars next to the fishing boat, he had to take Qin Hao out of here.

In Ye Hong's view, the other side had no ability to fight against him, and I wouldn't ask for fun again.

However, he ignored the determination of the young woman in black dress.

Seeing Ye Hong and Qin Hao leaving, the young woman in a black skirt gritted her teeth and waved her hand behind her.

In the cabins of the submarine, people in black suddenly plundered.

The densely dressed men in black jumped into the sea under the orders of the young women in black skirts, striking towards the small fishing boat!

"No tears in the coffin, no dusk and no night!"

Looking at the dense enemy, the indifference in Ye Hong's eyes gradually turned into murderous intention.

"Ding! Trigger the effect of guru-level swimming ability [guru's field]!"

It has the same effect as the rest of the master-level abilities. The current range of this field is about 100 meters.

I saw that within a hundred meters, those in black who were preparing to approach the fishing boat suddenly stiffened.

In the dark, they felt a huge water pressure coming from under their feet!

The Canglang Xuanwu tactic in the body is like being sealed, and it can't borrow the slightest power of water.


"Boom! Boom--"

The sound of falling water rang one after another, and the group of people in black fell uncontrollably under the sea.

When they floated up from the bottom of the sea again, it seemed to become a dry duck, and it kept flapping and screaming.

Like **** on earth.

This is the great swimming ability of the master class.

Within a hundred meters, Ye Hong is the master of water control!

The young woman in the black dress looked at her men almost completely disappeared in an instant, her face turned pale and white, very ugly.

"Grasp it."

Ye Hong looked coldly at the young woman on the opposite side, shouted at the petrified Qin Hao beside him, and then carried his collar and left the fishing boat.

With the help of the master-level swimming ability, Ye Hong quickly took Qin Hao on the waves, directly over a man in black who was still fluttering, and jumped onto the submarine.

It happened to land in front of the young woman in black dress.

"This lady of the Nangong family, we can be regarded as meeting."

Ye Hong looked at the young woman in a black dress and gritted her teeth.

He had planned to take Qin Hao away, but the young woman in a black dress actually hit the south wall like he did not want to look back.

This perseverance made Ye Hong feel itchy.

So he took Qin Hao to this woman and planned to settle accounts with her!

Facing the angry face of Ye Hong, the young woman in a black dress turned away from him.

A pair of eyes like water, but somehow, with strong resentment, concentrated tightly on Qin Hao beside Ye Hong.

Ye Hong froze for a moment, and keenly found that the woman's eyes were a bit off.

This grieving look is like... it's like...

Ye Hong's mouth twitched and turned to look at Qin Hao aside.

As expected, Qin Hao looked at the young woman in black dress with a complex face.

The two were speechless, but a strange atmosphere appeared between them.

In Yehong's heart, 10,000 alpaca ran past!

There is a very simple relationship between these two people!

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