Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1178: He is almost done!

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Ye Hongshi was too lazy to take advantage of Wang Zhao, and closed his eyes silently leaning on the tree trunk.

Wang Zhao was uneasy and looked away from time to time.


To the west of Zhicai Middle School, there is a large pergola.

The pergola was built by Zhicai Middle School to provide candidates with a place to cool off.

A variety of small snacks and water are also provided in the pergola for free for candidates.

No.1 Middle School, No.2 Middle School... including Feng Lubai of Zhicai Middle School and other principals of large schools, then they gathered under the pergola, smiling and discussing this year's college entrance examination.

"Which school do we have a higher rate of upgrading this year?"

An elegant old man proposed to the principals present.

This person is Yue Kang, the principal of No. 1 Middle School.

"Why dare you compare with No. 1 Middle School? Who doesn't know that it has trained a large number of talents for our country every year. It is the best middle school in our county, and there is no one!"

A middle-aged woman with a gold necklace showed a flattering smile at Yue Kang.

"Eh! Principal Qiu is humble!"

Yue Kang laughed and scolded, but everyone could feel his use.

The middle-aged woman named Qiu Lizhen is the current principal of the Second Middle School.

Everyone at the scene was almost disgusted by the two's gestures.

Who doesn’t know that you are in the top two in the county and dominate the top two junior high school in terms of rate of advancement?

But on the bright side, these principals still have to echo with a smile, for fear of causing the two to be unhappy.

At this time Qiu Lizhen glanced at Feng Lubai and suddenly said: "But... this year we have a dark horse here.

You said that if the principal Feng took the Zhicai Middle School, it would be more interesting than our old school, right? "

Suddenly fell into a strange quiet.

Many principals have unpleasant faces.

Obviously, Zhicai has been showing off the limelight recently, and he has divided the cake in everyone's pocket.

Therefore, although the principals did not say anything on the surface, there must be some rhetoric in their hearts.

Hearing Qiu Lizhen's words hidden in her smile, Feng Lubai suddenly scolded the poison woman in her heart!

This Qiu Lizhen made it clear that she was uniting the crowd to exclude talents.

Especially when Yue Kang also frowned slightly, Feng Lubai felt awkward.

He hurriedly smiled and said: "We Zhicai is just an ordinary private school, how dare you compare with you guys..."

Qiu Lizhen apparently wanted to say something, but saw a student in the uniform of the Second Middle School anxiously break into the pergola.

"Principal Qiu, please go and see Tian Rongyu, he's almost done!"

Hearing this student's words, Qiu Lizhen's face changed greatly.

"Quick, lead the way!"

She hurriedly followed the student out of the pergola, and the other principals looked at each other suspiciously and followed closely.

In particular, Feng Lubai felt nervous.

If something goes wrong in the examination room, he, the principal, is to blame!

If it is serious, not only will Zhicai's qualifications not easily obtained by the exam room be withdrawn, his principal may also be swept away!

Somewhere in the second high school, everyone saw the student named Tian Rongyu.

At this time, Tian Rongyu squatted on the ground, scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, and shouted frantically at the surroundings: "[Miao Long is beyond measure] What is the second sentence?!

Tell me quickly! Tell me quickly! "

Talking and crying, squatting on the ground and crying.

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