Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1199: Wonderful Lu Lu

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Seeing that the security guards were deterred by themselves, Ye Hong glanced coldly at Duan Muchi who was still screaming at the foot.

And with Ye Hong's cold eyes, Duanmu Chi suddenly had a primordial fear in his heart.

There seems to be a sense of death crisis that life is about to leave!

The thick desire to survive scared Duanmu Chi immediately shut his mouth.

"No more harassment of this girl in the future, did you hear that?"

Hearing the words above his head, Duanmu Chi didn't dare to raise it, and the chick nodded like a peck of rice.

"get out."

Ye Hong flicked his hand in disgust, and flicked Duanmuchi several meters.

Although Duan Muchi had a swollen nose and a swollen face, she didn't dare to shout. She immediately got up from the ground and left the community in a grief.

The two security guards looked at each other, but they faced Ye Hong, who was so fierce that the Duanmu family didn't even take it seriously, but they dared not say anything.

When there were only three Yehong left at the door, Yehong glanced at Lu Dan'er with a lingering fear, frowned at Qin Hongshuang and asked, "She is your [friend]?"

Qin Hongshuang heard the blame in Yehong's words and suddenly threw out her tongue and said: "Sister Dan'er has been on the plane all the year round and has no friends.

She was entangled with that guy and she could only ask me for help the first time. "

"I'm so sorry, I got involved in my personal affairs..."

Lu Dan'er apologized.

However, Ye Hong was suspicious and said to the landing Daner: "Your home is in this community?

Why not ask your family for help instead of Hongshuang? "

Qin Hongshuang was stunned for a while, also looking at the landing Daner, waiting for an explanation.

"Alas." Lu Daner sighed in amazement: "This is a long story.

Duan Muchi met me when he was flying, and began to pester me...

As for why not ask my family for help, because..."

Lu Dan'er gritted his teeth, a sorrow in his eyes.

At this moment, a dark-skinned middle-aged man suddenly rushed out of the gate of the community.

He was dressed in grey and white tooling, and the cocoons on his hands were extremely eye-catching.

I saw this middle-aged man striding towards Yehong with striding meteors, while staring at the bell-like eyes, scolding and cursing: "Dan'er, how are you being drove away from Master Duanmu again?!"

Seeing the man, Lu Dan'er looked down for a while, and said to Ye Hong and Qin Hongshuang: "This is my father. Now you know why I didn't ask my family for help?"

Her eyes were full of sorrow, and she laughed at herself: "It would be nice to have such a father and not tie my five-flowered flowers to Duan Muchi. How could it help me?"

Ye Hong and Qin Hongshuang both nodded clearly.

Lu Dan's father also rushed to Lu Dan'er in front of him and said, "I really don't understand. Young Master Duanmu is young and rich, and has a strong background. Which point is not good enough for you?"

Do you know, I told the workers in the factory that Master Duanmu was chasing my daughter, how envious they were!

Why do you refuse people thousands of miles again and again? "

Lu Dan'er looked up and glared at his father with tears in his eyes: "Dad! If you really want to make your daughter happy, don't force me to associate with this scum!

Haven't you heard the rumors of the Duanmu family? "

"What rumors, it was all made up by a bunch of guys doing nothing!

Anyway, I put my words here today, either choose Master Duanmu, or don't enter this house! "

Lu Dan's father seemed determined to finalize the matter, his face stinking.

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