Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1303: Only one way

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The crowd who first saw this miraculous scene couldn't help but exclaim.

But after all, these people have been with Yehong for a long time, and their knowledge far exceeds the average person.

Therefore, after the initial shock, the people have gradually calmed down and watched nervously the changes in Huangfu's smile.

The only exception is.

Lu Dan'er looked at this scene silly, and he had completely lost his ability to think.

She always felt that after knowing Yehong, the world around her suddenly changed wonderfully.

What she had never seen and heard before... Scenes appeared one after another.

She thought that her ability to accept has been extremely powerful, but when Huangfu, who was covered in fire, appeared, she was inevitably shocked to stare at Venus.

She looked at the indifferent people, and she couldn't help smoking.

At this moment, Lu Daner suddenly found a major gap between himself and this group of people, just like the people of the two worlds.

She had never asked Ye Hong's origins before, but at this moment she was eager to know one thing.

"What's this group of guys...?"

Ye Hong didn't know Lu Dan's confusion, but only stared at Huangfu with a blink of an eye.

At this moment, the flame on Huangfu's smile suddenly receded like a tide.

The sound of the heartbeat also fainted in an instant.

Ye Hong was shocked and squatted down to check the situation.

The pulse was still weak, and there was no sign of Nirvana rebirth.

Ye Hong was immediately puzzled. What went wrong?

"She was too hurt."

Suddenly Qingmei's voice came from the side.

"This little girl is from the Huangfu family in Kyoto?"

Qingmei didn't hope to get a response, and continued to sigh: "Although she practiced the nine-turn Suzaku Nirvana, the residual energy in her atrium is too weak.

Too weak to support the operation of Nirvana of Nine Turns. "

Knowing the reason for the failure, Ye Hong gritted his teeth and asked, "Dao Chang, what's the solution?"

Qingmei really shook his head and said with regret: "Unfortunately, there is only one way to save this situation.

And that method is too far away from us..."

Ye Hong was so anxious and almost crazy that she was anxious: "What the **** is that, please tell me!"

Qingmei was sighed again: "That method is the legendary "Ancient Therapy".

Only by using that kind of magical ancient medical technique to gather the residual gas free in this little girl's body and supply it to the heart, it is possible to activate the nine-turn Suzaku Nirvana recipe.

It is a pity that according to the poor Dao, the only inheritor who has mastered this ancient medical technique in the world is the Jiang family in the egret city, thousands of miles away..."

Before the words fell, Qingmei real-life saw Ye Hong showing ecstasy.

This sudden joy scared Qingmei who choked on his words, and could not help whispering in his heart: This kid would not have been too stimulated and broke his brain?

Ye Hong resisted the impulse to step forward and hug Qingmei, and put his hand excitedly on Huangfu's abdomen.

"Ding! Trigger Mastery Medicine..."

Ye Hong's breath, suddenly followed Huangfu's abdomen into her body.

And his task is to use ancient gas therapy, let his breath collect the residual qi in Huangfu's meridians, and guide them into the heart of Huangfu's smile!

Looking at this scene, the startled Qingmei almost pulled his beard off.

After shaking his head again and again, he couldn't help whispering: "Even the ancient gas therapy can be done, the secret of this kid is far more than the poor way to think."

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