Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1401: Lesions

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A call from Cai Jiannan seemed to change Sima Zhengming's thinking.

He didn't stop Sima Lu from going down the mountain, but only severely warned Sima Chongting that he must take care of her.

The next day, the two dragged the suitcase happily and followed behind Yehong.

When the three left, almost all the disciples of Bagua Gate came to see them off, except those who could not get away.

They lined up the team and performed a salute to the three of them, all in unison: "All the way down."

Everyone looked at Yehong with admiration and gratitude.

Although Sima Zhengming didn't say anything, after Sima An was imprisoned, Ye Hong had become a well-deserved brother in the hearts of all disciples of Baguamen.

This identity has nothing to do with age, only strength.

The force, strategy, and courage demonstrated by Ye Hong... will make this group of Baguamen disciples remember for life.

The neat movement spread from the far away, and the people praying and blessing in the palace of the old gentleman under the mountain were confused.

The three of Yehong returned with a gift and turned down the mountain.

In front of the triple gate, Sima Zhengming silently looked at the three little black spots on the mountainside and sighed angrily.

"The blue eyebrows are all out of the mountain. Why should I follow the rules set by the guy in Kyoto?"

"Moreover, some mice have lived long enough..."

Sima Zhengming looked east, and his eyes flashed thickly.


The journey back to Egret City was smooth and unobstructed.

Ye Hong found that Fifth Qinglan was farther and farther away from himself.

It seems that after having suffered this blow, she has dared not act rashly.

But the fifth Qinglan did not come to Yehong, but Yehong would not let her go!

Before waiting to return to Egret City, Yehong let the few people in the Yefeng Squad who were the best at tracking skills catch up with the fifth Qinglan.

His order to those people was that no matter the fifth Qinglan to the end of the world, she had to keep an eye on her every move and report to Yehong at any time.

After people sent Sima Chongting and Sima Lu back to Cai's home in Anming County, Ye Hong was again involved in the life of Bailu City.

He wanted to take a few days off, and sort out the harvest of Xijiang and his party by the way.

But an emergency call made Ye Hong's look change.

"Ahong, my mother...she..."

Qin Hongshuang's phone.

Ye Hong rarely heard the anxious tone of Qin Hongshuang, and immediately understood that Ning Fengyan's condition must have changed.

He comforted Qin Hongshuang on the phone and drove to the 185 Hospital without stop.

Since taking Ning Fengyan to Bailu City, Ye Hong first placed her in the ward of the 185 Hospital for observation.

During this period, Qin Hongshuangyi took care of her without stripping.

Ye Hong wanted to wait for treatment when he was fully sure, but now it seems that he can't wait!


In the ward, Qin Hongshuang looked anxiously at Yehong with an expression of anxiety.

She wanted to ask her mother's condition, but she was afraid to interfere with Ye Hong's diagnosis.

At this time, Ye Hong frowned at Ning Fengyan's eyes.

I saw the eyes of the pair of unfocused eyes, constantly pus out.

The pus is black and has a foul smell.

And Ning Fengyan's expression was also bloodless, a moment of distortion, and seemed to endure great pain.

Ye Hong frowned deeply and said to Qin Hongshuang: "Go out first, I will immediately perform surgery on my aunt!"

"Okay, okay..."

Qin Hongshuang's lips were trembling, and he walked out of the ward in despair.

When she came to the door, the strong woman finally couldn't help crying, and begged Yehong: "Ahong, please be sure to save my mother!"

Ye Hong nodded firmly to her.

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