Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1414: why you

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Last June, Huaqing University held a grand graduation ceremony.

Countless outsiders came to observe the ceremony.

Among them, there are many important departments, business giants, research institutions, etc., and various representatives came to find talents.

And the most favored by everyone is, of course, the arrogant sons and arrogant daughters.

Murong listening to dreams is one of them.

Murong listens to dreams and is rumored to come from the Murong family, one of the top ten ancient ethnic groups in Kyoto.

Although the Murong family has long since withdrawn from the ranks of the ancient people, they quickly established a foothold in the business community of Kyoto with good background.

Murong, who has a good family background, listens to dreams, and at the same time is the president of the college student union. Coupled with that beautiful face, she has already been regarded as one of the school flowers by countless Huaqing students.

Many top units found Murong listening to dreams at the graduation ceremony and threw olive branches at her.

But Murong did not agree to listen to dreams.

After graduating, Huaqing graduates took to work, but Murong's dreams seemed to evaporate and become silent.

Gradually, everyone seems to have forgotten the name that once sensationed the entire Huaqing Academy.

But Zhao Quan, as the director of the admissions office, how could he not know the name?

When the photos in the memory overlap with the Murong listening dream in front of him, Zhao Quan couldn't help feeling dizzy.

"You...you just said, what are you doing now?"

In order to confirm that he heard correctly, Zhao Quan asked again in amazement.

"She said she was Ye Hong's assistant and secretary."

Beside, Wu Yan of Kyoto University reminded me kindly.

Zhao Quan took a sip of water and stared blankly at the closed office door: "Then, that night, promote him..."

"Ah, I think we all look down on this Ye Hong classmate."

Wu Yan sighed silently, and then looked at the gate with complicated eyes.

How can a arrogant woman like Murong Tingmeng willingly serve as assistant and secretary, how could it be a simple high school student?

The full score of the college entrance examination is indeed a halo of Ye Hong.

But it is only one of the auras.

At this moment, Zhao Quan and Wu Yan already understood that the man behind the door was full of mysterious auras that he could not imagine.

Such a person can make decisions that others cannot interfere with.

Through this gate, they seemed to feel a pair of cold and deep eyes watching them silently.

The two shuddered, and their faces unnaturally said goodbye to Murong.

Looking at the backs of the two people running away from the desert, Liu Yuanyin seemed to be dreaming.

The directors of the admissions offices of the two top universities have just left?

"Student Liu, let me go in."

Murong smiled and smiled at Liu Yuanyin, and led the way.

"Ah... alright!"

Liu Yuanyin quickly sorted out her clothes and followed Murong Tingmeng.

With an envious look, she secretly aimed at Murong listening to dreams.

Whether Murong listens to dreams in terms of education, appearance, figure, temperament, etc., Liu Yuyin feels ashamed.

She couldn't imagine how good that man named Ye Hong should be, so that she could serve these perfect women willingly.

The closer to the door of the office, Liu Yuanyin's heart grew nervous.

"Please come in."

Murong listened to the dream and opened the door, making a please gesture to Liu Yuanyin.

Liu Yuanyin nodded, swallowed hard, drowned his nervousness, and slowly stepped into the gate.

"Don't bother, I'm Liu Yuanyin, an intern at Jiangda Admissions Office..."

Liu Xie Yin raised her head in anxiety, and when she saw the figure behind the table, she could not help making a screaming earth-shattering!

"why you?!!!"

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