Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1416: A thought

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"I have already filled in the application form, when will the offer letter be sent?"

Ye Hong stared at the embarrassed Liu Yuanyin and continued to bury his head on the table writing something.

From the moment he returned to the office, he was absorbed in this piece of paper.

Only then did he worry that Liu Yuanyin would damage the paper.

Ye Hong's voice is light and breezy, and it seems to have won.

But he does have this capital to say this.

After the average person fills in the application, they will inevitably worry about whether they will be accepted.

But is it necessary for Ye Hong, who has a perfect score for the college entrance examination, to worry about this?

Hearing Ye Hong's words, Liu Yuanyin was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes burst into ecstasy.

"He really chose Jiangda!"

After Liu Yanyin sorted out his expressions and eased his extremely excited emotions, this was what Yehong said: "Usually, after admission, the school will send an admission notice by express.

But in your capacity, it is estimated that the school will arrange for the person to deliver the notice to you. "

Yehong nodded, saying he knew.

"Then, I'll retire first?"

Liu Yuanyin did not expect that things would go so smoothly.

Even she didn't do anything, but instead had a big misunderstanding with Yehong, and Yehong chose Jiangda.

It can be said that even if Liu Yuanyin did not come, it would not affect Ye Hong's choice.

"It's just that after going back to the admissions office, I can add some credit to myself...hehehe..."

Liu Yuanyin thought happily in his heart, but saw Ye Hong waved impatiently.

"Just wait for someone else!"

Liu Yuanyin thought sullenly, pouting, and was going to leave.

Just before leaving, she couldn't help but ask curiously: "Student Ye Hong, can you tell me more, what major did you report?"

"Archaeology." Ye Hong didn't look up.

"Oh, it's archaeology." Liu Yuanyin nodded subconsciously, and then Xing's eyes opened wide, exclaiming: "Examination, archaeology?!"

Ye Hong brushed his pen and raised his head in doubt: "Is there any problem?"

"No, no problem!" Liu Yuanyin looked stiff, and said with a smile, "Then I won't disturb you, let's see you at school!"

Having said that, he left the office quickly.

In the hallway outside the door, Liu Weiyin looked back at the office door strangely and muttered: "Does he really know that archaeology is called Jiangda [the most wasteful major]?"

While shaking his head, he murmured: "Perhaps genius ideas are always different..."

Although Liu Yuanyin's voice is small, how can she hide the night?

Ye Hong shook his head with a smile as he listened to the spitting sounds.

The reason why he chose Jiang Da is not because Jiang Da has anything special, it is purely for the thought of a child.

When I was young, my family was poor.

At the time of Yehong's naughty moment, An Xiaoying always grabbed his ear and said, "If you don't study hard, how can you get into Jiangda in the future? How can you become a rich man?"

The word Jiang Da has been lingering in Ye Hong's ears for more than ten years.

Ye Hong is no longer worried about money now, but he was admitted to Jiangda University, but he became another thought.

Whether it is to simply experience college life or to satisfy the wishes of the second elder, Ye Hong will choose Jiangda.

As for the reason for choosing an archaeology major, it is even simpler.

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