Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1419: Virtual ancient medical experiment machine

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Jiang Yu gasped up the prescription in his hand and proudly said: "The turtle is opposite, the girl's prescription is ready, hurry and test the match!"


Guan Cangzhu was born with a disease, so he could only hump on his back, so he hated others to call him a turtle since childhood.

Now I heard Jiang Yu shouting these two words in front of so many people, so I almost overturned the turtle shell.

"Humph! The faster you talk, the worse you lose later!"

Guan Cangzhu glared coldly at Jiang Yu and pointed to another doctor behind him: "Go, and this elder lady is better than the one who opened the prescription!"

A middle-aged doctor with a goatee walked out of the crowd confidently and calmly.

"No big or small!" Jiang Guchan glared at Jiang Yu, but in fact he was communicating with Jiang Yu with his eyes.

Jiang Yu smiled slightly and secretly made an OK gesture towards Jiang Guchan.

Jiang Guchan closed his eyes again, but seemed relieved slightly.

It turned out that the moment when Jiang Zheng lost, Jiang Guchan saw that the other party was prepared.

For the sake of insurance, in this second meeting, Jiang Guchan motioned to Jiang Yu to ask Ye Hong for help remotely.

Now it seems that he got the prescription prescribed by Ye Hong.

Thinking of Ye Hong's strength, Jiang Guchan's uneasy heart finally let go of a lot.

In the middle of the venue, Jiang Yu and the middle-aged physician are already in place.

In front of them is a square machine that is a bit like a computer case.

There is a huge display above the machine, and under the display is a scanning device that emits red light.

This machine is called [Virtual Ancient Medical Experiment Machine].

With the development of science and technology, the experimental research methods of ancient medicine are also advancing with the times.

In recent years, someone has invented a machine called [Virtual Ancient Medical Experiment Machine].

This machine can automatically generate various cases immediately.

The ancient doctors can scan the prescription into the machine according to the case.

The computer core of the machine will combine big data technology to match the feasibility of the prescription.

The higher the degree of matching, the higher the feasibility of the prescription.

Gradually, this machine was transformed into a tool for medical study.

The two or more parties of the discussion will scan the prescription into the machine and decide the victory or defeat according to the matching degree.

Fang Cai in Jiang Zheng and Chu Xiaojie's duel, Jiang Zheng's prescription match degree is 89%, and Chu Xiaojie's 90%, so he lost.

Now what Jiang Yu and the middle-aged physician have to do is to put their prescriptions into the machine to scan, so as to decide the outcome of the second game.

"Please put a prescription in the scanning device."

An electronic sound without emotion was heard from the machine.

Jiang Yu looked at the prescription in his hand nervously.

"I'll come first."

When the middle-aged doctor saw Jiang Yu standing still, he couldn't help but show his disdain and put his prescription into the scanning device.

As the red light scanned from the prescription, all the sights on the scene could not help staring closely at the display.

"After scanning, the prescription is 99% matched!"

When this line of text appeared on the display, the ancient doctors at the base took a breath of gas and showed their despair.

99% match!

Such a high degree of matching can only achieve this terrible value if the case studies are extremely thorough and there are almost no errors or omissions.

As soon as this number comes out, you can basically declare victory.

In contrast, the ancient physicians of the Dongting Provincial Association are all happy.

Guan Cangzhu slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, secretly secretly happy.

The cases generated by the experimental machine this time, coincidentally, just corresponded to the ancient doctor's usual research.

So this is simply a sub-question.

"In this round, we won."

Guan Cangzhu's mouth opened wider and wider, obviously he could not hide the joy in his heart.

But Jiang Yu took a deep breath and slowly put the prescription written by Ye Hong into the scanning device.

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