Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1427: White butterfly in the cocoon, once transformed

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In Chu Jiaotong's eyes, a vast starry sky appeared.

In the stars, there are countless medicinal herbs that she has never seen.

In the center of the starry sky, a heavenly figure stands proudly.

He is Ye Hong!

Chu Jiaotong's eyes were shocked, and when he looked at the prescription at hand again, his vision widened a lot because of the change in knowledge.

In an instant, she discovered that there were several problems with the prescription.

She thought for a moment, crossed out some of the medicines originally written, and replaced them with medicines that she thought were safer.


Guan Cangzhu put down his pen and habitually blew the ink on the prescription.

He took the medicine in his hand to the experimental machine, looked at the closed medicine room of the door, and said with a sneer: "Is it possible to [instruct] to come out in three days and three nights?"

The ancient doctors in Dongting cooperated with a mocking laugh.

Only Chu Xiaojie's face was cloudy and his eyes were burning with envy.

"Three days and three nights? Vice President Guan can't help but think too much of himself."

A familiar voice came from the herbal medicine room.

With a squeak, Ye Hong and Chu Jiaotong slowly opened the door and walked out.

Everyone was surprised to find that Chu Jiaotong was not half nervous at the moment.

A confident and calm breath lingered around her body.

Is this still the same as Chu Jiaotong who has a red face in three steps and a bow in five steps?

In just five minutes, what exactly did Ye Hong do to her, would make her such an earth-shaking change?

Guan Cangzhu didn't have the mood to pay attention to these minor details, he patted the experimental machine impatiently: "Come over and scan the prescription, don't waste everyone's time."

Ye Hong patted Chu Jiaotong on the shoulder and said warmly, "Trust yourself."

Chu Jiaotong showed a firm expression on his small face, nodded vigorously, and took a decisive step to the experimental machine.

But before she had reached halfway, Guan Cangzhu smiled and put the prescription into the scanning device.

"After the scan, the current prescription matching degree: 91.27%."

Seeing this result, there was an uproar in the field.

Not because the matching is too low, but too high!

As one of the six incurable heart failure disorders, ordinary prescriptions are difficult to work.

According to the standard of the virtual experiment machine, if there are too expensive medicinal materials in the prescription, points will be deducted.

Therefore, the reasonable combination of prescriptions is actually very high.

According to previous records, the ancient doctors of Yan Guo had a matching degree of prescriptions on this medical record, which was more than 90% rare.

Now, everyone is fortunate enough to see more than 90% of the prescription.

For a moment, the expressions of the two sides changed dramatically.

The ancient doctors in Dongting are of course full of joy, while those on the Jiangnan side have concealed their faces, and they don’t seem to want to see the next scene.

In their minds, they dare not expect an elementary apprentice to write a prescription that exceeds the level of Guan Cangzhu within five minutes.

Even if her teacher is Na Lanxue, the teacher is Ye Hong.

"If I were you, I wouldn't come over."

Guan Cangzhu looked at Chu Jiaotong halfway up, his face full of contempt.

If it were replaced by Chu Jiaotong in the past, maybe it would really retreat.

But now she is no longer the original her!

The white butterfly in the cocoon is transformed!

I saw Chu Jiaotong strode, and went on without any hindrance.

"Humph! Dying and struggling." Guan Cangshu shook his head, his eyes too lazy to glance at Chu Jiaotong.

In this strange atmosphere, Chu Jiaotong slowly put the prescription into the scanning device.

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