Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1430: Shannu comes out of the mountain, there must be great difficulty

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Jiang Guchan was hesitant, but was interrupted by Ye Hong waving his hand: "Old Jiang, listen to me first."

"This kind of national exchange conference is very rare. For the sake of future development, Jiang Yu should open his eyes.

As for the security issues you are worried about, can't you trust my skill? "

Recalling Ye Hong's ghost-like strength, the stone in Jiang Guchan's heart gradually dropped.

"Okay...I will let her follow you once." He sighed silently and said to Jiang Yu with a fierce look: "When I went to Dongting, I had to listen to A Hong's words, so I shouldn't be stubborn!"

"Hee hee, the old man is the best!"

Jiang Yu smiled and hugged Jiang Guchan's arm, which caused him to cry and laugh.

"and also......"

Ye Hong caught the hope flashed in Chu Jiaotong's eyes and pointed at her: "Xiaotong will follow me too."

After leaving home for so long, do you want to go back and see? "

Being punctured by Ye Hong, Chu Jiaotong looked helpless.

But she did not tweak, but admitted generously: "I really want them."

Of course there is no doubt about Jiang Guchan.

At first, Chu Jiaotong had already proved his strength, and secondly, there was no reason to prevent others from returning to their hometowns.

"Xiaotong, don't look after the herbal medicine room in the future, go to the laboratory to help."

Jiang Guchan's sudden words made Chu Jiaotong stunned.

Then the eyes burst into ecstasy and nodded excitedly: "Thank you, President!"

She had longed to be able to enter the laboratory and study the way of ancient medicine like other ancient doctors.

Now that dreams come true, Chu Jiaotong almost happily thought he was dreaming.

Her pair of bright eyes looked at Ye Hong straight, her eyes full of gratitude.

Because Chu Jiaotong knew that all this was given by Ye Hong.

In this way, the list of five people who went to the exchange meeting has set three positions.

There are still two seats waiting for Jiang Guchan's decision.

At this moment, the eyes of the ancient physicians around him became eager.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Ye Hong.

He only needs to stay for a week and go to the exchange meeting as a representative of Jiangnan Ancient Medicine Association.

Outside the Jiang Family Villa, all the people in Dongting Province looked ugly.

"Vice President Guan, what shall we do now?

This year, the president did not know what he was thinking, but the rewards were so rich.

If this was taken by outsiders, where would the ancient physicians of our Dongting Association face? "

An ancient doctor asked worriedly, and immediately caused resonance.

"Shut up!"

Guan Cangzhu roared and said: "When we arrived at our site, we were afraid that we would not be able to clean them up?"

He beckoned to Chu Xiaojie, who had lost his soul, and instructed, "Call back and let them transport [Slave] out of the mountain!"

Chu Xiaojie's face changed drastically, exclaiming: "Master, Shannu came out of the mountain, that would cause great disaster!"

"Lao Tzu let you hit you just hit it, Shao Te crap!"

Guan Cangzhu's face was distorted, and he said sharply: "This time, I must let the one named Ye Hong lose his reputation!"


In the evening, Liu Yuanyin hummed cheerfully and returned to the admissions office of Jiangda University.

The people in the office seemed to be burying their heads in work. When Liu Yuanyin came back, he just greeted him casually and continued to work with his head down again.

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