Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1440: Someone is looking for death

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"Be careful!"

At a critical moment, Ye Zhinu, who had been following Ye Zhinuo all the time, pushed Ye Zhinuo away.

The sharp glass could wipe the edge of Ye Zhinuo's hair, scaring Ye Zhinuo a cold sweat.

Zhu Zihao did not give up, but continued to wave the torn glass with red eyes.

The crowd reacted completely at this time, screaming, shoving and shoving.

The scene was chaotic.

But some people immediately wanted to hold Zhu Zihao.

But Zhu Zihao in his rage was waving his wine glass frantically.

The people around were suddenly scared to take a few steps back, fearing they would be scratched accidentally.

In this chaos, Ye Xi's figure is a stagger, and the crowd of chaos accidentally squeezed out of the railing!

The crowd only heard a scream, followed by a heavy drop of water.


Ye Zhinuo paled and looked down at the railing.

In the dark night, the sea was silent.

"Save someone, my aunt, she can't swim!"

As Ye Zhinuo shouted, the deck was even more chaotic.

On the side, Si Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhu Zihao's stunned moment, grabbing the cup in his hand.

Zhu Zihao, who had lost his "weapon", was suddenly thrown on the deck by angry people, and pressed.

Soon, the people on the boat picked up the night stream in the sea.

But at this time, the night stream was an unhealthy face, and the whole person was in a coma.

"Call an ambulance!"

Bai Ziyan came to the scene sometime.

She glanced at Zhu Zihao fiercely first, then shouted around.

"Call someone... yes, call someone!" Ye Zhinuo made a trembling call.


A coffee shop outside the security bureau in Yangji District.

Ye Hong and Song Qianqian, who have not met for a long time, sat on both sides of the table, silently looking at the material at hand.

Today, Song Qianqian has firmly seated the seat of the inspector general of Yangji District.

I heard that because of her innocent resume, coupled with her outstanding achievements, she is a popular candidate for the next General Director of Egret City.

In order to form an elite team of security personnel, Song Qianqian specifically begged Ye Hong to do something.

Her request was to cooperate with Yehong in the training of physical fitness for security personnel in the name of the Security Bureau of Yangji District.

In this cooperation, the Yangji District will send some security personnel to the Yeblan base for secret training, and the people of Yehong will teach them the skills of ancient martial arts.

And the security bureau will pay certain remuneration to Ye Hong here.

This kind of cooperation did no harm to Yehong, so he readily agreed to it.

So today Song Qianqin invited Ye Hong here to discuss specific cooperation details.

Ye Hongzheng looked at the text material in his hand, but the phone shook suddenly.

Ye Hong glanced at the number and hurriedly put down the materials at hand.

The phone was from Ye Zhinuo, and the girl would not come to him if she was not in a hurry.

Ye Hong suddenly had a bad hunch in his heart, frowning and answering the phone.

Without hearing a few words, Song Qianqian saw Ye Hong suddenly stood up.

"The matter of cooperation will be discussed later!"

There was a sensation of cold in Ye Honghong's eyes, striding out with meteors.

"What happened?"

Song Qianqin asked, but she had never seen such a terrifying look overnight.

"Someone is looking for death."

Ye Hongsen's cold tone came back from afar.

Song Qianqianxiu frowned slightly, after quickly buying the order, he chased in the direction of Yehong.

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