Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1448: Departure Dongting

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Since that day, I don't know if I should respond to Song Qianqian's words. Bai Ziyan sent various messages to Yehong in three days.

Although the title of each message is a cooperative tone of public affairs.

You can enter the content of the information a little bit, and the lines between the words are full of picks and teases.

Ye Hong was so troubled by harassment that she was shielded.


A week later, it was finally time to go to the ancient medical exchange conference.

In addition to the originally scheduled Ye Hong, Chu Jiaotong and Jiang Yu, the other two members of Jiang Guchan's group were a middle-aged man and a young man.

The middle-aged man's name is Yan Ruo and he wears glasses.

As a senior physician of the Association, he has participated in several ancient medical exchange associations.

Jiang Guchan must have worried that Ye Hong led the team to participate for the first time, and had little experience. He specially arranged an experienced old physician to guide him.

The young man is called Fang Yun, an ancient doctor who just joined last month.

He comes from the ancient medical family and has a strong ancient medical background.

Coupled with modesty and learning, it is a very good seedling.

Jiang Guchan intends to take this opportunity to let him and Ye Hong go to a long experience.

And Fang Yun not only despised Ye Hong, a vice president younger than himself, but also worshipped tightly.

Along the way, Ye Hong was constantly queried about the problem of ancient medicine.

Ye Hong is also very fond of such an aspiring ancient doctor, and he answers his questions tirelessly.

Therefore, the rest of the crowd can often see Fang Yun holding a notebook and listening carefully to Ye Hong's speech.

A group of people took a plane from Bailu City and landed in a city called Baoyang City in the west of Dongting Province just one morning.

Dongting Province is located in the northwestern part of Xijiang Province and the southwestern part of Wan'an Province that Yehong visited before.

Although the land area of ​​Dongting Province is not large, the province is covered with a lot of mountains and forests.

Since ancient times, among these dense forests, countless treasures have been bred.

And these natural materials are the most medicinal.

Ancient Dongting Province has been the ancient medical province of the Yan Kingdom since ancient times, and there have been many famous ancient doctors.

Even the headquarters of the National Association of Ancient Medicine today is located in Dongting Province.

The Dongting Provincial Ancient Medical Association is next to the headquarters, naturally with a sense of arrogance that underestimates other provincial associations.

The Ancient Medicine Exchange Contest is held once a year, and this year happens to be held by the Dongting Provincial Association.

Therefore, the Dongting Provincial Association simply borrowed the venue from the headquarters, because it looks more platooned.

So Yehong's final destination is the headquarters of the association-an ancient town located in the northwest of Baoyang City.

The ancient town is named [Xiannong Town].

It is rumored that the founder of ancient medicine, Xiannong, tasted thousands of herbs here to make herbs.

Since then, it has inherited ancient medical techniques.

Therefore, the ancient town of Xiannong was regarded as a holy place by ancient doctors. Every year, countless ancient doctors come to enjoy the scenery of the ancient town.

Fortunately, there are special vehicles arranged for the conference, responsible for picking up and attending the ancient physicians attending the conference.

It saves Yehong the tediousness of finding another car.

Sitting on the bus to the ancient town of Xiannong, Chu Jiaotong looked absent-minded.

Ye Hong suddenly remembered that he hadn't asked Chu Jiaotong's hometown where he was, so he couldn't help asking.

"My hometown is in a village west of Xiannong Town..."

Chu Jiaotong's eyes flashed complex emotions, looking out the window and whispering, "That's a strange village with the legend of [Slave]..."

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