Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1456: Snake rat nest

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Ye Hong looked at the painful A Si in front of his eyes and sneered: "This man stole my herb and just got away, I was caught."

Ye Hong's words made Fang Yun furious.

"Does this make sense, can't your master afford to lose?"

"Hurry back the herbs!"

Faced with accusations, A Si gritted his teeth and said: "I, I did not steal, you are framing me!

Help! "

Suddenly there was a commotion outside the crowd, and in a scream, a group of big men with long sticks squeezed in from the crowd.

This group of people is about ten people, and the long stick in their hands is one meter seven or eight feet.

Ye Hong's eyes were sharp, but he saw two small characters on the stick-[Dong Ting].

Yan Ruo's face was a little dignified and he said in Yehong's ear: "It is the [Dimensional Order Team] of the Dongting Ancient Medical Association, who is dedicated to maintaining the order of this conference.

We must not offend these people, otherwise their sticks are not long-eyed! "

"Give up, give up!"

The group of Weixu team members came to Yehong and asked the first unshaven big man coldly: "I am Zhang Yong, the captain of the Zhendong patrol team, let him go!"

Ye Hong frowned: "This man is a thief and can't let go."

"Isn't it a thief, let's interrogate ourselves, you first let go!

Without letting go, his hand is about to break! "

Zhang Yong said coldly, watching Xiang Yehong's hands flashed with fear.

He was the captain of the Weixu team for so many years, and it was the first time he saw someone as strong as Yehong.

Ye Hong slightly slowed down his hand, but still had no intention of letting go, but said lightly: "I won't let go until he doesn't say where the herb is falling."


Zhang Yong's face was sullen, staring straight at Ye Hong.

At this moment, a cry suddenly sounded in the crowd: "Asi!"

Guan Nanxing didn't know when he appeared in the crowd. He came to the crowd and worried about A Siyi: "A Si, I didn't let you come to the market to buy a medicinal material. Why didn't you come back for so long? "

A Sishou was also held tight by Ye Hong, his face twisted with pain, and he shivered: "Master, Master, this person suddenly started to work on me, and I have to say that I stole his herbs..."

Guan Nanxing seemed to have just seen Ye Hong's face and said angrily: "It turns out to be you!"

When he saw Zhang Yong's doubts on the side, he immediately anxiously explained: "This big brother, I have some personal grievances with this person. He must have taken the opportunity to retaliate my apprentice!

I know the character of A Si, I will never do anything to steal people's herbs.

This must be his eloquent words, his mouth spitting blood! "

Guan Nanxing said, while intentionally or unintentionally showing the purple rose on his chest in front of Zhang Yong.

When Zhang Yong saw the two silver five-pointed stars, his pupils could not help shrinking.

He nodded insignificantly to Guan Nanxing and beckoned to his men.

Ten members of the Uighur Order suddenly leaned up, and surrounded Ye Hong with faintness.

"This gentleman, if you don't let go, we will take coercive measures."

Zhang Yong coldly warned.

"Snake and rat nest, interesting."

Ye Hong sneered lightly and suddenly looked at A Si silently.

"Do you know when a man is guilty, his eyes will look unconsciously at the source that caused him to be guilty?"

Ye Hong's voice was bland, but it sounded like thunder bursts in A Si's ears.

He panicked, his eyes moved.

"Oh! You look there again, this is the fourth time you look there in five minutes."

Ye Hong's mouth was slightly hooked, and he extended his hand towards somewhere in the incredible eyes of A Si.

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