Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 1468: Hijack

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At this critical juncture, Xiao Rijing winked at Wan Xuan.

Wan Xuan realized that his right hand suddenly pulled a handful of powder from a certain bag and raised it towards the surroundings.

"Yuck, yeah, what the hell?"

"No! Why is my head so dizzy?"

"Boom, boom, boom—" The hunters who were contaminated with powder fell to the ground one by one.

Wan Xuan swept the group of people on the ground and clapped his hands in disdain: "Don't you know that this group of idiots is also a poisonous doctor?

After hitting my [sleeping powder], I guess I can sleep till dawn. "

"Hey, Sister Xuan, I really have you."

Guo Tang patted Wan Xuan on Wan Xuan, and then kicked at the sleeping scar leader, shouting, "Let you rob the young man!"

Ye Hong suddenly changed his face and shouted, "Don't go!"

But the reminder seemed to be late, and the leader of the scar in the coma suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed Guo Tang's feet.

Guo Tang was caught off guard and was dragged directly to the ground by the leader.

While he was still struggling, a dagger was placed between his necks, and there was a cold voice from the leader of the scars: "No more life."

Guo Tang was so frightened that he was motionless.

At the same time, the members of the hunting group who had been lying on the ground also jumped up, and Wan Xuan and Xiao Rijing, who had not yet figured out the situation, all used a dagger.

In a flash, all three of the four were held hostage.

The leader of the scar spit out the chewing gum in his mouth and twisted his neck, with a sneered expression: "I'll just play with you. Really thought we were hit by your broken sleeping powder?"

Dare to enter this Qingwu Mountain, really when we have no preparation? "

The members of the hunting group all burst into laughter.

The three people who were held by their daggers were all pale and desperate.

"Okay, it's your turn."

The Scar Scarf patted the dust on the palm of his hand and pointed at Ye Hongxie with a dagger and smiled: "

Boy, do you know why I didn’t catch you alone?

Because you guys are a fat sheep at first sight.

Listen well, if you don’t want to see your companion being cut open by our aorta, hurry to hand over your bank card and honestly report the password! "

While talking, he threatened Guo Tang with a dagger and patted Guo Tang's neck, and immediately scared Guo Tang's face without blood.

To the disappointment of the hunting group, Ye Hong's face was calm.

He silently looked at the group of people in front of him, and there was a hint of joking in the corner of his mouth.

The Scar Chief always felt that Ye Hong's eyes were looking at a group of idiots.

Yehong did not speak, but slowly folded a three-finger thick branch from the tree next to it.

He flicked the branches a few times, and suddenly stretched out the branches towards the opposite group.

It's like a lone swordsman silently challenging a group of people.

The hunters were stunned for a while, then burst into laughter while covering their stomachs.

"You guys, don't you want to fight us?"

"Hey, hello, even if you want to fight, can't you take something serious, what the **** are the branches?"

"Hahahaha, boy, do you want to borrow a dagger?"

In a mockery, the scar leader shook his head and said, "It turns out to be a fool."

With a big wave of his hand: "Go and catch this fool, let's ask for money for another person."

There were two members of the hunting corps, and they immediately approached Haohong with a laugh.

In order to show the contempt in their hearts, they did not even pull out the capital, and swept away toward Yehong.

There was a gust of wind in the forest.

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